Question: The earliest evidence of agriculture in Indian sub-continent comes from-
1. Koldihwa
2. Lahuradeva
3. Mehargarh
4. Tokwa
Answer: 3
Question: Which of the following Ashokan inscriptions is devoted to the principle of religious tolerance completely?
1. Rock edict XIII
2. Rock edict XII
3. Pillar inscription VII
4. Bhabru minor rock edict
Answer: 3
Question: Which of the following sites has yielded skeleton of dog along with human skeletion in burial?
1. Brahmagiri
2. Burzahom
3. Chirand
4. Maski
Answer: 2
Question: Choose the correct pair from the following-
1. Khajuraho – Chandellas
2. Ellora caves – Saka
3. Mahabalipuram – Rashtrakutas
4. Meenakshi Temple – Pallavas
Answer: 1
Question: The Gujarra minor rock edict, in which the name of Ashoka is mentioned, is located in-
1. Mirzapur district of Uttar Pradesh
2. Datia district of Madhya Pradesh
3. Jaipur district of Rajasthan
4. Champaran district of Bihar
Answer: 2
Question: Subhas Chandra Bose had founded ‘Forward Bloc’ in the year-
1. 1936 A.D.
2. 1937 A.D.
3. 1938 A.D.
4. 1939 A.D.
Answer: 4
Question: Which one of the following was directly related to the Poona Pact of 1932?
1. Indian women
2. Indian labour class
3. Indian farmers
4. Indian depressed class
Answer: 4
Question: Which one of the following statements is not correct about Dadabhai Naoroji?
1. He wrote a book ‘Poverty and Un-British rule in India’
2. He worked as a professor of Gujarati in the University College, London
3. He laid the foundation of woman’s education in Bombay
4. He was elected as a member of British Parliament on the ticket of the Conservative Party
Answer: 4
Question: Who was the leader of the Swadeshi Movement in Madras?
1. Srinivas Sastri
2. Rajagopalachari
3. Chidambaram Pillai
4. Chintmani
Answer: 3
Question: The transfer of capital of British India from Calcutta to Delhi was effected during the period of-
1. Lord Minto
2. Lord Hardinge
3. Lord Chelmsford
4. Lord Reading
Answer: 2
Question: The Province where Indian National Congress did not form ministry after the General election of 1937 was-
1. Orissa
2. Bihar
3. Madras
4. Bengal
Answer: 4
Question: In the Interim Government (1946) who held the Railways Portfolio?
1. Baldev Singh
2. T. T. Chudrigar
3. Asaf Ali
4. Abdul Rab Nishtar
Answer: 3
Question: Kakori Conspiracy Case took place in the year-
1. 1920
2. 1925
3. 1930
4. 1935
Answer: 2
Question: Who of the following had started the Khilafat Movement? Choose the answer from the code given below: 1. Shaukat Ali
2. Mohammad Ali
3. Shariatullah
4. Abul Kalam Azad
1. 1 and 2
2. 1, 3 and 4
3. 1, 2 and 3
4. 1, 2, 3, 4
Answer: 1
Question: Who of the following was the President of Indian National Congress for consecutive six years?
1. Jawahar Lal Nehru
2. Dadabhai Naoroji
3. Abul Kalam Azad
4. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
Answer: 3
Question: Arrange the following events in chronological order and choose the correct answer using the code given below: 1. Jallianwalabagh Massacre
2. Chaurichaura Episode
3. Champaran Movement
4. Moplah Rebellion
1. 1, 2, 3, 4
2. 2, 1, 2, 4
3. 3, 1, 4, 2
4. 3, 1, 2, 4
Answer: 3
Question: The movement in India which became popular during the first World War was the-
1. Swadeshi and Boycott Movement
2. Home Rule Movement
3. Separatist Movement
4. Swarajist Party Movement
Answer: 2
Question: Which of the following newspapers advocated revolutionary terrorism during the period of Indian freedom struggle? 1. Sandhya
2. Yugantar
3. Kaal
Choose the correct answer from the code given below:
1. 1, 2
2. 1, 3
3. 2, 3
4. 1, 2, 3
Answer: 4
Question: Who amongst the following made regular broadcast on Congress Radio operated during quit India Movement?
1. Jaya Prakash Narayan
2. Subhas Chandra Bose
3. Ram Manohar Lohia
4. Sucheta Kriplani
Answer: 3
Question: The Indian National Congress had launched the Non Co-operation Movement in the year-
1. 1918 A.D.
2. 1919 A.D.
3. 1920 A.D.
4. 1921 A.D.
Answer: 3
Question: The annual session of Muslim League in the year 1970 was held at-
1. Dacca
2. Karachi
3. Aligarh
4. Lucknow
Answer: 2
Question: Who said, ‘Imperialism’ is dead as ‘dodo’?
1. Ramje Macdonald
2. Winston Churchill
3. Clement Attlee
4. Lord Wavell
Answer: 2
Question: The UNO came into existence in
1. 1946
2. 1945
3. 1947
4. 1950
Answer: 2
Question: Sanchi portrays the art and sculpture of the
1. Jains
2. Buddhists
3. Muslims
4. Christians
Answer: 2
Question: The British Government declared for the first time that their intention in India is to gradually establish responsible government through
1. The Regulating Act, 1773
2. The Government of India Act, 1858
3. The Cripps Proposal, 1942
4. The August 1917 Declaration
Answer: 4
Question: Subhas Chandra Bose had founded ‘Forward Bloc’ in the year-
1. 1936 A.D.
2. 1937 A.D.
3. 1938 A.D.
4. 1939 A.D.
Answer: 4
Question: Which one of the following was directly related to the Poona Pact of 1932?
1. Indian women
2. Indian labour class
3. Indian farmers
4. Indian depressed class
Answer: 4
Question: Which one of the following statements is not correct about Dadabhai Naoroji?
1. He wrote a book ‘Poverty and Un-British rule in India’
2. He worked as a professor of Gujarati in the University College, London
3. He laid the foundation of woman’s education in Bombay
4. He was elected as a member of British Parliament on the ticket of the Conservative Party
Answer: 4
Question: Who was the leader of the Swadeshi Movement in Madras?
1. Srinivas Sastri
2. Rajagopalachari
3. Chidambaram Pillai
4. Chintmani
Answer: 3
Question: The transfer of capital of British India from Calcutta to Delhi was effected during the period of-
1. Lord Minto
2. Lord Hardinge
3. Lord Chelmsford
4. Lord Reading
Answer: 2
Question: The Province where Indian National Congress did not form ministry after the General election of 1937 was-
1. Orissa
2. Bihar
3. Madras
4. Bengal
Answer: 4
Question: In the Interim Government (1946) who held the Railways Portfolio?
1. Baldev Singh
2. T. T. Chudrigar
3. Asaf Ali
4. Abdul Rab Nishtar
Answer: 3
Question: Kakori Conspiracy Case took place in the year-
1. 1920
2. 1925
3. 1930
4. 1935
Answer: 2
Question: Who of the following had started the Khilafat Movement? Choose the answer from the code given below: 1. Shaukat Ali
2. Mohammad Ali
3. Shariatullah
4. Abul Kalam Azad
1. 1 and 2
2. 1, 3 and 4
3. 1, 2 and 3
4. 1, 2, 3, 4
Answer: 1
Question: Who of the following was the President of Indian National Congress for consecutive six years?
1. Jawahar Lal Nehru
2. Dadabhai Naoroji
3. Abul Kalam Azad
4. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
Answer: 3
Question: The Hundred-Year War was fought between
1. France and Germany
2. Germany and Austria
3. France and England
4. England and Austria
Answer: 3
Question: …………… was the founder of the Mughal empire.
1. Akbar
2. Humayun
3. Babur
4. Ala-ud-din Khilji
Answer: 3
Question: Sikhism was founded in
1. 1000 AD
2. 1500 AD
3. 300 BC
4. 1400 AD
Answer: 2
Question: Faizee lived in the court of
1. Humayun
2. Dara Shikoh
3. Bahadur Shah Zafar
4. Akbar
Answer: 4
Question: Mahavira was born in the royal family of the
1. Sakyas
2. Kshatriyas
3. Licchavis
4. Satavahanas
Answer: 3
Question: Bangladesh was created in
1. 1970
2. 1971
3. 1972
4. 1973
Answer: 2
Question: Aryans emerged on the Indian scene sometimes between
1. 3000-2500 BC
2. 3100-2400 BC
3. 300-250 BC
4. 322-185 BC
Answer: 1
Question: The First Battle of Panipat was fought between
1. Shershah Suri and Akbar
2. Humayun and Ibrahim Lodhi
3. Babur and Ibrahim Lodhi
4. Babur and Rana Sanga
Answer: 3
Question: When did the ‘Jalianwala Bagh’ tragedy take place?
1. 1928
2. 1919
3. 1946
4. 1942
Answer: 2
Question: Which war is associated with Florence Nightingale?
1. Word War I
2. Word War II
3. Crimean War
4. Battle of Leipzig
Answer: 3
Question: Who is regarded as the great law giver of the ancient India?
1. Panini
2. Manu
3. Kautilya
4. None of these
Answer: 2
Question: The Rupee coins were first minted in India during the rule of
1. Shahjahan
2. Shershah Suri
3. East India Company
4. Razia Begum
Answer: 2
Question: Gautam Buddha died at
1. Lumbini
2. Srawasti
3. Kushinagar
4. Bodhgaya
Answer: 3
Question: The French Revolution began in the year
1. 1770
2. 1788
3. 1789
4. 1750
Answer: 3
Question: Napoleon Bonaparte belonged to
1. Italy
2. Britain
3. Germany
4. France
Answer: 4
Question: Who among the following transferred his capital from Delhi to Devagiri?
1. Iltutmish
2. Ghiasuddin Balban
3. Ala-ud-din Khilji
4. Kuhammad bin Tughlaq
Answer: 4
Question: The first to have trade relations with India were the
1. Dutch
2. English
3. Portuguese
4. French
Answer: 3
Question: Who among the following was the first sovereign Sultan of Delhi?
1. Alauddin Khalji
2. Qutbuddin Aibak
3. Balban
4. Iltutmish
Answer: 2

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