Question: A mobile phone charger is –
1. an inverter
2. a UPS
3. a step-down transformer
4. a step-up transformer
Answer: 3
Question: ___ is an instrument used to measure electric current.
1. Voltameter
2. Galvanometer
3. Durometer
4. Dosimeter
Answer: 2
Question: Electroplating does not help
1. Give fine finish to the surface
2. Give shining apperance
3. The metal to become hard
4. Protect the metal against corrosion
Answer: 1
Question: Which one among the following metals is used in fireworks to make a brilliant white light?
1. Sodium
2. Magnesium
3. Aluminium
4. Silver
Answer: 2
Question: Cream gets separated from milk when it is churned because of:
1. Gravitational force
2. Centrifugal force
3. Frictional force
4. Cohesive force
Answer: 2
Question: Which among the following is an element?
1. Alumina
2. Brass
3. Graphite
4. Silica
Answer: 3
Question: In lathe machine, taper turning can be done by
1. Set over arrangement
2. Taper turning attachment
3. Swiveling compound rest
4. All of the above
Answer: 4
Question: In electro discharge machining, cutting tools are usually made of
1. High speed steel
2. Tool steel
3. Carbide-tipped tool
4. Graphite
Answer: 4
Question: The operation of threading a drilled hole is called
1. Tapping
2. Broaching
3. Lapping
4. Reaming
Answer: 1
Question: The first symbol in a grinding wheel code is the
1. Bond Type
2. Grain size
3. Structure
4. Abrasive Type
Answer: 4
Question: Thermit welding is a form of
1. Gas welding
2. Fusion welding
3. Resistance welding
4. Arc welding
Answer: 2
Question: Electrode gets consumed in which type of welding process?
1. Arc
2. Thermit
3. T.I.G.
4. Gas
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following metals can be easily drawn into the wire?
1. Lead
2. Copper
3. Tin
4. Zinc
Answer: 2

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