Question: Who among the following has no role in the abolition of ‘Sati’ System ?
1. Mughal Emperor Akbar
2. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
3. Lord William Bentinck
4. Edwin Samuel Montagu
Answer: 4
Question: The first Persian ruler who occupied part of Indian Territory was –
1. Cyrus
2. Darius 1
3. Xerxes
4. Cambyses
Answer: 2
Question: Alexander remained in India for –
1. 19 months
2. 29 months
3. 39 months
4. 10 months
Answer: 1
Question: Who was the author of Nuskha-i-Dilkusha?
1. Bhimsen Burhanpuri
2. Abul Fazl
3. Khafi Khan
4. Murshidkuli Khan
Answer: 1
Question: Guru Govind Singh was killed in 1708 at—
1. Nanded
2. Amritsar
3. Keeratpur
4. Anandpur
Answer: 1
Question: Who composed ‘Ganga Lahri’?
1. Surdas
2. Tulsidas
3. Panditraj Jagannath
4. Haridasa
Answer: 3
Question: From whom Shahji received the jagir of Poona?
1. Adilshah
2. Mughals
3. Portuguese
4. Nizamshahi
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following Peshwas is connected with the treaty of Sagola?
1. Bajirao II
2. Balaji Bajirao
3. Balaji Vishwanath
4. Bajirao I
Answer: 2
Question: In which year Ahilyabai Holkar breathed her last?
1. 1794
2. 1792
3. 1793
4. 1795
Answer: 4
Question: The French East India Company was formed in —
1. 1680 AD
2. 1664 AD
3. 1660 AD
4. 1656 AD
Answer: 2
Question: The battle of Wandiwash was fought between —
1. English and Hyderali
2. English and the French
3. English and the Marathas
4. English and the Nawab of Carnatic
Answer: 2
Question: At the battle of Biddera the English crushed the power of —
1. Dutch
2. French
3. Danes
4. Portuguese
Answer: 1
Question: The Treaty of Surat was concluded by the British with the following Maratha chief —
1. Narayan Rao
2. Nana Phadnvis
3. Madhav Rao
4. Raghoba
Answer: 4
Question: The triple alliance against Tipu was formed by Cornwallis consisted of the following —
1. The English, Marathas and Carnatic
2. The English, Nizam and the Marathas
3. The English, Nizam and Awadh
4. The English, Nizam and Carnatic
Answer: 2
Question: In the Second Sikh war the decisive battle was fought at—
1. Chilianwala
2. Gujarat
3. Peshawar
4. Multan
Answer: 2
Question: In the Third Maratha War, the English defeated Peshwa Bajirao II at —
1. Kirki
2. Mahidpur
3. Sitabuldi
4. Bassein
Answer: 4
Question: The treaty of Shrirangpattam took place in —
1. 1793
2. 1794
3. 1791
4. 1792
Answer: 2
Question: Which of the following states was not annexed to British Empire by Dalhousie under the doctrine of lapse?
1. Benaras
2. Baghat
3. Nagpur
4. Sambalpur
Answer: 1
Question: Which one of the following rebellions is associated with Sidhu and Kanhu?
1. Kole Rebellion
2. Munda Rebellion
3. Bhil Rebellion
4. Santhal Rebellion
Answer: 4
Question: The following officer was connected with the suppression Thugee —
1. Hastings
2. Bentinck
3. Sleeman
4. Aukland
Answer: 2
Question: Charles Metcalf was the Governor General of India during—
1. 1832-33
2. 1837-38
3. 1835-36
4. 1839-40
Answer: 3
Question: Sindh was invaded during the following Governor General’s time —
1. Lord Ellenborough
2. Lord Aukland
3. Lord Hardinge
4. Lord Dalhousie
Answer: 2
Question: The Second Burmese War was fought in the year —
1. 1852
2. 1849
3. 1851
4. 1850
Answer: 4
Question: Which one of the following Acts abolished the trading rights of the East India Company?
1. Regulating Act of 1773
2. Charter Act of 1813
3. Charter Act of 1833
4. Charter Act of 1853
Answer: 2
Question: Which one of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
1. Permanent Settlement: Bengal
2. Ryotwari Settlement: Madras
3. Talukdari Settlement: Bombay
4. Mahalwari Settlement: North-Western Province
Answer: 3
Question: At Lucknow the revolt of 1857 broke out on —
1. June 4, 1857
2. May 30, 1857
3. June 15, 1857
4. May 15, 1857
Answer: 1
Question: The Asiatic Society of Bengal in Calcutta was founded by—
1. Keshabchandra Sen
2. Raja Ram Mohan Roy
3. Warren Hastings
4. Sir Williams Jones
Answer: 4
Question: The Theosophical Society allied itself to the –
1. Hindu revival movement
2. Christian revival movement
3. Islamic revival movement
4. All of these
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following statements about the Ramakrishna Mission is wrong?
1. It held the pure Vedantic doctrine as its ideal
2. It prohibited the worship of images
3. It aimed at the development of the highest spirituality in man
4. It recognized in Science and Technology
Answer: 2
Question: Fifth session of the Indian National Congress was held in 1889 at —
1. Madras
2. Calcutta
3. Bombay
4. Dacca
Answer: 3
Question: The moderates and extremists were united in the Congress Session of —
1. Lucknow
2. Allahabad
3. Lahore
4. Bombay
Answer: 1
Question: Who among the following was not in Khilafat Committee?
1. Hakim Azmalkhan
2. Majhar ul Haq
3. Hasrat Mohani
4. Maulana Shauqat Ali
Answer: 2
Question: Swaraj Party was formed by —
1. C.R.Das
2. C.R.Das and Motilal Nehru
3. Jawaharlal Nehru
4. Motilal Nehru
Answer: 2
Question: ‘Lucknow Pact’ was concluded between —
1. Congress and the Muslim League
2. Congress and the British Government
3. Muslim League and the British Government
4. Congress, the Muslim League and the British Government
Answer: 1
Question: Who among the following participated in all the three Round Table Conferences?
1. M. K. Gandhi
2. Madan Mohan Malviya
3. Sardar Patel
4. B.R.Ambedkar
Answer: 4
Question: Which of the following pairs is correct?
1. Surya Sen: Chatgaon Case
2. Ramprasad Bismil: Second Lahore Conspiracy Case
3. Bhagat Singh: Kakori Conspiracy Case
4. Chandrashekhar Azad: Delhi Bomb Case
Answer: 1
Question: When were the Congress Governments formed in seven out of eleven provinces?
1. July 1937
2. July 1935
3. July 1936
4. July 1938
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following pairs is correct?
1. Lord Hardinge: II Round Table Conference
2. Lord Willington: Arriving of Prince of Wales in India
3. Chelmsford: Rowlatt Act
4. Lord Reading: Delhi Darbar
Answer: 3
Question: Subhash Chandra Bose inaugurated the Government of Free India at —
1. Singapore
2. Burma
3. Japan
4. Germany
Answer: 1
Question: In December 1931 two school girl students killed the District Judge in Komilla by shooting —
1. Shanti Ghosh and Suniti Choudhary
2. Suniti Choudhary and Bina Das
3. Bina Das and Kalpana Datta
4. Kalpana Datta and Shanti Ghosh
Answer: 1
Question: In December 1931 two school girl students killed the District Judge in Komilla by shooting —
1. Shanti Ghosh and Suniti Choudhary
2. Suniti Choudhary and Bina Das
3. Bina Das and Kalpana Datta
4. Kalpana Datta and Shanti Ghosh
Answer: 1
Question: The First Anglo-Burmese War was concluded by a treaty. Which one among the following is that?
1. Treaty of Bharma
2. Treaty of Bhamo
3. Treaty of Yandaboo
4. Treaty of Tamu
Answer: 3

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