Question: Bombay was taken over by the English India Company from-
1. The Dutch
2. The French
3. The Danish
4. The Portuguese
Answer: 4
Question: Which one among the following statements about Ashokan Edicts is correct?
1. The subject of inscribed matter on Rock Edicts differs completely with that of the Pillar Edicts
2. The Pillar Edicts were located in all parts of the empire
3. The Edicts give details of his personal concerns but are silent on events of the empire
4. The Greek or Aramaic Edicts are versions or translations of the texts used in other Edicts
Answer: 1
Question: Who wrote ‘Bande Mataram’?
1. Rajanikanta Sen
2. Bankimchandra Chatterjee
3. Rangalal Banerjee
4. Rabindranath Tagore
Answer: 2
Question: Who introduced the Kabuliyat and Patta system?
1. Alauddin Khalji
2. Akbar
3. Aurangzeb
4. Sher Shah
Answer: 4
Question: Jayadev, the author of Gita Govinda, was the court poet of—
1. Lakshmanasena
2. Hemantasena
3. Vijaysena
4. Ballalsena
Answer: 1
Question: What was the capital of ancient Magadha?
1. Rajagriha
2. Girivraja
3. Pataliputra
4. Sravasti
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following Indian Kings excelled in music?
1. Kanishka
2. Samudragupta
3. Harshavardhana
4. Chandragupta Maurya
Answer: 2
Question: When Partition of Bengal was effected?
1. October 16, 1905
2. 1903
3. July 19, 1905
4. December 1905
Answer: 1
Question: Who was the opponent of Babur in the First Battle of Panipat?
1. Medini Raya
2. Ibrahim Lodi
3. Rana Sanga
4. Mahmud Lodi
Answer: 2
Question: Who was the best king of the Cholas?
1. Rajendra I
2. Rajaraja I
3. Parantaka II
4. Vira Rajendra
Answer: 1
Question: The oldest part of the Veda was—
1. Rig
2. Sama
3. Yajur
4. Atharva
Answer: 1
Question: Who among the following Mughal rulers banned music and dancing?
1. Humayun
2. Jahangir
3. Babar
4. Aurangzeb
Answer: 4
Question: Who is called the ‘Father of Modern India’?
1. W.C.Banerjee
2. Rammohan Roy
3. Jawaharlal Nehru
4. Mahatma Gandhi
Answer: 2
Question: Who wrote the Nasik Prasasti (eulogy)?
1. Goutamiputra Satakarni
2. Queen Nayanika
3. Gautami Balashri
4. Simuka
Answer: 1
Question: Who discovered Mohenjodaro?
1. Dayaram Sahani
2. Sir Mortimar Wheeler
3. Rakhaldas Banerjee
4. Sir John Marshall
Answer: 3
Question: Who defended Aurbindo Ghosh in the Alipur Bomb case?
1. Chittaranjan Das
2. W. C.Banerjee
3. Bipin Chandra Pal
4. Surendranath Banerjee
Answer: 1
Question: When Indian National Congress was founded?
1. 1885 A.D.
2. 1875 A.D.
3. 1858 A.D.
4. 1883 A.D.
Answer: 1
Question: The Arab conquest Sindh took place in –
1. 1191 A.D.
2. 712 A.D.
3. 1027 A.D.
4. 1206 A.D.
Answer: 2
Question: Who was the best ruler of the Maurya empire?
1. Chandragupta Maurya
2. Bindusara
3. Dasaratha
4. Ashoka
Answer: 4
Question: Who was the author of Harshacharit?
1. Banabhatta
2. Harisena
3. Ravikirti
4. Davaka
Answer: 1
Question: Jallianwala Bagh Massacre took place in the year –
1. 1914
2. 1929
3. 1916
4. 1919
Answer: 4
Question: Who was the main inspiration of the Young Bengal movement?
1. Raja Rammohan Roy
2. David Hare
3. Debendranath Tagore
4. L.V.Derozio
Answer: 4
Question: Which Muslim invader conquered Bengal during the time of Lakshmanasen?
1. Muhammad Ghori
2. Qutbuddin Aibak
3. Iltutmish
4. Bakhtiyar Khilji
Answer: 4
Question: ‘The Servants of India’ Society was founded by –
1. H.N.Kunzuru
2. B.G.Tilak
3. V.D.Savarkar
4. M.N.Joshi
Answer: 3
Question: The Policy of Subsidiary Alliance was introduced by–
1. Canning
2. Dalhousie
3. Warren Hastings
4. Wellesley
Answer: 4
Question: Which Sultan of Delhi brought one Asokan Pillar to Delhi?
1. Md. Bin Tughlaq
2. Firuz Shah Tughlaq
3. Alauddin Khilji
4. Iltutmish
Answer: 2
Question: During whose reign the East India Company established their first factory in India?
1. Shahjahan
2. Aurangzeb
3. Bahadur Shah-I
4. Jahangir
Answer: 4
Question: Where was Gadar Party formed?
1. Tokyo
2. San Francisco
3. Lahore
4. New York
Answer: 2
Question: The National Conference in Calcutta was held to raise National Fund in the year –
1. 1884
2. 1885
3. 1905
4. 1883
Answer: 2
Question: The slogan ‘Inquilab Zindabad’ was given by –
1. Bhagat Singh
2. Lala Lajpat Rai
3. Sir Mohammad Iqbal
4. Subhas Chandra Bose
Answer: 1
Question: The first political society started under British rule in India was –
1. Arya Samaj
2. Bengal land-holders, society (British Indian Association, 1852)
3. Brahma Samaj
4. None of the above
Answer: 2
Question: Which of the following states was previously know as NEFA?
1. Assam
2. Manipur
3. Nagaland
4. Arunachal Pradesh
Answer: 4
Question: When did Royal Indian Navy Revolt in Bombay take place?
1. 1946
2. 1945
3. 1944
4. 1942
Answer: 1
Question: Gopal was the founder of –
1. Pallava dynasty
2. Pratihara dynasty
3. Chalukya dynasty
4. Pala dynasty
Answer: 4
Question: Which Indian ruler was made the prisoner of the Revolt of 1857?
1. Nana Saheb
2. Rani of Jhansi-Lakshmi Bai
3. Bahadur Shah Zafar
4. Noe of the above
Answer: 3
Question: To which place did Murshid Quil Khan transfer his capital from Dacca?
1. Gour
2. Pandua
3. Murshidabad
4. Monghyr
Answer: 3
Question: When was University of Calcutta founded?
1. 1860
2. 1874
3. 1854
4. 1857
Answer: 4
Question: Who caused to build Qutub Minar in Delhi?
1. Balban
2. Iltutmish
3. Qutbuddin Aibak
4. Alauddin Khilji
Answer: 3

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