Question: Who created the new state of Kashmir, indipendent of the Sikh Kingdom?
1. Gulab Singh
2. Ranbir Singh
3. Hari Singh
4. None of these
Answer: 1
Question: As a result of regulating act –
1. The company’s trade in India was stopped
2. A Supreme Court in Calcutta was set up
3. On Oudh the company’s authority was established
4. Restrictions were imposed on the Nizam
Answer: 2
Question: Who put an end to the system of Dual Government in Bengal?
1. Warren Hastings
2. Clive
3. Regulating Act
4. British Parliament
Answer: 1
Question: Which Nawab established independent rule in Oudh?
1. Murshid Kuli Khan
2. Shujauddaulah
3. Sadaat Khan
4. Safdarjang
Answer: 3
Question: Who was the first Peshwa of the Marathas in the 18th Century?
1. Baji Rao
2. Balaji Vishwanath
3. Balaji Baji Rao
4. Madhava Rao
Answer: 2
Question: What was the most important gainto Ahmad Shah Abdali as a result of the Third Battle of Panipat?
1. Control over Delhi
2. Enormous wealth
3. Control over Punjab
4. Opportunity to expand his empire in India
Answer: 2
Question: Whose prestige increased in Deccan as a result of the First Carnatic War?
1. The English
2. The Nawab of Carnatic
3. The French
4. The Marathas
Answer: 3
Question: In which order Europeans came to India for carrying on trade?
1. Portuguese, Dutch, English, French
2. Portuguese, English, Dutch, French
3. English, Portuguese, Dutch, French
4. Dutch, Protuguese, French, English
Answer: 1
Question: Why did Clive introduce Dual Government in Bengal?
1. He was afraid of hostile reaction of people
2. He was order to do so
3. The Mughal emperor wanted this
4. He wanted to avoid taking over responsibility of the administration of Bengal
Answer: 4
Question: The disput of internal trade between which Nawab of Bengal and the East India Company brought about a war like situation?
1. Alivardi Khan
2. Mir Qasim
3. Mir Jafar
4. Sirajuddaula
Answer: 2
Question: Who among the following were the allies of Mir Qasim in the battle of Buxar in 1764 A. D.?
1. Shujauddaula and Shah Alam -II
2. Shah Alam-II and Mohammad Ali
3. Shujauddaula and Mohammad Ali
4. Muzaffar Jung and Muhammad Khan Bangash
Answer: 1
Question: In which order the British established their trading centres?
1. Surat, Madras, Bombay, Calcutta
2. Surat, Calcutta, Bombay, Madras
3. Madras, Calcutta, Bombay, Surat
4. Calcutta, Madras, Surat, Bombay
Answer: 1
Question: In whose court Mansur and Manohar were prominent painters?
1. Akbar
2. Jahangir
3. Shah Jahan
4. Aurangzeb
Answer: 2
Question: Who among the successors of Shivaji, was imprisoned for a long period by Aurangzeb?
1. Shambhaji
2. Raja Ram
3. Sahu
4. None of the above
Answer: 3
Question: Who were the signatories to the Treaty of Purandar(1665)?
1. Shivaji and Aurangzeb
2. Shivaji and Jai Singh
3. Shivaji and Shiesta Khan
4. Shivaji and Afjal Khan
Answer: 2
Question: Under whose order was Teg Bahadur killed?
1. Jahangir
2. Shah Jahan
3. Aurangzeb
4. Akbar – II
Answer: 3
Question: Which one of the following is correctly matched?
1. Akbar – William Hawkins
2. Jahangir – Rolph Fich
3. Shah Jahan – Thomas Roe
4. Aurangzeb – Manucci
Answer: 4
Question: During whose reign, the Jana Masjid at Delhi was constructed?
1. Babur
2. Akbar
3. Jahangir
4. Shah Jahan
Answer: 4
Question: Who collected land revenue during Akbar’s reign?
1. Government Employees
2. Zamindars
3. Jagirdars
4. Village Panchayats
Answer: 1
Question: The pillars of the Mughal army were –
1. Cavalry
2. Forts
3. Able army Officer
4. Infanitry
Answer: 1
Question: Where did Aurangzeb die?
1. Agra
2. Asirgarh
3. Daultabad
4. Ahmadnagar
Answer: 4
Question: Who among the following joined the ‘Din-i-Ilahi’ propounded by Akbar?
1. Todarmal
2. Birbal
3. Man Singh
4. Bhagwandas
Answer: 2
Question: Which one of the following is correctly matched?
1. Second Battle of Panipat – Akbar and Ibrahim Lodi
2. Battle of Khanwa – Akbar and Rana Sanga
3. Battle of Chausa – Humayun and Sher Shah
4. First battle of Tarian – Mahmud Ghaznavi and Prithviraj Chauhan
Answer: 3
Question: What was Sher Shah’s precious legacy to the Mughals?
1. Organization of Army
2. Land Revenue System
3. Mansabdari System
4. Provincial Administration
Answer: 2
Question: In his autobiography, Babur has given less details about which of the following?
1. Description of Nature
2. Scoial life and the pattern of the life of people
3. Wars
4. Political condition of India
Answer: 3
Question: Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the victories of Babur?
1. Panipat, Chanderi, Ghaghara and Khanwah
2. Panipat, Ghaghara, Khanwah and Chanderi
3. Panipat, Khanwah, Chanderi and Ghaghara
4. Ghaghara, Panipat, Khanwah and Chanderi
Answer: 3
Question: Among the following foreign travellers who was the first to visit India?
1. Bernier
2. Ibn Batuta
3. Abdur Rajjak
4. Vasco-da-Gama
Answer: 2
Question: Which language gained most by the patronage given to scholars by Krishna Deva Rai?
1. Tamil
2. Sanskrit
3. Telugu
4. Kannada
Answer: 3
Question: Over Which territory there were frequent clashes between Bahamani Kingdom and Vijaynagar Kingdom?
1. The Raichur Doab
2. Warangal
3. Madurai
4. Malabar
Answer: 1
Question: Among the following who was in chronological order, the last famous ruler of Vijayanagar?
1. Harihar-II
2. Devarai-I
3. Vir Narsingh
4. Krishna Deva Rai
Answer: 4
Question: Which of the following rulers built the longest canal in Northern India of his time which is still useful?
1. Sher Shah Suri
2. Babur
3. Shahjahan
4. Firozshah Tughluq
Answer: 4
Question: Ravidas and Kabir were the disciples of which of the following?
1. Namdeva
2. Ramananda
3. Ramanuj
4. Vallabhacharya
Answer: 2
Question: Which Sufi Saint was a witness to the reign of seven Sultans but did not keep contacts with any of them?
1. Nizamuddin Aulia
2. Shahbuddin Suharavardi
3. Muinuddin Chishti
4. Sheikh Nasiruddin Mahmud Chirag
Answer: 1
Question: Why did Iltutmish obtain investiture from Khalifa?
1. To please the Khalifa
2. To strengthen his authority
3. To establish contacts with other countries
4. To gain help in expanding his empire
Answer: 2
Question: Due to Which reason the peasantry suffered during Alauddin Khalji’s reign?
1. Burden of large number of taxes
2. Irrigation taxes
3. Land acquisition
4. Atrocities of Zamindars
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following city was founded by Firoz Tughluq?
1. Jaunpur
2. Hissar
3. Fatehabad
4. All of the Above
Answer: 4
Question: Which of the following Sultans for the first time organised a standing Army?
1. Iltutmish
2. Balban
3. Alauddin Khalji
4. Muhammad Bin Tughluq
Answer: 1
Question: Among the following historians who is last in the chronological order?
1. Amir Khusro
2. Firdausi
3. Hasan Nizami
4. Ziauddin Barni
Answer: 4
Question: Who among the following wrote Prithviraja Raso?
1. Amar Singh
2. Jai Singh Sura
3. Raskhan
4. Chandabardai
Answer: 4
Question: During the Sultanate period the Zakat Tax was levied on which of the following?
1. Hindus
2. Muslims
3. Brahmans
4. Travellers
Answer: 2
Question: Who ascended the throne after the death of Iltutmish amongst the following?
1. Razia
2. Baharamshah
3. Nasiruddin
4. Ruknuddin
Answer: 4
Question: What was the only permanent effect of hte invasions of Mahmud Ghaznavi?
1. Control over Western India
2. Control over Kashmir
3. Annexation of Punjab
4. Acceptance of subordinate position by rulers of North India
Answer: 3
Question: The contemporary historians, Ziauddin Barni and Sham-i-Siraz Afif gave the same title to which of the following their books?
1. Tabkat-i-Nasiri
2. Tarikh-i-Firoz Shahi
3. Fatwa-i-Jahandari
4. Tarikh-i-Mubarak Shahi
Answer: 2

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