Question: Who introduced Kaulinya system in Bengal?
1. Gopala
2. Ballal Sen
3. Lakshanasen
4. Dharmapala
Answer: 2
Question: Who said ‘What Bengal thinks today India thinks tomorrow’?
1. Maulana Abul Kalam Azad
2. Motilal Nehru
3. G.K.Gokhle
4. None of the above
Answer: 3
Question: Which of the following Gupta rulers was known as Vikramaditya?
1. Chandragupta-I
2. Samundragupta
3. Chandragupta-II
4. Skandagupta
Answer: 3
Question: In which year the resolution to fight for ‘Purna Swaraj’ was taken by the Congress?
1. 1928
2. 1929
3. 1930
4. 1931
Answer: 3
Question: In which year did Muhammad-bin-Qasim conquer Sind?
1. 712 AD
2. 715 AD
3. 718 AD
4. 721 AD
Answer: 1
Question: Who was the founder of the slave dynasty?
1. Ilrumish
2. Balban
3. Nasiruddin
4. Qutub-ud-din-Aibak
Answer: 4
Question: In whose report the idea of federation of states was first proposed?
1. Rajagopalchari
2. Sarat Bose
3. Motilal Nehru
4. Shyamaprasad Mukherjee
Answer: 1
Question: Who was Jalaluddin Mangabarni?
1. Ruler of Afghanistan
2. Ruler of Persia
3. Ruler of Mongolia
4. Ruler of Khwarizm or Khiba
Answer: 4
Question: Which Hindu sacred text did Dr. Ambedkar burn in public?
1. Bhagavat Gita
2. Manusmriti
3. Sulva Sutra
4. Parasar Samhita
Answer: 2
Question: Who invited Babur to invade India?
1. Ibrahim Lodi
2. Sikandar Lodi
3. Daulat Khan Lodi
4. Sher Khan
Answer: 3
Question: Under whose presidentship did the Congress constitution its first National Planning Commission in 1938?
1. Jawaharlal Nehru
2. Subhash Chandra Bose
3. Jayaprakash Narayan
4. Vallabhbhai Patel
Answer: 2
Question: Which Mughal emperor subdued the Portuguese in Bengal?
1. Akbar
2. Jahangir
3. Shah Jahan
4. Aurangzeb
Answer: 3
Question: When was the All India Trade Union Congress formed?
1. 1918
2. 1920
3. 1921
4. 1924
Answer: 2
Question: When did Siraj-ud-daullah ascend the throne?
1. 1707
2. 1739
3. 1756
4. 1757
Answer: 3
Question: Who of the following became a member of the ‘Din-i-Ilahi’?
1. Raja Man Singh
2. Todarmal
3. Tansen
4. Raja Birbal
Answer: 4
Question: The Chinese writers mention India by the name of –
1. Fo-Kwo-Ki
2. Yin-tu
3. Si-Yu-Ki
4. Sikia-Pono
Answer: 2
Question: Who among the following was the last to be initiated in his religion by Gautama Buddha?
1. Ananda
2. Sariputta
3. Moggalana
4. Subhadda
Answer: 4
Question: ‘Sita’ in Maurya age Means –
1. A Goddess
2. A Religious Sect
3. Revenue from crown land
4. Barren land
Answer: 3
Question: What was ‘Dar-Ul-Shafa’ established by feroz Tughlaq?
1. An alms house
2. A free hospital
3. A library
4. A guest house for pilgrims
Answer: 2
Question: Who was the medieval king responsible for introducing the silver coin called ‘Tanka’ in North India?
1. Iltutmish
2. Razia
3. Alauddin Khalji
4. Mohammad Tughlaq
Answer: 1
Question: The earliest occurrence of the mantra famous as Gayatri Mantra is found in the following text –
1. Bhagwad Gita
2. Atharva veda
3. Rig Veda
4. Manusmriti
Answer: 3
Question: The ‘Dakshinamurti’ idol of shiva depicts him in which form?
1. Teacher
2. Dancing
3. Reclining
4. Meditating
Answer: 1
Question: With which of the following movements is Aruna Asaf Ali associated?
1. Non-cooperation Movement
2. Civil Disobedience Movement
3. Individual Satyagraha
4. Quit India Movement
Answer: 4
Question: Who among the following was the envoy of the British King James I at Jahangir’s court?
1. William Hawkins
2. William Finch
3. Pietra Della Vella
4. Edward Terry
Answer: 1
Question: Lahore session of Muslim League(1940)was presided over by –
1. Liaqat Ali Khan
2. Chaudhary Khaliquzzaman
3. Mohammad Ali jinnah
4. Fatima Jinnah
Answer: 3
Question: The Mountbatten Plan became the basis for –
1. Continuity of British rule
2. Transfer of power
3. Partition of the country
4. Solution of communal problems
Answer: 3
Question: By whom the ‘Quit India’ resolution was moved in the bombay session of the congress in the year 1942?
1. Jawaharlal Nehru
2. Narendra Deo
3. Rajendra prasad
4. J.B Kripalani
Answer: 1
Question: In which of the following sessions of Indian National congress, Mahatma Gandhi said “Gandhi may die but Gandhism will remain forever”?
1. Calcutta Session, 1928
2. Lahore sessions, 1929
3. Madras Session, 1927
4. Karachi Session, 1931
Answer: 4
Question: Who said “Tilak is the father of Indian unrest”
1. V. Chirol
2. Louis Fischer
3. Web Miller
4. Lord Reading
Answer: 1
Question: Who of the following had pleaded from the side of Indian National Army Officers in their Red Fort trial?
1. C.R. Das
2. Motilal Nehru
3. M.A.Jinnah
4. Sir T.B.Sapru
Answer: 4
Question: After the formation of ministries in the provinces in 1937, Congress rule lasted for –
1. 28 months
2. 29 months
3. 30 months
4. 31 months
Answer: 1
Question: Who was associated with the formation of the Deccan Educational Society?
1. Justice Ranade
2. Ferozh Shah Mehta
3. B. G. Tilak
4. Dayanand saraswati
Answer: 3
Question: Who among the following had resigned from the Viceroy’s Executive Council protesting Jallianwala Bagh Massacre ?
1. Rabindranath Tagore
2. Madan Mohan Malviya
3. Sir Shankar Nair
4. All the above
Answer: 3
Question: Who amongst the following had demanded first the dominion status for India ?
1. Raj Gopalachari and Sardar Patel
2. Pt. Motilal Nehru and Govind Ballabh Pant
3. Sir Tej Bahadur Sapru and Jaykar
4. Jawaharlal Nehru and Jagjeevan Ram
Answer: 3
Question: The Gandhiyan economy is based on the principle of –
1. Competition
2. Trusteeship
3. State control
4. None of these
Answer: 2
Question: Of the following who had rebelled against the Mughal Emperor Jahangir?
1. Asaf Khan
2. Khurram
3. Mahabat Khan
4. Shahryar
Answer: 2
Question: The words Satyameva Jayate, inscribed below the abacus in Devangari script have been adopted from –
1. Mundaka Upanishad
2. Manusmriti
3. Kathopnished
4. Rig Veda
Answer: 1
Question: University of Nalanda and Vikramsila were destroyed by –
1. Tajuddin Yalduz
2. Aurangzeb
3. Baktiyar Khalji
4. Qutb-ud-din Aibek
Answer: 3
Question: Rashtrakutas patronised –
1. Vanishnavism
2. Buddhism
3. Jaiism
4. Shaivism
Answer: 3

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