Question: A fluorescent tube contains
1. Argon
2. Nitrogen
3. Neon
4. Oxygen
Answer: 3
Question: The feeding of a job in planner is done by
1. Table movement
2. Tool movement
3. Ram movement
4. Movement of a clapper box
Answer: 4
Question: Which of the following machines utilises fly cutters?
1. Planner
2. Milling machine
3. Lathe machine
4. Shaper
Answer: 2
Question: Crater wear takes place in single point cutting tool at
1. Flank
2. Rake
3. Side
4. Both Flank & Rake
Answer: 4
Question: It is difficult to magnetise steel because of its
1. Low permeability
2. High retentivity
3. High permeability
4. High density
Answer: 1
Question: In electric machines, laminated cores are used with a view to reduce the
1. Friction loss
2. Copper loss
3. Eddy current loss
4. Hysteresis loss
Answer: 3
Question: In DC generators, the brushes are always placed
1. Along the Geometric Neutral Axis (GNA)
2. Along the Magnetic Neutral Axis (MNA)
3. Perpendicular to MNA
4. Perpendicular to GNA
Answer: 2
Question: Critical resistance of a DC generator RC is
1. Inversely proportional to speed
2. Proportional to speed
3. Inversely proportional to the square of speed
4. Proportional to the square of speed
Answer: 1
Question: If the current and the voltage are out of phase by 90 degree, then the power is
1. Minimum
2. Maximum
3. 1.1 VI
4. Zero
Answer: 4
Question: Megger is an instrument to measure
1. Very low resistance
2. Insulation resistance
3. Q of a coil
4. Inductance of a coil
Answer: 2
Question: The forward resistance of a diode is
1. Zero
2. Infinity
3. Very small
4. Very large
Answer: 1
Question: For lubricating roller bearing, lubricant generally required is
1. Semi-solid
2. Solid
3. Liquid
4. None of the above
Answer: 1
Question: Which type of reaction produces the most harmful radiation?
1. Fusion reaction
2. Chemical reaction
3. Fission reaction
4. Photo-Chemical reaction
Answer: 3

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