Question: During whose period Al-Beruni came to India?
1. Mahmud Ghaznavi
2. Balban
3. Firoz Tughluq
4. Ibrahim Lodhi
Answer: 1
Question: Where was the battle fought between Pulakeshi-II and Harsha?
1. On the bank of Narmada river
2. On the Saurashtra borders
3. On Vindhyachal ranges
4. On the banks of Godavari river
Answer: 1
Question: Which university was provided special patronage by Harsha?
1. Taxila
2. Vikram
3. Nalanda
4. Magadh
Answer: 3
Question: How did Hiuen Tsang undertake journey from and to India?
1. He came by land route and also returned by land route
2. He came by land route but returned by sea route
3. He came by sea route and returned by land route
4. He came by sea route and also returned by sea route
Answer: 1
Question: When the fully developed splendid form of temple architecture emerged in India?
1. First century B. C.
2. Fourth century B. C.
3. Sixth century A. D.
4. Eight century A. D.
Answer: 4
Question: Who was the first famous astronomer of Ancient India?
1. Banbhatta
2. Aryabhatta
3. Vishakhadatta
4. Katyayan
Answer: 2
Question: From which period large scale land grants were given to officers and other importanr person?
1. Mauryan period
2. Kushan age
3. Harsha’s Administration
4. Gupta period
Answer: 4
Question: What type of control was established by Samudragupta over Southern States?
1. They were annexed to the empire by him
2. They paid respect to him
3. He had no control over them
4. They paid him regular tax
Answer: 2
Question: In which field of art extraordinary progress was made in the Gupta period?
1. Architecture
2. Sculpture
3. Painting
4. Coinage
Answer: 3
Question: Which religion gained greatest prominence during the Gupta period?
1. Buddhism
2. Jainism
3. Pauranic religion
4. Religion of the Yavanas
Answer: 3
Question: Against whom Skandagupta had to wage long wars on the North West border?
1. Shakas
2. Yavanas
3. Huns
4. Greeks
Answer: 3
Question: What was the primary source of income of the State during the Gupta period?
1. Land revenue
2. Tax from the traders
3. Import-Export duties
4. Income from conquest of other States
Answer: 1
Question: Kautilya’s ‘Arthashastra’ mainly deals with which aspect of he Mauryan period?
1. Village Community
2. City Administration
3. Economic system
4. The state
Answer: 4
Question: Which of the following factors was most important for the rapid development of trade in pre-Gupta period?
1. Needs of the Roman Empire
2. Success of the banking system
3. Better system of coinage
4. Encouragement from the Kings
Answer: 1
Question: Which ruler, for the first time issued gold coins on a large scale in ancient India?
1. Ashoka
2. Kanishka
3. Samudragupta
4. Harsha
Answer: 2
Question: From Which period the worship of the images of Gautam Buddha started?
1. Mauryan period
2. Kushan age
3. Gupta period
4. Sixth Century B. C.
Answer: 2
Question: Which of the following is true of the social life during the Mauryan period?
1. Flexible Varna System
2. Flexible Cast System
3. Well developed Varna and cast system
4. Classless Social System
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following was selected as capital by Kanishka?
1. Purushpur
2. Pataliputra
3. Ujjain
4. Kannauj
Answer: 1
Question: As a prince where was Ashoka sent to suppress the revolt?
1. Taxila
2. Kalinga
3. Ujjain
4. Deccan
Answer: 1
Question: The wheel of Saranath pillar denotes –
1. Revolution
2. Justice
3. Dharmachakra Pravartan
4. Dhamma
Answer: 3
Question: Which is the most important source of Ashoka’s invasion of Kalinga?
1. Mahavnsha
2. Divyavadan
3. Thirteen Rock edict
4. Seventh Pillar edict
Answer: 3
Question: Who among the following, proved the spherical shape of the earth during his first voyage around the world?
1. Captain Cook
2. Ferdinand Magellan
3. Vasco da Gama
4. Columbus
Answer: 2
Question: The most important divinity in the Rig Veda is
1. Agni
2. Marut
3. Varuna
4. Indra
Answer: 3
Question: March 4 1931 is an important date in Indian History because on this day
1. Mahatma Gandhi undertook the famous “Dandi March”
2. Mahatma Gandhi was arrested for starting a civil disobedience movement known as “Salt Satyagraha”
3. First Round Table Conference started in London
4. Gandhi Irwin Pact was concluded
Answer: 4
Question: Azad Hind Fauj was founded in 1943 in
1. Mandalay
2. Singapore
3. Midnapore
4. Kuala Lumpur
Answer: 2
Question: Who said “You shall give me blood I will return freedom” ?
1. Mahatma Gandhi
2. C. R. Das
3. Jawaharlal Nehru
4. Subhash Chandra Bose
Answer: 4
Question: The seat of Central Government of British India was shifted from Calcutta to Delhi in the year
1. 1910
2. 1909
3. 1911
4. 1912
Answer: 3
Question: Which of the following was a saint of the Bhakti Movement in Bengal?
1. Tulshidas
2. Vivekananda
3. Chaitanya
4. Kabir
Answer: 3
Question: Which of the following is associated with Lord Wellesley, the Governor General of India from 1798 to 1805?
1. Doctrine of Lapse
2. Subsidiary Alliance
3. First Mysore War
4. Conquest of Rajputana
Answer: 2
Question: Who was the first Governor General of India?
1. Clive
2. Warren Hastings
3. Cornwallis
4. Dalhousie
Answer: 2
Question: Gautam Buddha delivered his first sermon at
1. Vaishali
2. Pataliputra
3. Sanchi
4. Sarnath
Answer: 4
Question: Which one of the following is not a member of the U. N. O.?
1. Switzerland
2. Sweeden
3. Nepal
4. Bhutan
Answer: 1
Question: Who among the following was directly associated with the French Revolution?
1. Napolean Bonaparte
2. Voltaire
3. Louis XIV
4. Danton
Answer: 1
Question: The number of permanent members of the Security Council of the United Nations is
1. Three
2. Five
3. Seven
4. Eleven
Answer: 2
Question: Gandhijis first fast in India was in connection with
1. The Champaran Satyagraha
2. The Chauri Chaura incident
3. The Communal riots in eastern India
4. The strike of mill workers at Ahmedabad
Answer: 4
Question: In his book “Hind Swaraj” Gandhiji expresses his views on Swaraj. To him it means
1. Freedom from foreign rule
2. Acquisition of political power by the sons of the soil
3. Moral and spiritual awakening of the people
4. Ability of the people to resist authority when abused
Answer: 3
Question: Which of the following is correctly matched?
1. Salt Satyagraha :1929
2. Surat Split :1905
3. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre :1921
4. Non-co-Operation Movement :1920
Answer: 4
Question: The most important feature in the economic measure pursued by Allauddin Khilji was
1. market control
2. foreign trade
3. minting of new coins
4. development of agriculture
Answer: 1
Question: The era which is counted from 78 A.D. is the
1. Vikram era
2. Kollam era
3. Saka era
4. Salivahana era
Answer: 3
Question: The earliest Veda is the
1. Rigveda
2. Yajurveda
3. Samveda
4. Atharvaveda
Answer: 1
Question: The tutor of Alexander, the Great was –
1. Darius
2. Cyrus
3. Socrates
4. Aristatole
Answer: 4
Question: Ashoka called the Third Buddhist Council at
1. Pataliputra
2. Magadha
3. Kalinga
4. Sarnath
Answer: 1
Question: Which was the only Indus city without a citadel?
1. Kalibangan
2. Harappa
3. Mohenjodaro
4. Chanhudraro
Answer: 2

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