Question: In which one of the following Sessions was the Indian National Congress split into Moderates and Extremists?
1. Calcutta
2. Nagpur
3. Surat
4. Allahabad
Answer: 3
Question: After 1857, who among the following announced, at a Darbar at Allahabad, the assumption of the Government of India by the Sovereign of Great Britain?
1. Sir John Lawrence
2. Lord Mayo
3. Lord Northbrook
4. Lord Canning
Answer: 1
Question: During whose reign did the Gandharv School of Art develop?
1. Chandragupta
2. Harsha
3. Ashoka
4. Kanishka
Answer: 3
Question: Which one of the following was the last Buddhist text produced in India?
1. Vajrachedika
2. Vamsathapakasini
3. Divya Vandana
4. Dohakosa
Answer: 1
Question: Arthasastra was written by –
1. Kalhan
2. Kautilya
3. Pushyamitra
4. Barah Mihir
Answer: 2
Question: Who translated Ramayana into Persian?
1. Isar Das
2. Abdul Latif
3. Abul Fazl
4. Badauni
Answer: 3
Question: Which one of the following was the first English ship that came to India?
1. Bengal
2. Red Dragon
3. Mayflower
4. Elizabeth
Answer: 4
Question: The All India Muslim League was founded by –
1. Mohammad Ali Jinnah
2. Hakim Ajmal Khan
3. Maulana Ahmed Ali
4. Agha Khan
Answer: 4
Question: Relics of Buddha are preserved in a
1. Temple
2. Vihara
3. Stupa
4. Chaitya
Answer: 3
Question: The first Muslim invasion of India was led by
1. Mohammad bin Kasim
2. Mohammad Ghori
3. Mahmud Ghazni
4. Timura Lame
Answer: 1
Question: Sculptures of the Gandhara school reflect the influence of the
1. Persians
2. Romans
3. Chinese
4. Greeks
Answer: 4
Question: The famous ruler of ancient India, who, towards the end of his life, is said to have converted to Jainism,
1. Chandragupta
2. Ashoka
3. Bindusara
4. Samudra Gupta
Answer: 1
Question: The Indus Valley people established commercial contacts with the
1. Romans
2. Egyptians
3. Greeks
4. Central Americans
Answer: 2
Question: Which among the followings was a great centre of trade and commerce in the Gupta period?
1. Mathura
2. Taxila
3. Vatapi
4. Tamralipti
Answer: 1
Question: Who was the founder of the Khalsa?
1. Guru Nanak
2. Guru Teg Bahadur
3. Guru Gobind Singh
4. Harcharan Singh Longowal
Answer: 3
Question: Which of the following Movements was started by the Indian National Congress during the course of the Second World War and formed part of our freedom struggle?
1. Swadeshi
2. Quit India
3. Civil Disobedience
4. Home Rule
Answer: 2
Question: The Governor-General of Fort William became the Governor-General of India under the Charter Act of
1. 1833
2. 1781
3. 1973
4. 1813
Answer: 1
Question: Where did Buddha attain Parinirvana?
1. Rajgriha
2. Kushinagara
3. Vaishali
4. Bodh Gaya
Answer: 2
Question: Madura was the capital of the Kingdom of the
1. Pallavas
2. Cholas
3. Rashtrakutas
4. Pandyas
Answer: 4
Question: Permanent Settlement of Bengal was introduced by
1. Lord Dalhousie
2. Lord William Bentinck
3. Robert Clive
4. Lord Cornwallis
Answer: 4
Question: Namdeva hailed from the state of
1. Maharashtra
2. Andhra Pradesh
3. Tamil Nadu
4. Karnataka
Answer: 1
Question: Abdul Rahim Khan-i-Khana lived during the reign of
1. Jehangir
2. Shahjahan
3. Aurangzeb
4. Akbar
Answer: 4
Question: Who among the British Generals defeated Peshwa Baji Rao II?
1. Malcolm
2. Kitchener
3. Elphinstone
4. Outram
Answer: 1
Question: Who among the following authored “Hind Swaraj”?
1. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
2. M.G.Ranade
3. Mahatma Gandhi
4. Gopal Krishna Gokhale
Answer: 3
Question: The Indian national calendar is based on
1. Vikram era
2. Hijri era
3. Saka era
4. Christian era
Answer: 3
Question: Safdarjung tomb was built by:
1. Aurangzeb
2. Muhammad bin Tughlaq
3. Humayun
4. Shauja-ud-Daula
Answer: 4
Question: The first ruler responsible for the rise of Magadha was
1. Bimbisara
2. Bindusara
3. Ajatashatru
4. Vasudeva
Answer: 1
Question: Who among the following was the first sovereign Sultan of Delhi?
1. Iltutmish
2. Balban
3. Alauddin Khalji
4. Qutbuddin Aibak
Answer: 4
Question: Who amongst the following made it possible for the Indians to enter the Indian Civil Services through an open competitive examination?
1. Ripon
2. Mayo
3. Dalhousie
4. William Bentinck
Answer: 3

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