Question: Which one among the following would expand the most on being heated?
1. Air
2. Water
3. Alcohol
4. Glass
Answer: 1
Question: If a ship moves from freshwater into seawater, it will
1. rise a little higher
2. sink completely
3. sink a little bit
4. remain unaffected
Answer: 1
Question: Mr.X was advised by an architect to make outer walls of his house with hollow bricks. The correct reason is that such walls
1. help keeping inside cooler in summer and warmer in winter
2. make the building stronger
3. prevent seepage of moisture from outside
4. protect the building from lightning
Answer: 1
Question: Water is a good coolant and is used to cool the engines of cars, buses, trucks, etc. It is because water has a
1. high specific heat
2. low surface tension
3. high boiling point
4. low expansivity
Answer: 1
Question: Half portion of a rectangular piece of ice is wrapped with a whit piece of cloth while the other half with a black one. In this context, which one among the following statements is correct?
1. Ice melts more easily under black wrap
2. Ice melts more easily under white wrap
3. No ice melts at all under the black wrap
4. No ice melts at all under white wrap
Answer: 1
Question: Sacrificial anode protects iron of ships, underground pipelines etc., from rusting, a process known as cathodic protection. Which one of the following metals cannot be used as a sacrificial anode?
1. Tin
2. Zinc
3. Magnesium
4. Aluminium
Answer: 1
Question: Which one of the following types of waves are used in a night vision apparatus?
1. Infra-red waves
2. Radio waves
3. Microwaves
4. None of these
Answer: 1
Question: A piece of metal plate with a circular hole is heated. If the metal plate expands on heating, the diameter of the hole will –
1. Decrease
2. Increase or decrease depending on the diameter of the hole
3. Increase or decrease depending upon the material of the plate
4. Increase
Answer: 4
Question: A student by chance mixed acetone with alcohol. This mixture of acetone and alcohol can be separated by:
1. fractional distillation
2. filtration
3. separating funnel
4. fractional crystallisation
Answer: 1
Question: Iron nails are dipped into blue copper sulphate solution. After some time iron nails are:
1. dissolved and blue colour is discharged
2. not dissolved but blue colour is discharged
3. dissolved but blue colour is not discharged
4. not dissolved and blue colour is not discharged~
Answer: 2

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