Question: Who authored Sanskrit play the ‘Mudrarakshasa’ ?
1. Kalidas
2. Banabhatta
3. Vishakhadatta
4. Bhavabhuti
Answer: 4
Question: In 305 BC, which Maurya ruler defeated Alexander’s general Seleucus Nicator and received the territories of Kabul and Balochistan ?
1. Bindusara
2. Ashok the Great
3. Chandragupta Maurya
4. Dasharatha Maurya
Answer: 3
Question: What were Indians a thousand years ago
1. Most advanced nation
2. Very large in numbers
3. A noble country
4. All of the above
Answer: 4
Question: Who were called the Kings of Wisdom?
1. The kings of China
2. The kings of India
3. Both
4. Neither
Answer: 2
Question: Why Indian kings were called the kings of wisdom?
1. Because of their interest in yoga
2. Because of their interest in Poetry
3. Because of their interest in sciences
4. Because of all the above
Answer: 3
Question: What Indians have been according to all nations throughout the ages?
1. The mines of knowledge
2. The fountains of justice
3. The fountains of administration
4. All of the above
Answer: 4
Question: The father of Asoka was:
1. Bimbisara
2. Bindusara
3. Mahendra
4. Namda
Answer: 2
Question: Aurganzeb, the Mughal ruler murdered the Sikh Guru
1. Guru Tej bahadur
2. Guru Arjan Dev
3. Guru Ramdas
4. Guru Angud
Answer: 1
Question: ‘Ashtadiggajas’ was the council of scholars of ____
1. Krishnadevaraya
2. Sivaji
3. Chandragupta
4. Harshavardhana
Answer: 1
Question: King Akbar of the Mughal Dynasty was in power in the
1. 18th century
2. 12th century
3. 16th century
4. 14th century
Answer: 3
Question: On which date was Mrs. Indira Gandhi assassinated?
1. 30th October 1983
2. 1st Nov 1983
3. 31st Oct 1984
4. 1st Nov 1985
Answer: 3
Question: In which year did the Dutch oust the Portuguese from Cochin?
1. 1621
2. 1663
3. 1701
4. 1748
Answer: 2
Question: The Chinese pilgrim Fa-Hien visited India during the reign of
1. Chandragupta I
2. Chandragupta II
3. Kanishka
4. Harshavardhana
Answer: 2
Question: In ancient peninsular India, who among the following assumed the title ‘Vatapikonda’?
1. Mayurasharman
2. Narasimhavarman
3. Pulakesi II
4. Vikramaditya II
Answer: 2
Question: The battle at Waihind in 1008-09 A.D was fought between
1. Mahmud of Ghazni and Jayapala
2. Mahmud of Ghazni and Anandapala
3. Muhammad Ghori and Prithviraj
4. Muhammad Ghori and Jaichandra
Answer: 2
Question: Which one of the following travelers is not associated with the description of the glories of Vijayanagar kingdom?
1. Paes
2. Abdul Razzaq
3. Ibn Batutach
4. Nuniz
Answer: 3
Question: Raja Rammohan Roy and David Hara were associated with the foundation of the
1. Ripon College
2. Hindu College
3. M.A.O College
4. Sanskrit College
Answer: 1
Question: During the Mughal period, which one of the following traders were the first to come to India?
1. English
2. Portuguese
3. Dutch
4. Danish
Answer: 2
Question: Who among the following was appointed by Ashoka to administer justice in his empire?
1. Shramana
2. Uparika
3. Rajuka
4. Kumaramatya
Answer: 3
Question: The capital of the Pallava kings was
1. Chennapattinam
2. Mahabalipuram
3. Kanchipuram
4. Madurai
Answer: 3
Question: ‘Tipu Sultan’ had his capital at
1. Srirangapatnam
2. Mysore
3. Bangalore
4. Bhagyanagar
Answer: 1
Question: Who among the following British Governors-General shifted India’s capital from Calcutta to Delhi in 1911?
1. Lord Louis Mountbatten
2. Warren Hastings
3. Lord Canning
4. Lord Hardinge
Answer: 3
Question: Among the four dynasties listed below, which one minted coins made of lead?
1. Mauryas
2. Satvahanas
3. Western Kshatrapas
4. Guptas
Answer: 2
Question: The founder of Mughal Dynasty in India was
1. Alaudhin Khilji
2. Babar
3. Qudbudhin lbak
4. Akbar
Answer: 2
Question: The cultivation of crops brought about such great changes in man’s life that it marks the beginning of a new age that it known as the
1. Mesolithic age
2. Neolithic age
3. Paleolithic age
4. Chalcolithic age
Answer: 2
Question: The first metal to be discovered and used for making tools was
1. bronze
2. iron
3. copper
4. Zinc
Answer: 3
Question: The first known civilization in India is called the Indus Valley Civilization because
1. the name of the country is derived from the word Indus
2. the river Indus was most important for Indians in ancient times
3. the important sites which were excavated first are located in the valley of the river Indus.
4. the Indus is the main river in the north-west regions of the Indian sub-continent
Answer: 3
Question: A great tank, now called the Great Bath, was found in
1. Harappa
2. Chanhudaro
3. Lothal
4. Mohenjodaro
Answer: 4
Question: Lothal had a structure which, according to some archaeologists, was a
1. dockyard
2. citadel
3. public building
4. great tank
Answer: 1
Question: Chandragupta Maurya built the first great empire in India with the help of
1. Mahapadmananda
2. Bindusara
3. Seleucus
4. Kautilya
Answer: 4
Question: The most important kingdom in Deccan and Central India after the Mauryas was the
1. Satavahanas
2. Vakatakas
3. Pallavas
4. Cholas
Answer: 1
Question: The foreign traveler who visited India during the rule of the Guptas was
1. Hiuen Tsang
2. Beriner
3. Fa-Hein
4. Manucci
Answer: 3
Question: The British were able to conquer India in 18th century by
1. taking advantage of the political, social and economic weakness of Indian society
2. following a policy of war and conquest
3. the policy of divide and rule
4. establishing trade relations
Answer: 1
Question: Alexander’s general who attacked India and was defeated by Chadragupta Maurya was
1. Ptolemy
2. Seleucus
3. Nearchus
4. Arrian
Answer: 2
Question: The most remarkable, Chola achievement was
1. In the field of art and architecture
2. their military organization
3. local self-government in villages
4. in fighting and deeds of chivalry
Answer: 3
Question: The scholar who accompanied Mahmud of Ghazni in India was
1. Ibn Batuta
2. Al-Beruni
3. Al-Firdausi
4. Al-Razi
Answer: 2
Question: Karl Marx’s appeal was directed primarily to
1. peasants
2. industrial workers
3. the middle classes
4. capitalists
Answer: 2
Question: The British Government in India became the paramount power in the country in
1. 1857
2. 1757
3. 1813
4. 1765
Answer: 3
Question: The earliest figure in the awakening of modern India was
1. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
2. Dadabhai Naoroji
3. Mahatma Gandhi
4. Swami Vivekananda
Answer: 2
Question: The first newspaper in India was
1. Sambad Kaumudi
2. The Bengal Gazette
3. Meratul Akbar
4. Sambad Prabhakar
Answer: 2
Question: The most magnificent of Shajahan’s buildings is
1. Red Fort Delhi
2. Jama Masjid
3. Taj Mahal
4. Diwan-e-Khas
Answer: 3
Question: The Indian ruler known as the Napoleon of Indian was
1. Samudragupta
2. Ashoka
3. Chandragupta Maurya
4. None of the above
Answer: 1
Question: The invader who raided India seventeen times was
1. Mohammad Ghori
2. Mahmud of Ghazni
3. Genghis Khan
4. Timur
Answer: 2
Question: The battle that was fought between Ahmad Shah Abdali and the Marathas in 1761 was
1. 2nd battle of Panipat
2. 1st battle of Panipat
3. 3rd battle of Panipat
4. the battle of Tarain
Answer: 3
Question: The main historical source regarding the information about village government under the Cholas is the
1. Halmidi inscription
2. Jatwai inscription
3. Uttaramerur inscription
4. Chandravallo inscription
Answer: 3
Question: Which was the first metal to be used by man?
1. Copper
2. Bronze
3. Iron
4. Tin
Answer: 1
Question: What was the real name of Tansen?
1. Nizam Khan
2. Ramtanu Mishra
3. Abu Rihan
4. Mir Nishar Ali
Answer: 2
Question: What was the real name of Chanakya?
1. Kautilya
2. Bishnu Gupta
3. Ramtanu Mishra
4. None of these
Question: Who was the founder of Vijaynagar kingdom?
1. Harihar and Bukka
2. Krishna Dev Roy
3. Narsingha
4. Devroy
Answer: 1
Question: Sultan Muhammad Quli Qutub Shah was the contemporary of –
1. Akbar
2. Aurangzeb
3. Shahjahan
4. Muhammad Shah
Answer: 4
Question: Who among the following regarded Delhi as the largest city in the entire Islamic East?
1. Alberuni
2. Amir Khusrau
3. Ibn-Batuta
4. Shams Siraj Afif
Answer: 2
Question: The most famous stupa built by the Shailendras is located at –
1. Anuradhapura
2. Borobudur
3. Angkor Vat
4. Angkor Thom
Answer: 2
Question: Which ancient scared text influenced the Indian mind most?
1. Bhagavat Gita
2. Purans
3. Epics
4. Upanishads
Answer: 4
Question: The southernmost site of the Harappan Culture is –
1. Lothal
2. Kot Diji
3. Daimabad
4. Rangapur
Answer: 3
Question: Who among the following were the leaders of the Indigo Revolt?
1. Buddhu Bhagat and Jhindari Manaki
2. Digambar Biswas and Bishnu Biswas
3. Diabandhu Mitra and Madhusudan Datta
4. Birsa Munda and Gaya Munda
Answer: 2
Question: Panini, the first Grammarian of Sanskrit language in India, lived during the:
1. 2nd Century B. C.
2. 6th -5th Century B. C.
3. 2nd Century A. D.
4. 5th-6th Century A. D.
Answer: 2
Question: Which one the following kingdoms was founded by Raja Odeyar?
1. Tanjore
2. Jinji
3. Mysore
4. Madura
Answer: 3
Question: Future of Indian Culture rests mostly on –
1. Relevance to the present society.
2. Equalitarianism in society
3. Elimination of conservative trends in Indian Society.
4. Eliminating European influences
Answer: 3
Question: Which one of the following periodicals was published by Mahatma Gandhi during his stay in South Africa?
1. Afrikanes
2. Indian Opinion
3. India Gazette
4. Navjivan
Answer: 2
Question: When the Mughal Empire was cpllapsing, which of the provinces was lost in 1622 A. D., recovered in 1638 A. D., and finally lost in 1649 A. D?
1. Ajmer
2. Kashmir
3. Bengal
4. Kandahar
Answer: 4
Question: ‘Ratti’ used by jewellers is obtained from seed of a –
1. Gymnospermous plant
2. Angiospermous plant
3. Algae
4. Fungi
Answer: 2
Question: Allauddin Khalji did not levy
1. Kharaj
2. Ghari
3. Qismat – i – khoti
4. Charai
Answer: 3
Question: Which of the following dynasties patronised the famous Kailash temple at Ellora?
1. Vakataka
2. Gupta
3. Early Chalukya
4. Rastrakuta
Answer: 4
Question: Which of the following educational institutions is arranged in a chronological order?
1. Takshashila, Kanchipuram, Valabhi and Nalanda
2. Kanchipuram, Takshashila, Nalanda and Valabhi
3. Valabhi, Takshashila, Kanchipuram and Nalanda
4. Takshashila, Valabhi, Kanchipuram and Nalanda
Answer: 4
Question: Which of the following edicts of Ashoka mentions his relations with the outside world?
1. Rock edict I
2. Rock edict XIII
3. Rummindei inscription
4. Sanchi inscription
Answer: 2
Question: Which factor influenced most to eliminate caste-system in India?
1. Rationalism
2. Job Opportunities
3. Legislations
4. Liberal Education
Answer: 1
Question: Mention the most important social issue taken up by Ghandhiji for reforms –
1. Religion
2. Cast
3. Women’s status
4. Orthodoxy in Hinduism
Answer: 2

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