Question: The first Political Organization established in India in 1838 was known as –
1. British India Society
2. Bengal British India Society
3. Settlers Association
4. Zamindari Association
Answer: 4
Question: The battle field of Plassey is situated in –
1. Bihar
2. Andhra Pradesh
3. Orissa
4. West Bengal
Answer: 4
Question: Which of the following is the oldest Veda?
1. Samveda
2. Yajurveda
3. Rigveda
4. Atharvaveda
Answer: 3
Question: The famous historian who visited India with Mahmud Ghazni was –
1. Ferishta
2. Al-Beruni
3. Afif
4. Ibn Batuta
Answer: 2
Question: Who was defeated in the battle of Khanva?
1. Rana Pratap
2. Hemu
3. Rana Sanga
4. Allauddin Khilji
Answer: 3
Question: Where is Lothal situated?
1. Gujarat
2. Rajasthan
3. Pakistan
4. Haryana
Answer: 1
Question: From which district of Uttarakhand State ‘Chipko Movement’ organised?
1. Chamoli
2. Uttarkashi
3. Tehri Garhwal
4. Pauri-Garhwal
Answer: 1
Question: Indian Broadcasting Service was renamed in 1936 as
1. Akashwani
2. Nabhowani
3. Doorwani
4. All India Ratio
Answer: 4
Question: Who among the following started the newspaper Shome Prakash?
1. Ishwar Chandra Vidyasagar
2. Raja Rammohun Roy
3. Dayanand Saraswati
4. Surendranath Banerjee
Answer: 1
Question: Where is the famous Vijaya Vittala temple having its 56 carved pillars emitting notes located?
1. Belur
2. Srirangam
3. Bhadrachalam
4. Hampi
Answer: 4
Question: Who was the first woman Governor of an Indian State?
1. Sushila Nayar
2. Sucheta Kriplani
3. Sarojini Naidu
4. Sulochan Modi
Answer: 3
Question: Where are the Dilwara Temples located?
1. Shravanabelagola
2. Parasnath Hills
3. Indore
4. Mt. Abu
Answer: 4
Question: Who is the first Indian lady to preside over the Congress?
1. Raj Kumari Amrit Kaur
2. Annie Besant
3. Amrita Sher Gill
4. Vijayalakshmi Pandit
Answer: 2
Question: Who among the following formed a party named as ‘Forward Bloc’?
1. Subhash Chandra Bose
2. Sardar Bhagat Singh
3. Chandrashekhar Azad
4. Jawaharlal Nehru
Answer: 1
Question: Paper currency established in 1949 in India in –
1. 1862
2. 1542
3. 1601
4. 1880
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the statements given below about the Champaran Satyagraha is/are correct?
It was related to Indigo plantations.
It started because the European planters oppressed the Zamindars.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
1. Both 1 and 2
2. 2 only
3. 1 only
4. Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: 3
Question: Which one among the following statements appropriately defines the term ‘drain theory’ as propounded by Dadabhai Naoroji in his work ‘Poverty and un-British Rule in India’?
1. That the resources of India were being utilised in the interest of Britain
2. That a part of India’s national wealth or total annual product was being exported to Britain for which India got no material returns
3. That the British industrialists were being given an opportunity to invest in India under the protection of the imperial power
4. That the British goods were being imported to India making the country poorer day by day
Answer: 1
Question: Which among the following was the most immediate factor for the spread of Swadeshi and boycott of foreign goods during the first decade of the last century?
1. Curzon’s plan to curb the growing popularity of the Indian National Congress
2. Curzon’s design to curtail the sphere of local self-government
3. Curzon’s attempt to control the Universities
4. Curzon’s partition of Bengal
Answer: 4
Question: Which of the following statements regarding Permanent Settlement is/are correct?
The Permanent Settlement was introduced in parts of the Madras and Bombay Presidencies.
The Permanent Settlement created a new class of landlords with hereditary rights on land
The landlords created by the Permanent Settlement could never be removed under any circumstance.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
1. 2 only
2. 1 only
3. 2 and 3 only
4. 1, 2 and 3
Answer: 1
Question: Gandhiji led the Indian nationalist movement from the front and his leadership was motivated by a wider philosophy he nurtured throughout the course of the movement. Which one among the following was a continuous movement based on this philosophy, and not a specific movement?
1. Non-cooperation Movement
2. Swadeshi Movement
3. Quit India Movement
4. Civil Disobedience Movement
Answer: 1
Question: The Jainas believe that Jainism is the outcome of the teachings of twenty-four Tirthankaras. In the light of this statement, which one among the following is correct of Vardhamana Mahavira?
1. He was not one of the twenty four Tirthankaras
2. He was the first Tirthankara and the founder of Jainism
3. He was the twenty-third Tirthankara, the first twenty-fourth Tirthankaras being considered legendary
4. He was the last land and twenty-fourth Tirthankara, who was not considered as the founder of the new faith but as a reformer of the existing religious sect
Answer: 4
Question: The earliest Buddhist literature which deal with the stories of the various birth of Buddha are
1. Sutta pitakas
2. Venaya pitakas
3. Jatakas
4. Abhidhamma pitakas
Answer: 3
Question: Which one among the following is not a characteristic of Rig-Vedic Aryans?
1. They were acquainted with the use of copper and the modern ploughshare
2. They were acquainted with horses, chariots and the use of bronze
3. They were acquainted with the cow, which formed the most important from of wealth
4. They were acquainted with the use of iron.
Answer: 4
Question: The first effort at drafting a Dominion Status Constitution for India was made in response to the
1. Montague-Chelmsford Reforms
2. Minto-Morley Reforms
3. Simon Commission
4. First Round Table Conference
Answer: 3
Question: The Constituent Assembly of India was chosen on the basis of the provincial elections of 1941. With the withdrawal of the Muslim League from the Constituent Assembly, it turned out that majority of the Assembly members were also members of the Congress. Under that circumstance, how was the Constituent Assembly given a broader social basis?
1. By nominating independent members of different castes, groups and women and also by taking in repres
2. By nomination independent members from various minority groups
3. By nominating independent members from various caste and religious groups
4. By taking in representatives of the princely states and asking for written submission from the public at large
Answer: 4
Question: What was the “privy purse” in the context of the history of Modern India?
1. A purse given by the government of India to dignitaries for service rendered
2. A purse given Privately by one organisation to another
3. A grant given by the Government of India to the erstwhile Princes of India
4. A gift given by an erstwhile Prince of India to the Government of India
Answer: 3
Question: Which one among the following was a reason for which the French could not succeed in India in the 18th Century?
1. Dupleix was called back at a crucial time
2. They sided with the weak Indian sides such as Chanda Sahib and Muzafar Jang
3. They conspired against the Indian powers
4. Their trading company was heavily dependent on the French Government
Answer: 1
Question: Which one of the following was the result of the First Anglo-Maratha War of 1775-82?
1. It helped Hyder Ali to gather strength because the British and Marathas were engaged in a mutual war
2. The British won the war
3. The Marathas won the war
4. There was no victory for either side
Answer: 4
Question: Consider the following statements
1.’Jana Gana Mana’ the country’s national anthem was first sung by Sarla Devi Choudhrani, a century ago at the 1911 Calcutta Session of the Indian National Congress.
2. It was penned by famous Bengali author Bankim Chandra Chatarjee on his book ‘Ananda Math’.
3. Originally written in Bengali and was adopted in its hindi version by the Constituent Assembly as it National Anthem of India on January 24th,1950
4. The complete song consists of five stanza
1. 1,3 and 4 only
2. 2 and 3 only
3. All of them
4. None of them
Answer: 1
Question: Which one among the following pairs is correctly matched?
1. The Battle of Chausa: Defeat of Humayun by Sher Shah
2. The Second Battle of Tarain: Defeat of Jaichand of Kanauj by Muhammad of Ghur
3. The First Battle of Panipat: Defeat of Sikandar Lodi by babur
4. The Battle of Khanwa: Defeat of Rana Pratap by Akbar
Answer: 1
Question: Which one of the following statements about the teachings of Kabir is not correct?
1. He was not against pilgrimage and idol worship
2. He believed in universal love
3. He emphasised on one God and the spread of devotionalism
4. He did not consider it necessary to abandon the normal life of a householder
Answer: 1
Question: Consider the following passage and identify the three tribal principalities referred to therein using the code given below:
In the early history of the far south in India, three tribal principalities are mentioned in Ashokan inscriptions of the third century BC and in Kharavela inscription of the first century BC.
1. Cholas, Pandyas and Cheras
2. Vakatakas, Cholas and Satvahanas
3. Ikshvakus, Vakatakas and Pandyas
4. Pallavas, Cholas and Pandyas
Answer: 1
Question: Consider the following statements and identify with the help of the code given below the person who made the statement:
“It would be quite impossible for a few hundred British to administer against the active apposition of the whole of the politically minded of the population”.
1. Clement Attlee in January 1947 in a private letter addressed to Ernest Bevin
2. Jawaharlal Nehru in April 1947 in an address to Congressmen at Lucknow
3. Lord Mountbatten in December 1946 in a note given to British Parliament
4. Viceroy Wavell in January 1946 in a letter to Secretary of State
Answer: 1
Question: Which one among the following was part of Gandhi-Irwin Agreement of 1931?
1. Release of political prisoners excepting those guilty of arson and violence
2. Stern action against policemen guilty of brutal assault on Satyagrahis
3. Nehru to represent Congress at the Round Table Conference of 1931
4. Deletion of communal question from the agenda of the Conference
Answer: 1
Question: Which one among the following statements regarding the social and religious reform ideas of Raja Rammohun Roy is not correct?
1. His Vedantic monism was strengthened after 1815 since an exposure to Christian Unitarianism
2. He paid attention exclusively to the problems/issues of the emerging middle class of India
3. His efforts led to the formation of Brahmo Samaj in 1828
4. He considered different religions as embodiments of universal theism
Answer: 1
Question: The interest of the Vijayanagar and Bahmani rulers clashed in three separate and distinct area in Deccan. Which one among the following was not directly associated with this intense conflict?
1. Kaveri interior delta
2. Tungabhadra doab
3. Krishna-Godavari delta/basin
4. Marathawada country
Answer: 1
Question: Which one among the following was not a reform measure carried out by Mahmud Gawan of Bahmani Kingdom?
1. Lands were measured and land taxes were fixed on that basis
2. The Kingdom was divided into eight provinces or Tarafs
3. Nobles were paid salaries and were asked to maintain contingents of horses
4. A tract of land, Khalisa, was set apart for the expenses of the Tarafdar
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following statements about Fourth Anglo-Mysore War are correct?
1. The Madras Council suggested a policy of rigorous and intense attack on Mysore.
2. Lord Wellesley tried to revive the Triple Alliance.
3. Tipu sent emissaries to Arabia, Versailles, Mauritius and Kabul enlisting support against the English.
4. The War was of a very short duration though decisive Select the correct answer using the code given below: Code:
1. 2, 3 and 4
2. 1, 3 and 4
3. 2 and 4 only
4. 1 and 3 only
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following statements regarding the American Revolution is/are correct?
1. The American Revolution was a conflict between British settlers and native Americans
2. The Americans refused to pay taxes imposed by the British Parliament in which the Americans had no representation
Select the correct answer using the code given below: Code:
1. Both 1 and 2
2. i only
3. 2 only
4. Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: 1

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