Question: Who among the following is known as the Morning Star of Indian Renaissance?
1. Ram Mohan Roy
2. Swami Vivekananda
3. Acharya Vinoba BHave
4. Rabindra Nath Tagore
Answer: 1
Question: Who is known as the father of Sanskrit Grammar?
1. Panini
2. Patanjali
3. Kalidas
4. None of the above
Answer: 1
Question: Sir Charles Wood’s Despatch of 1854 dealt with
1. Administrative reforms
2. Social reforms
3. Economic reforms
4. Educational reforms
Answer: 4
Question: The name of Lord Cornwallis is associated with the
1. Dual government
2. Maratha wars
3. System of subsidiary
4. Permanent settlement
Answer: 4
Question: The Non-Cooperation Movement was ultimately withdrawn by Mahatma Gandhi
1. On the directions of the Party
2. On account of amicable settlement with the British
3. On account of violent incidents at Chauri-Chaura
4. On account of excessive repression by the Government
Answer: 3
Question: Who among the following was the first Maratha Ruler to get legal recognition from the Mughals?
1. Sahuji
2. Shivaji
3. Balaji Baji Rao
4. Sambhaji
Answer: 1
Question: Mahatma Gandhi started his struggle against apartheid in
1. Natal
2. Transvaal
3. Johannesberg
4. Champaran
Answer: 1
Question: Who committed the most daring murder of Sir Curzen Wyllie in 1907 in a public meeting in London?
1. B.N. Dutta
2. M.L. Dhingra
3. Sardar Ajit Singh
4. S.C. Chatterjee
Answer: 2
Question: Ahalyabai, the saintly queen of Maheshwar (Central India) belonged to which dynasty?
1. Scindia dynasty
2. Peshwa dynasty
3. Holkar dynasty
4. Rajput dynasty
Answer: 3
Question: Who was the Defence Minister of India during the Indo-China War of 1962?
1. R. N. Thapar
2. Jagjivan Ram
3. V. K. Krishna Menon
4. Govind Ballabh Pant
Answer: 3
Question: Who was Francisco De Almeida?
1. Dutch Viceroy in India
2. Portuguese Viceroy in India
3. French Viceroy in India
4. English Viceroy in India
Answer: 2
Question: Who propounded the Saptanga Theory?
1. Manu
2. Charaka
3. Kautilya
4. Tulsidas
Answer: 3
Question: Which region of India was ruled by Sultan Zain-ul Abidin?
1. Assam
2. Delhi
3. Kashmir
4. Orissa
Answer: 3
Question: The Santhal rebellion of 1855-56 resulted in the creation of a separate geographical entity known as Santhal Parganas for the tribals. Who were the leaders associated with the rebellion?
1. Sidhu and Chakara
2. Chakara and Bogra
3. Sidhu and Kanhu
4. Dora and Chakara
Answer: 3
Question: After the Chauri-Chaura incident, Gandhiji suspended the
1. Civil Disobedience Movement
2. Khilafat Movement
3. Non-Corperation Movement
4. Quize India Movement
Answer: 3
Question: Who said ‘Swaraj is my birthright and i shall have it’?
1. M.K.Gandhi
2. B.G.Tilak
3. G.K.Gokhale
4. B.R.Ambedkar
Answer: 2
Question: Mangal Pandey fired the first shot of the Rovolt of 1857 at
1. Barrackpore
2. Meerut
3. Kanpur
4. Jhansi
Answer: 1
Question: Bahadur Shah was the
1. Last ruler of the Lodies
2. Successor of sher shah suri
3. Last Mughal ruler
4. Successor of the Maratha ruler shivaji
Answer: 3
Question: The coast that belongs to Kerala is known as
1. Konkan Coast
2. Malabar Coast
3. Coromandal coast
4. Canara Coast
Answer: 2
Question: Which one of the following stages of the life of man in Aryan Society ,in ascending order of age, is correct?
1. Brahmacharya – Grihastha – Vanaprastha – Sanyasa
2. Grihastha – Brahmacharya – Vanaprastha – Sanyasa
3. Brahmacharya – Vanaprastha – Sanyasa – Grihastha
4. Grihastha – Sanyasa – Vanaprastha – Brahmacharya
Answer: 1
Question: What was the age of Akbar at the time of his coronation at Kalanaur?
1. Thirteen
2. Fifteen
3. Eighteen
4. Twenty
Answer: 1
Question: Great Stupa at Sanchi is in
1. Uttar Pradesh
2. Madhya pradesh
3. Arunachal Pardesh
4. Andhra Pradesh
Answer: 2
Question: ‘Charak’ was the famous court physician of
1. Harsha
2. Chandra Gupta Maurya
3. Ashoka
4. Kanishka
Answer: 4
Question: The capital of Pakistan till 1959 was
1. Islamabad
2. Karachi
3. Lahore
4. Hyderabad
Answer: 2

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