Sl No. | Ministry/ Department | Scheme Name | Description |
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51 | Ministry of New and Renewable Energy | Small Wind Energy & Hybrid Systems | The scheme on Aerogenerators and Hybrid Systems is aimed at development and promotion of technology and applications of water pumping windmills and aerogenerators/wind-solar hybrid systems. |
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52 | Ministry of New and Renewable Energy | Scheme for watermills and Micro Hydel Projects (upto 100 kW) | The Watermills (WM) and Micro Hydel Projects (MHP) have the potential to meet the power requirements of remote areas in a decentralized manner. To encourage and accelerate the development of Water mills and Micro Hydel Projects in the remote & hilly areas, it is proposed to provide Central Financial Assistance (CFA) during 2008-09 and the remaining period of the 11th Five Year Plan |
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53 | Ministry of New and Renewable Energy | Biogas based Distributed / Grid Power Generation Programme | The objective of the programme is to promote biogas based power generation, specially in the small capacity range, based on the availability of large quantity of animal wastes and wastes from forestry, rural based industries (agro / food processing), kitchen wastes, etc., |
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54 | Ministry of New and Renewable Energy | Energy Recovery from Municipal waste | Accelerated programme on energy recovery from industrial wastes and effluents provides for grants-in-aid for organising seminars, workshops, training course etc. on the subject of energy from industrial wastes. |
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55 | Ministry of New and Renewable Energy | Solar Lantern Programme | A solar photovoltaic lantern ( Solar lantern) is a lighting system consisting of a lamp, battery and electronics, all placed in a suitable housing, made of metal, plastic or fiber glass, and a PV module. The battery is charged by electricity generated through the PV module. The lantern is basically a portable lighting device suitable for either indoor or outdoor lighting, covering a full range of 360 degrees. |
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56 | Ministry of New and Renewable Energy | Solar Photovoltaic Programme | Solar Photvoltaic programme aims at providing an alternative for rural lighting/ water lifting/ small energy requirements through use of solar photovoltaic system and thereby reduce the consumption of kerosene / diesel. |
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57 | Ministry of New and Renewable Energy | Special Area Demonstration Programme | The objective of the programme would be to create publicity of the renewable energy technologies, systems and also to disseminate information on technological developments and promotional activities taking place in the area of the non-conventional energy. |
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58 | Ministry of New and Renewable Energy | Remote Village Electrification | The Programme provides for Central Government financial assistance to the states for electrification of remote census of unelectrified villages and remote unelectrified hamlets of electrified census villages, where grid connectivity will either not be feasible or not cost effective, as certified by REC. Such electrification is to be carried out through various non-conventional energy sources. |
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59 | Ministry of New and Renewable Energy | Energy Recovery From Urban Waste | Accelerated programme on energy recovery from urban wastes provides for grants-in-aid for organising seminars, workshops, training courses etc. on the subject of energy from urban wastes. |
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60 | Ministry of New and Renewable Energy | Biomass Gasifier programme | Biomass gasifier programme is being implemented with the following main objectives: To deploy biomass gasifier systems for meeting unmet demand of electricity in villages. To take up demonstration projects for 100 percent producer gas engine, coupled with gasifier for off grid and grid power operation. To support and this enlarge activities, through awareness creation, publicity measures, seminars/workshops/ business meets/ training programme etc. |
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61 | Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions | Scheme for payment of pensions to Central Government Civil pensioners through authorised Banks | The Scheme for payment of pensions to Central Government Civil pensioners through authorised Banks was introduced in stages from 1st July 1976 and was made applicable throughout the country with effect from 1st February 1977. |
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62 | Ministry of Personnel, PG and Pensions | Scheme for Providing Immediate Relief to the Families of Government Servants Who Die while in Servic | This is Scheme for Providing Immediate Relief to the Families of Government Servants Who Die while in Service. The relief may be allowed in the form of advance limited to three months pay (including personal pay and special pay) of the deceased Government servant or Rs. 1000/- whichever is less, provided that the amount so sanctioned does not exceed the estimated payments due to the family. |
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63 | Ministry of Rural Development | Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme (ARWSP) | Accelerated Rural Water Supply Programme (ARWSP) is implemented by the Government of India to provide safe drinking water in rural areas. Under this programme, the following norms are to be followed : 40 liters per capita per day (Ipcd) of drinking water for human beings, 30 liters per capita per day of additional water for cattle in areas under the Desert Development Programme, one hand-pump or stand post for every 250 persons and availability of water source in the habitation or within 1.6 km in the plains and 100 m elevation in hilly area. |
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64 | Ministry of Rural Development | Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme | The Mahatma Gandhi National Rural Employment Guarantee Scheme aims at enhancing the livehood security of people in rural areas by guaranteeing hundred days of wage-employment in a financial year to a rural household whose adult members volunteer to do unskilled manual work. |
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65 | Ministry of Rural Development | National Social Assistance Scheme | Public assistance to its citizens in case of unemployment, old age, sickness and disablement and in other cases of undeserved want |
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66 | Ministry of Science and Technology | Internship for Women for Self-Employment | This scholarship provides an opportunity to women scientists for self-employment by utilizing their specialized domain knowledge in areas such as patenting, proof reading, science journalism, technical translation, clinical pathology labs, medical transcription etc. |
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67 | Ministry of Science and Technology | Scholarship for Women Scientists Doing Research in Basic/Applied Science | The ‘Women Scientists Scheme (WOS-A)’ of the Department of Science and Technology is aimed to provide opportunities to women scientists and technologists for pursuing research in basic or applied sciences in frontier areas of science and engineering. A special provision has been made under this Scheme to encourage those women scientists who have had breaks in their careers. |
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68 | Ministry of Science and Technology | Scholarship for Women Scientists Doing Research in S&T-based Societal Programmes | This scholarship is specially intended to encourage women scientists involved in research and application of innovative solutions for various societal issues. This scholarship would be made available to the aspiring women scientists willing to work for the search, design, adaptation and demonstration of science and technological skills and techniques for improving the income generating activity and reducing drudgery of weaker sections of our society in different occupations, capacity building on the societal programs at the grassroots level. |
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69 | Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment | Post Matric Scholarship to OBC Students | The objective of the scheme is to provide financial support and encourage OBC students for higher studies. |
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70 | Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment | Central Scheme of Hostels for OBC Boys and Girls | The scheme aims at providing hostel facilities to students belonging to socially and educationally backward classes, especially from rural areas, to enable them to pursue secondary and higher education. |
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71 | Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment | Pre Matric Scholarship to Other Backward Classes Students | The scholarship may be given to students enrolled in Class I or any subsequent class of pre-Matric stage in case of day scholars, and class III and above in case of students staying in hostels. The scholarship will terminate at the end of Class X. The duration of scholarship in an academic year will be 10 months. |
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72 | Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment | Post Matric Scholarship to Scheduled Caste Students | The objective of the scheme is to provide financial assistance to the Scheduled Caste students studying at post matriculation or post-secondary stage to enable them to complete their education. These scholarships are available for studies in India only and are awarded by the government of the State/Union Territory to which the applicant actually belongs i.e. permanently settled. |
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73 | Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment | National Scheduled Castes Finance & Development Corporation | National Scheduled Castes Finance & Development Corporation (NSFDC) is the apex institution for financing, facilitating and mobilising funds from other sources and promoting the economic development activities of the persons belonging to the Scheduled Castes living below double the poverty line. |
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74 | Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment | National Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation | National Backward Classes Finance and Development Corporation (NBCFDC) was set up in the year 1992 with main objective of promoting economic & development activities for the benefit members of Backward Classes living below double the poverty line. |
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75 | Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment | National Safai Karamcharis Finance Development Corporation | The objective of National Safai Karamcharis Finance Development Corporation (NSKFDC) is to empower the Scavangers, Safai Karamcharis and their dependents to break away their traditional occupation, depressed sicial condition and poverty and leverage them to work their own way up the social and economic laddar with dignity and pride. |

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