Question: Two resistance of 3Ω and 6Ω respectively are connected to a battery of 18V in series. The current passing through the circuit is
1. 2A
2. 3A
3. 6A
4. 9A
Answer: 1
Question: When the length of a pendulum in a clock is increased, then
1. The period increases and the clock loses time
2. The period increases and the clock gains time
3. The period decreases and the clock gains time
4. The period remains constant and the clock maintains correct time.
Answer: 1
Question: Solder is an alloy of
1. Brass and Copper
2. Aluminum and Brass
3. Aluminum and Zinc
4. Tin and Lead
Answer: 4
Question: 60° is equal to
1. Π/3 radians
2. 2Π/3 radians
3. 3/Π radians
4. 3Π/2 radians
Answer: 1
Question: The velocity ratio of a screw jack is
1. 2πl/p
2. 2πp/l
3. 2πpl
4. 2π/pl
Answer: 1
Question: One complete set of positive and negative values of an alternating quantity is known as a
1. Phase
2. Time Period
3. Frequency
4. Cycle
Answer: 4
Question: Which of the following is an example of class – I Lever?
1. Pliers
2. Nut Cracker
3. Tongs
4. All of the Above
Answer: 1
Question: The special filters used to reduce pollutants from the exhaust of a car are called
1. Water Jacket
2. Exhaust Manifold
3. Baffle plate
4. Catalytic Converter
Answer: 4
Question: If two electrically charged bodies are connected by a wire, then the electric current will not flow if
1. Both have the same capacity
2. Both have the same temperature
3. Both have the same potential
4. None of these
Answer: 3
Question: The colour of light which travels through glass with the minimum speed is
1. Red
2. Yellow
3. Green
4. Violet
Answer: 2
Question: The device used for converting A. C. from higher voltage to lower voltage or vice versa is called
1. Transmitter
2. Commutator
3. Transformer
4. Generator
Answer: 3
Question: If the linear momentum of a particle is doubled, then its kinetic energy will be
1. Doubled
2. Quadrupled
3. Halved
4. None of these
Answer: 2
Question: Watt-hour is the unit of
1. Energy
2. Power
3. Potential
4. Current
Answer: 1
Question: Which device mixes air and petrol (gas) for the internal combination engine?
1. Carburetor
2. Choke
3. Crankshaft
4. Cylinder
Answer: 4

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