Question: In the Gupta age, Varahamihira wrote the famous book, Brihat Samhita. It was a treatise on-
1. Astronomy
2. Statecraft
3. Ayurvedic system of medicine
4. Economics
Answer: 1
Question: The fortification of Calcutta by the British in 1756 was regarded by the Nawab of Bengal, Sirajud-daulah, as-
1. Growth of large-scale British trade
2. An attack upon his sovereignty
3. Insecurity of the British in Idia
4. British control over Bengal
Answer: 2
Question: Ibn Batuta’s work, Rihla, completed in 1355, is –
1. An autobiography
2. An account of the Delhi Sultan from Aibek to Ghiyas-ud-din Tughluq
3. A religious text
4. An account of trade with Morocco
Answer: 1
Question: Several socio-political organizations were formed in the 19th and 20th Centuries in India. Anjuman-e-Khawatin-e-Islam, founded in the year 1914 was –
1. All India Muslim Ladies Conference
2. A radical wing of the All India Muslim League
3. All India Muslim Students’Conference
4. All India Islamic Conference
Answer: 1
Question: British colonialism in India saw the emergence of new cities. Calcutta, now Kolkata, was one of the first cities. Which of the following villages were amalgamated to form the city of Calcutta?
1. Midnapur, Chittagong, Burdwan
2. 24-Parganas, Kalikata, Thakurgaon
3. Sultanuti, Kalikata, Gobindapur
4. Midnapur, Thakurgaon, Gobindapur
Answer: 3
Question: What was Ziyarat in the language of the Sufis?
1. Pilgrimage to the tombs of Sufi saints for seeking barkat (spiritual grace)
2. Reciting divine name
3. Offering free kitchens run on futuh (unasked for charity)
4. Setting up of auqaf (charitable trusts)
Answer: 1
Question: The main occupation of Palaeolithic (Old Stone Age ) people was
1. Animal Husbandry
2. Fishing
3. Cultivation
4. Hunting
Answer: 4
Question: Saka Era was founded by
1. Pulakesin-II
2. Kanishka
3. Harsha
4. Vikramaditya
Answer: 2
Question: Samudragupta’s achievements are mentioned in
1. Indica
2. Ashoka Pillar at Allahabad
3. Kalinga edict
4. Hathigumpha inscription
Answer: 2
Question: The capital city of the Pallavas was
1. Vatapi
2. Kanchipuram
3. Madurai
4. Mahabalipuram
Answer: 2
Question: The Third Battle of Panipat was fought between
1. Marathas and the East India Company.
2. Ahmad Shah Abdali and the Sikhs.
3. Ahmad Shah Abdali and the Marathas.
4. Ahmad Shah Abdali and the Mughals.
Answer: 3
Question: The only Muslim woman to sit on the throne of Delhi was
1. Razia Sultana
2. Mumtaz Mahal
3. Hamida Banu Begum
4. Nur Zahan
Answer: 1
Question: Fahien visited India during the reign of
1. Ashoka
2. Chandragupta Maurya
3. Harshavardhana
4. Chandragupta-II
Answer: 4
Question: The market regulations in India were introduced by
1. Balban
2. Babar
3. Sher Shah Suri
4. Allauddin Khilji
Answer: 4
Question: The pioneer of the Bhakti movement in India was
1. Kabir
2. Shankaracharya
3. Ramananda
4. Ramanuja
Answer: 4
Question: The llbert Bill Controversy during Lord Lytton’s time related to the concepts of
1. Economic justice
2. Revenue allocation
3. Judicial equality
4. Political representation
Answer: 3
Question: The court of Alauddin Khilji was graced by the great poet
1. Firdausi
2. Ibn Batuta
3. Amir Khusru
4. Omar Khaiyyam
Answer: 3
Question: The boundary line between India and Pakistan on their attaining independence in 1947 is called
1. Maginot Line
2. Durand Line
3. McMohan Line
4. Radcliffe Line
Answer: 4
Question: Who composed the famous song Sare Jahan Se Achha?
1. Naqsh Lyallpuri
2. Mohd. Iqbal
3. Shakeel Badayuni
4. Mirza Ghalib
Answer: 2
Question: The remains of Vijayanagar Empire can be found in
1. Golcunda
2. Baroda
3. Bijapur
4. Hampi
Answer: 4
Question: Madurai was the capital of the
1. Chedis
2. Pandeyas
3. Chalukyas
4. Rashtrakutas
Answer: 2
Question: Tulsidas was contemporary of
1. Aurangzeb
2. Shah Jahan
3. Akbar
4. Ibraham Lodhi
Answer: 3
Question: Gandhiji went to England in 1931 to attend the
1. Second Round Table Conference
2. First Round Table Conference
3. Third Round Table Conference
4. None of the above
Answer: 1
Question: Two Asokan pillars were brought and installed in Delhi by
1. Qutubuddin Aibak
2. Firozeshah Tughlaq
3. Akbar
4. Alauddin Khalji
Answer: 2
Question: Who was the first Indian ruler to accept Subsidiary Alliance offered by Lord Wellesley in 1798?
1. Nizam of Hyderabad
2. Ruler of Mysore
3. Nawab of Carnatic
4. Nawab of Oudh
Answer: 1
Question: Mahatma Gandhi returned to India, leaving South Africa for ever in
1. 1915
2. 1919
3. 1914
4. 1916
Answer: 3
Question: Which of the following craftsmanship was not practised by the Aryans?
1. Blacksmith
2. Jewellery
3. Carpentery
4. Pottery
Answer: 1
Question: ‘Dayabhaga’ is authored by —
1. Vijnaneshwara
2. Jimutavahana
3. Yagyavalkya
4. None of the above
Answer: 2
Question: Which deity was not worshipped by the Vedic Aryans?
1. Indra
2. Pashupati
3. Varun
4. Marut
Answer: 2
Question: The Mahavir belonged to the clan –
1. Lichhivis
2. Kalams
3. Bhaggas
4. Bulis
Answer: 1
Question: The Jain text which contains the biographies of the Tirthankaras is known as –
1. Adi Purana
2. Bhagwatisutra
3. Kalpasutra
4. Uvasagadasao
Answer: 3
Question: The rules of Buddhist monistic life are laid down, primarily, in –
1. Tripitaka
2. Abhidhammapitaka
3. Suttapitaka
4. Vinayapitaka
Answer: 4
Question: The battle between Alexander and Porus took place on the bank of river –
1. Ravi
2. Ganga
3. Sutlej
4. Jhelum
Answer: 4

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