Question: Pulley in a belt drive acts as –
1. Cylindrical pair
2. Turning pair
3. Rolling pair
4. Sliding pair
Answer: 1
Question: Minority carrier in P-type semiconductor is –
1. Free electrons
2. Free holes
3. Holes and electrons both
4. Holes minus electrons
Answer: 2
Question: Which of the following can be used to control the speed of a D. C. motor?
1. Thermistor
2. Thyristor
3. Thyratron
4. Transistor
Answer: 2
Question: To convert moving coil galvanometer into an ammeter, which of the following methods is used?
1. Small resistance in series
2. Small resistance in parallel
3. High resistance in series
4. High resistance in parallel
Answer: 2
Question: When the load is above ….., a synchronous motor is found to be more economical.
1. 2 KW
2. 20 KW
3. 50 KW
4. 100 KW
Answer: 3
Question: In resistance heating, highest working temperature is obtained from heating elements made of…
1. Nickel and copper
2. Nichrome
3. Silicon carbide
4. Silver
Answer: 2
Question: Among the following statement which is the false?
1. Only minority impurities are added in a junction diode
2. Higher temperature increases the leakage current of diode
3. A simple zener diode works when connected between anode to cathode
4. Zener is mostly used in voltage regulator
Answer: 1
Question: In steam turbine the action of steam is –
1. Stable
2. Dynamic
3. Stable and dynamic
4. Neither stable nor dynamic
Answer: 2
Question: Protein is not available in which of the following?
1. Meat
2. Milk
3. Rice
4. Pulse
Answer: 3
Question: Lever functions on which of the following principles?
1. Crank-shaft
2. Joining rod
3. Crank pin
4. Cross head
Answer: 1
Question: What would be the expenditure in 30 days at the rate of 50 paise per unit, if a bulb of 100 W is used five hours per day?
1. Rs. 10.50
2. Rs. 8.50
3. Rs. 7.50
4. Rs. 9.50
Answer: 3
Question: What is the frequency of the receiver?
1. 488 kHz
2. 445 kHz
3. 455 kHz
4. 456 kHz
Answer: 4
Question: A diode….
1. Functions only in one direction
2. Functions in both the directions
3. Does not function at all
4. It gets damaged, when voltage is applied
Answer: 1
Question: What is the unit of electrical energy?
1. Ampere
2. Volt
3. Watt
4. Kilowatt-hour
Answer: 4

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