Question: Moving electric charge produces:
1. heat waves
2. magnetic field
3. light rays
4. sound waves
Answer: 2
Question: The blue colour of the water in the sea is due to
1. Refraction of the blue light by the impurities in sea water.
2. Reflection of blue sky by the sea water.
3. Absorption of other colours except the blue colour by water molecules
4. Scattering of blue light by water molecules
Answer: 4
Question: Which of the following is not a unit of time?
1. Light Year
2. Nano Second
3. Micro Second
4. Second
Answer: 1
Question: The device used to rectify farsightedness is
1. Concave Lens
2. Convex Lens
3. Spherical Lens
4. Plane Glass
Answer: 2
Question: A glass tumbler containing ice shows droplets of water on the outer surface because
1. The outer surface of the tumbler shows hygroscopic effect
2. The moisture in the air on coming in contact with the cold surface of the tumbler condenses in the form of droplets of water
3. Water from inside oozes out through minute porous wall of the tumbler
4. Both (A)and (C)
Answer: 2
Question: Solar Cell Converts
1. Light energy into heat energy
2. Solar energy into electrical energy
3. Solar energy into sound energy
4. Osteology is the study of
Answer: 2
Question: A pond of clear water appears less deep than it really is. This is due to
1. Refraction
2. Reflection
3. The transparency of water
4. Dispersion
Answer: 1
Question: Dry Ice is
1. Liquid Nitrogen
2. Water Ice
3. Solid Carbon dioxide
4. Frozen Ethanol
Answer: 3
Question: ‘Raman effect’ was used to develop-
1. Cooling Glasses
2. Space Craft
3. Atom Bomb
4. Detecting Scanners
Answer: 1
Question: Ozone Layer Protects earth from-
1. Meteriorites
2. Cosmic and other radiations
3. Harmful Gases
4. Space Debris
Answer: 2
Question: Lens System used in a microscope-
1. Convex
2. Concave
3. Concave,Convex
4. Plain lens
Answer: 1
Question: Leaves look green, Because-
1. Reflect All colours
2. Absorb all Colours reflect Green
3. No effect of light on leaves
4. Absorb only green
Answer: 2
Question: Ice Floats on Water Because-
1. Ice is Filled With Air
2. Ice less dense than Water
3. Waters depth more than ice
4. Ice more than water
Answer: 2
Question: A Horizontal Demand curve is
1. Relatively Elastic
2. Perfectly Inelastic
3. Perfectly Inelastic
4. Of Unitary Elasticity
Answer: 4
Question: The best material for the core of a transformer is
1. stainless steel
2. mild steel
3. hard steel
4. soft iron
Answer: 4

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