Question: What is Khetri in Rajasthan famous for?
1. Copper mines
2. Mica mines
3. Bauxite mines
4. Limestone mines
Answer: 1
Question: The Nagarjunasagar dam is constructed on the river
1. Krishna
2. Chambal
3. Kosi
4. Sutlej
Answer: 1
Question: An important river of the Indian desert is
1. Luni
2. Narmada
3. Krishna
4. Beas
Answer: 1
Question: The waterfall ‘Victoria’ is associated with the river
1. Amazon
2. Missouri
3. St. Lowrence
4. Zambezi
Answer: 4
Question: The thermal power plant of Bokaro is located in
1. Bihar
2. Chhattisgarh
3. Jharkhand
4. Orissa
Answer: 3
Question: Which one among the following languages has largest number of speakers in the world
1. Bengali
2. French
3. Japanese
4. Portuguese
Answer: 1
Question: Among the following which planet takes maximum time for one revolution around the sun?
1. Earth
2. Jupiter
3. Mars
4. Venus
Answer: 2
Question: With Which one of the following countries , India shares Maximum length of the border?
1. Bangladesh
2. Pakistan
3. China
4. Nepal
Answer: 1

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