Question: Which one among the following is common to the Treaty of Yandaboo (1826), the Treaty of Salbai (1782) and the Treaty of Gandamak (1879)?
1. with these treaties various Indian powers formed alliances to defeat the British
2. These treaties expedited the spread of Indian culture abroad
3. These treaties gave an essential boost to enhanced trade in South Asia.
4. These treaties enabled the British to control the South Asian powers
Answer: 4
Question: Consider the following statements: 1. Charles Wood’s Dispatch of 1854 laid exclusive emphasis on the development of higher education in India and neglected primary and secondary education. 2. The Carlyle Circular issued by R.W. Carlyle sought to check the spread of revolutionary activities in educational institutions. which of the statements given above is/are correct?
1. 2 only
2. 1 only
3. Both 1 and 2
4. Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: 1
Question: Consider the following statements:1. The Champaran Satyagraha marked Gandhiji’s second appearance in Indian politics as a leader of the masses. 2. The Champaran Satyagraha was launched to address the problems faced by Indigo plantation workers. which of the statements given above is/are correct?
1. 2 only
2. 1 only
3. Both 1 and 2
4. Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: 1
Question: Consider the following statements: 1. The Buddhists in Deccan excavated rock-cut Cbaityas and the Vaishnavas, Shaivas and Jainas imitated these in later centuries. 2. The Vaishnavas, Shaivas and Jainas excavated temples at sites far distant from rock-cut chaityas. which of the statements given above is/are correct?
1. 2 only
2. 1 only
3. both 1 and 2
4. Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: 2
Question: The ‘Bombay Plan’ drafted by G.D. Birla and J.R.D. Tata emphasized:
1. the public sector investment in infrastructure and heavy industries.
2. That the economy should be left to the dynamic investments by the private sector in heavy industries etc.
3. annual planning
4. that the private sector should foot the bill for intensive and low return investments in the industr
Answer: 1
Question: The Rowlatt Act was passed to:
1. curtail the nationalist and revolutionary activities
2. bring about agrarian reforms.
3. have a favorable balance of trade
4. put Second World War criminals on trial
Answer: 1
Question: Who amongst the following was the Last Guru of the Sikhs?
1. Guru Gobind Singh
2. Guru Arjun Dev
3. Guru Teg Bahadur
4. Guru Angad Dev
Answer: 1
Question: Who was the Chola King who brought Ganga from North to South?
1. Raja Raja Chola
2. Rajendra Chola
3. Parantaka
4. Mahendra
Answer: 2
Question: The writ of ‘Habeas Corpus’ is issued in the event of:
1. Loss of Property
2. Refund of Excess Taxes
3. Wrongful Police Detention
4. Violation of the Freedom of Speech
Answer: 3
Question: What was Chandragupta II also known as?
1. Samudra Gupta
2. Ranaa Gupta
3. Vikramaditya
4. Skanda Gupta
Answer: 3
Question: What is the name of the Fort built by the English in Kolkata?
1. Fort St. David
2. Fort Victoria
3. Fort William
4. Fort St. Andrew
Answer: 3
Question: C.R. Das and Motilal Nehru formed the ‘Swaraj Party’ after,
1. Swadeshi Movementt
2. Quit India Movement
3. Non Cooperation Movement
4. Civil Disobedience Movement
Answer: 3
Question: Which of the following gods are worshiped in the sanctum of Badrinath and Kedarnath temples respectively?
1. Shiva and Vishnu
2. Vishnu and Shiva
3. Shiva and Parvati
4. Vishnu and Brahma
Answer: 2
Question: Which one of following sites of the Indus Valley Civilization had an ancient dockyard?
1. Lothal
2. Kalibangan
3. Harappa
4. Rangpur
Answer: 1
Question: Which one of the following suggested the reconstitution of the Viceroy’s Executive Council in which all portfolios including that of War Members were to be held by the Indian leaders?
1. Cripps Proposal
2. Simon Commission
3. Simla Conference
4. Cabinet Mission
Answer: 1
Question: During the time of which Mughal Emperor did the English East India Company establish its first factory in India?
1. Aurangzeb
2. Shahjahan
3. Jahangir
4. Akbar
Answer: 3
Question: Who among the following rejected the title of Knighthood and refused to accept a position in the Council of the Secretary of State for India?
1. M.G. Ranade
2. B.G. Tilak
3. Motilal Nehru
4. G.K. Gokhale
Answer: 4
Question: Benazir Bhutto is associated with which of the following political parties?
1. Muslim League
2. Pakisatn People’s Party
3. Pakisatn National Congress
4. Islamic Movement of pakistan
Answer: 2
Question: Who was the viceroy of India when the Rowlatt Act was Passed/
1. Lord Irwin
2. Lord Reading
3. Lord Chelmsford
4. Lord Wavell
Answer: 3
Question: Which one of the following suggested the reconstitution of the viceroy’s Executive Council in which all the portfolios including that of War Members were to be held by the Indian Leaders?
1. Simon Commission
2. Simla conference
3. cripps Proposal
4. Cabinet Mission
Answer: 3
Question: During the Indian freedom Struggle, who among the following raised an army called ‘Free Indian Legion’?
1. Lala Hardayal
2. Rashbehari Bose
3. Subhas Chandra Bose
4. V.D. Savarkar
Answer: 3
Question: who among the following has authored the book Hind Swaraj?
1. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
2. Mahatama Gandhi
3. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
4. M.G. Ranade
Answer: 2
Question: Sati was declared illegal and punishable by the Regulation XVII during the Governor-Generalship of
1. Lord William Bentinck
2. Lord Canning
3. Lord Ripon
4. Lord Dalhousie
Answer: 1
Question: Which religious reformer of Western India was Known as’ Lokhitwadi’?
1. Gopal Hari Deshmukh
2. R.G. Bhandarkar
3. Mahadev Govind Ranade
4. B.G. Tilak
Answer: 1
Question: The British introduced the railways in India in order to
1. Promote heavy industries in india
2. facilitate British Commerce and Administrative control
3. move foodstuff in case of famine
4. enable Indians to move freely within the country
Answer: 2
Question: Who was the first Governor-General of Bengal?
1. Robert Clive
2. Warren Hastings
3. William Bentinck
4. Cornwallis
Answer: 2
Question: Which Governor-General abolished slavery?
1. Sir John shore
2. Lord William Bentick
3. Lord Ellenborough
4. Lord Cornwallis
Answer: 3
Question: The Delhi Sultan who wrote his memoir’s was-
1. Iltutmish
2. Balban
3. Alayddin Khilji
4. Firoz Tuglaq
Answer: 4
Question: Which of the following Mughal emperors spent a greater part of his reign to overthrow the Deccan Kingdoms?
1. Jahangir
2. Akbar
3. Shahjahan
4. Aurangzeb
Answer: 3
Question: Who among the following was a founder of the Punjab Naujawan Bharat Sabha in 1926?
1. Lala Lajpat Rai
2. Lala Hardayal
3. Sardar Bhagat Singh
4. Udham Singh
Answer: 3

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