Sl No. | Ministry/ Department | Scheme Name | Description |
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76 | Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment | Babu Jagjivan Ram Chhatrawas Yojana – Scheme of Hostels for SC Girls and Boys | The object of the Scheme is to provide residential accommodation facilities to SC boys and girls studying in middle schools, higher secondary schools, colleges and Universities. The Scheme will be implemented through the State Governments/Union Territory Administrations and the Central & State Universities/institutions and they will be provided eligible central assistance as per provision of the Scheme, both for fresh construction of hostel buildings and for expansion of the existing hostel facilities. |
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77 | Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment | Rajiv Gandhi National Fellowship to SC Students in Higher Education | The scheme caters to the requirements of the Scheduled Caste students for pursuing research degree in universities, research institutions and scientific institutions. |
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78 | Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment | Scheme of Assistance to Disabled Persons for Purchase/ Fitting of Aids/ Appliances (ADIP Scheme) | The main objective of the Scheme in to assist needy disabled persons in procuring durable, sophisticated and scientifically manufactured, modern, standard aids and appliances that can promote their physical, social and psychological rehabilitation, by reducing the effects of disabilities and enhance their economic potential. The aids and appliances supplied under the Scheme must be of BIS specification. |
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79 | Ministry of Textiles | Mill Gate Price Scheme (MGPS) | The objective of this scheme is to provide all types of yarns to the handlooms weavers Orgainsations at the Mill Gate price |
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80 | Ministry of Textiles | Textile Workers Rehabilitation Fund Scheme | The individual eligible workers are required to open a separate Savings Bank Account in the designated nationalized Bank and forward a certificate to the effect along with his relief claiming application to the Regional office of the Textile Commissioner through the State Government. |
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81 | Ministry of Textiles | Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks | The ‘Scheme for Integrated Textile Parks (SITP)’ is launched by merging the existing two schemes namely, the Scheme for Apparel Parks for Exports (APE) and the Textile Centre Infrastructure Development Scheme (TCIDS). |
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82 | Ministry of Textiles | Jute Manufactures Development Council Schemes | The Jute Manufactures Development Council (JMDC) Incentive Scheme for Modernisation of Jute Industry |
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83 | Ministry of Textiles | Diversified Handloom Development Scheme (DHDS) | To provide skill up-gradation of Handloom weavers through training, workshops, exhibitions/workshops, design development, documentation of traditional designs and linkages between various agencies in the handloom sector to enable the weavers to improve productivity & meeting the market requirements, DHDS has been formulated during the 11th Plan. |
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84 | Ministry of Textiles | Schemes of National Centre for Jute Diversification | NCJD is an autonomous Society registered in January, 1992 under the Societies Registration Act of 1860 at Delhi having its Head Quarters at Kolkata and a Regional Centre at New Delhi.The Centre is governed by a Council of Governors comprising twenty-five members.The Union Textiles Secretary is the ex-officio Chairman of the Council.The NCJD Council of Governors is reconstituted after every two years. |
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85 | Ministry of Textiles | Incentive Scheme for Modernisation of Jute Factory | Jute Manufacturers Development Council for Incentive Scheme for Modernisation of Jute Industry |
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86 | Ministry of Textiles | Jute Technology Mission | The scheme has been initiated to strengthen agricultural research and technology achievements. |
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87 | Ministry of Textiles | Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme | In order to provide a network of financial organisations for sanction and disbursement of loan so as to have a wider reach to the industry in the country, the nodal agencies(IDBI, SIDBI and IFCI) have co-opted various institutions such as All India Financial Institutions, Scheduled Commercial Banks, Co-operative banks, State Finance Corporations, State Industrial Development Corporations, National Cooperative Development Corporations etc. |
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88 | Ministry of Textiles | Technology Mission on Cotton (Mini Mission – III & IV) | The scheme aims at improving production, productivity and quality of cotton. The Mission comprises of four Mini Missions, which are jointly being implemented by the Ministries of Agriculture and Textiles. Ministry of Agriculture is nodal for the implementation of Mini Mission I and II responsible for Research and Development on cotton and Dissemination of Technology to farmers respectively. |
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89 | Ministry of Textiles | Generalised System of Preferences | The Generalised System of Preferences (GSP) is an instrument by which the developed countries allow imports originating from developing and least developed countries on duty-free or preferential duty basis. |
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90 | Ministry of Textiles | Scheme for Decentralised Powerloom Sector | The scheme aims at providing: 20%Credit Linked Capital Subsidy establishing Powerloom Service Centres (PSCs) Support to Computer Aided Design Centres Group Workshed Scheme Group Insurance Scheme for Powerloom Weavers |
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91 | Ministry of Textiles | Marketing and Export Promotion Scheme | With a view to develop and promote the marketing channels in domestic as well as export markets and bring about linkages between the two in a holistic and integrated manner, it was decided to amalgamate the Marketing Promotion Programme and Handloom Export Scheme of the 10th Plan with some modifications and addition of new components in the 11th Plan under the banner ‘Marketing & Export Promotion Scheme’. |
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92 | Ministry of Textiles | Handloom Mark Scheme | The major objective of the scheme is to promote Handloom products in Domestic as well as International Market. |
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93 | Ministry of Textiles | Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (Handloom Sector) | Technology Upgradation Fund Scheme (Handloom Sector) |
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94 | Ministry of Textiles | Handlooms Weavers Comprehensive Welfare Scheme | The Health Insurance Scheme aims at financially enabling the weaver community to access the best of healthcare facilities in the country. The scheme is to cover not only the weaver but his wife and two children, to cover all pre-existing diseases as well as new diseases and keeping substantial provision for OPD. The ancillary Handlooms workers like those engaged in warping, winding, dyeing, printing, finishing, sizing, Jhala making, Jacquard cutting etc. are also eligible to be covered. |
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95 | Ministry of Textiles | Grant in Aid Scheme – Ambedkar Hastshilp Vikas Yojna | To organize artisan’s clusters into Self Help Groups ( SHG’s ) / Cooperaties with a view to enabling them to take up economic activity for sustainable development through a participatory mode. |
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96 | Ministry of Tribal Affairs | Schemes of National Scheduled Tribes Finance and development Corporation (NSTFDC) | To provide financial assistance at concessional rates of interest, for undertaking viable income generating activities, to the Scheduled Tribes upto double the poverty line annual income level under following different schemes. a) Term Loan Scheme b) Adivasi Mahila Sashaktikaran Yojana (AMSY) c) Self Help Groups (SHGs) d) Micro Finance e) Marketing Support Assistance In addition Grants for imparting Training/ upskilling the Target Group is also provided. |
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97 | Ministry of Urban Development | Jawaharlal Nehru National Urban Renewal Mission (JNNURM) | This mission’s aims is to encourage reforms and fast track planned development of identified cities. Focus is to be on efficiency in urban infrastructure and service delivery mechanisms, community participation, and accountability of Urban Local Bodies (ULBs) or parastatal agencies towards citizens. |
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98 | Ministry of Women and Child Development | Rajiv Gandhi Scheme for Empowerment of Adolescent Girls (RGSEAG) Sabla | An integrated package of services is to be provided to Adolescent Girls that would be as follows: i. Nutrition provision ii. Iron and Folic Acid (IFA) supplementation iii. Health check-up and Referral services iv. Nutrition & Health Education (NHE) v. Counseling/Guidance on family welfare, ARSH, child care practices and home management vi. Life Skill Education and accessing public services vii. Vocational training for girls aged 16 and above under National Skill Development Program (NSDP) |
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99 | Ministry of Women and Child Development | Ujjawala Scheme for Prevention of Trafficking and Rescue, Rehabilitation and Reintegration | The objective of the scheme is to prevent trafficking of women and children for commercial sexual exploitation through social mobilization and involvement of local communities, awareness generation programmes, generate public discourse through workshops/seminars and such events and any other innovative activity and to facilitate rescue of victims from the place of their exploitation and place them in safe custody. |
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100 | National Schedule Tribes Finance and Development Corporation | Adivasi Shiksha Rrinn Yojana (ASRY) | Educational Loan is meant to cover expenditure on account of the following: Admission fee, Examination fee, Library fee, Laboratory fee & Tuition fee payable to the Institute. Caution deposit, Building fund/refundable deposit supported by Institution bills/receipts subject to the condition that the amount does not exceed 10% of the total tuition fees for the entire course. |
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101 | Planning Commission | Grant-in-aid to Universities & Research Institutions | Refer the Guidelines given in Documents interface |

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