Question: After the Revolt of 1857, the British recruited Indian soldiers mostly from the –
1. Brahmins of U.P. and Bihar
2. Bengalis and Oriya from the east
3. Gorkhas, Sikhs and Punjabis in the north
4. Madras Presidency in the south and Marathas from the west
Answer: 3
Question: Which of the following Harappan sites are located in the Kutch region?
1. Besalpur and Surkotada
2. Rangpur and Rojidi
3. Allabadino and Balakot
4. Lothal and Surkotada
Answer: 1
Question: Which emperor conquered and annexed the northern part of Sri Lanka and named it Mummadi Cholamandalam?
1. Rajaraja I
2. Parantaka I
3. Rajendra I
4. Rajadhiraja I
Answer: 1
Question: Mahatma Gandhi returned to India, leaving South Africa forever in –
1. 1914
2. 1915
3. 1916
4. 1919
Answer: 2
Question: In which year was the first attempt made to enumerate the population of India?
1. 1945
2. 1851
3. 1872
4. 1951
Answer: 3
Question: Who was the father of Vardhman Mahavir?
1. Suddhodana
2. Suddhdharma
3. Siddhartha
4. Bimbisara
Answer: 3
Question: Which one of the following statements about ancient ancient Indian Mahajanapadas is correct?
1. All Mahajanapadas were oligarchies where power was exercised by a group of people
2. All Mahajanapadas were located in eastern India
3. No army was maintained by the Mahajanapadas
4. Buddhist and Jaina texts lis sixteen Mahajanapadas
Answer: 4
Question: The only inscribed stone portrait of Emperor Ashoka has been found at –
1. Sanchi
2. Amaravati
3. Kanaganahalli
4. Ajanta
Answer: 3
Question: The social ideals of Mahatma Gandhi were first put forth in –
1. Hind Swaraj
2. An Autobiography–The Story of My Experiments with Truth
3. History of the Satyagraha in South Africa
4. The Bhagavad Gita According to Gandhi
Answer: 1
Question: The Society of Jesus, whose followers were called Jesuits, was set up by –
1. Martin Luther
2. Ulrich Zwingli
3. Erasmus
4. Ignatius Loyola
Answer: 4
Question: Who among the following was not associated with the activities of the Theosophical Society?
1. Madame H. P. Blavatsky
2. Mr. A. O. Hume
3. Col. H. S. Olcott
4. Mrs. Annie Besant
Answer: 2
Question: Which one of the following was a temple built by the Chola Kings?
1. Brihadiswara Temble, Tanjavur
2. Meenakshi Temple, Madurai
3. Srirangam Temple, Thiruchirapalli
4. Durga Temple, Aihole
Answer: 1
Question: The University of Nalanda was set up by which Gupta ruler?
1. Kumaragupta II
2. Kumaragupta I
3. Chandragupta II
4. Samudragupta II
Answer: 2
Question: The Fourth Buddhist Council was held in Kashmir under the leadership of –
1. Bindusara
2. Ashoka
3. Kunal
4. Kanishka
Answer: 4
Question: Arrange the following events that took place in the first decade of the 20th century in chronological order:
1. Indian National Congress, Bombay Session.
2. Establishment of All India Muslim League
3. Partition of Bengal.
4. Indian National Congress, Surat Session.
Select the correct answer using the code given below.
1. 1 2 3 4
2. 1 3 2 4
3. 4 3 2 1
4. 2 4 1 3
Answer: 2
Question: The greatest stylistic forms of temple architecture during the early medieval period were the Nagara, the Dravida and the Vesara. Which of the following was the geographical spread of the Dravida style?
1. Between Vindhyan and Krishna river
2. Between Krishna and Kaveri rivers
3. Between Vindhyan and Kaveri river
4. Between Godavari and Krishna rivers
Answer: 4
Question: Consider the following statement:
“No Indian could have started the Indian National Congress…if the founder of the Congress had not been a great Englishman and a distinguished ex-official, such was the distrust of political agitation in those days that the authority would have at once found some way or the other to suppress the movement.”
Who among the following gave the statement on the establishment of Indian National Congress?
1. W. Wedderburn
2. G.K. Gokhale
3. R. Palme Dutt
4. Allan Octavian Hume
Answer: 2
Question: Which one among the following statements about Civil Disobedience Movement is correct?
1. It started with Gandhiji’s march to Champaran
2. Under Gandhi-Irwin Agreement, the Congress agreed to give up Civil Disobedience Movement
3. The British Government was quite soft towards the movement from the beginning
4. There were to violent incidents during the movement
Answer: 2
Question: Which one among the following statements is true about Lord Curzone?
1. He had full sympathy for the Congress
2. He introduced the Subsidiary Alliance
3. He succeeded Lord Canning as the Viceroy of India
4. He separated the divisions of Dacca, Chittagong and Rajasthani from the province of Bengal and annexed them to Assam
Answer: 4
Question: Which one among the following statements is not true about Bahadur Shah Zafar II?
1. The rebels of 1857 proclaimed their loyalty to him
2. He was killed by Lt. Hodson, a cavalry officer in Delhi
3. He was reluctant to lead the Revolt of 1857 in beginning
4. He was a poet
Answer: 2
Question: Safdarjung tomb was build by –
1. Shauja-ud-Daula
2. Aurangzeb
3. Muhammad-bin-Tughlaq
4. Humayun
Answer: 1
Question: Ajanta-Ellora Caves are situated near
1. Ajmer
2. Aurangabad
3. Patna
4. Jaipur
Answer: 2

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