Question: Which state grows nearly 30% of world opium?
1. M. P.
2. U. P.
3. Gujrat
4. West Bengal
Answer: 1
Question: “Nature does not drive man along a particular road, but it offers a number of opportunities from among which man is free to select”. This statement implies-
1. Deterministic approach
2. Possibilistic approach
3. Deterministic and possibilistic both approach
4. Probabilistic approach
Answer: 4
Question: Which one of the following is Taiga biome?
1. Sub-Arctic biome
2. Sub-Saharan biome
3. Savanna grass
4. None of the above
Answer: 1
Question: In which of the following States the Chipco movement was started?
1. Madhya Pradesh
2. Jharkhand
3. Uttaranchal
4. Rajasthan
Answer: 3
Question: Which of the following is a coral island?
1. Tasmania
2. Lakshadweep
3. Maldives
4. Rameswaram
Answer: 2
Question: Eustatic changes in the sea levels are caused by-
1. Ice ages
2. Epirogenic movements
3. Orogenic movements
4. Isostatic changes
Answer: 1
Question: Who had used the concept of evapo transpiration in climate classification?
1. Thornthwaite
2. Koppen
3. Kendrew
4. Austin Miller
Answer: 1
Question: Surface inversion of temperature is a phenomenon related to-
1. Increase in temperature with increase in elevation
2. Decrease in temperature with increasing elevation
3. Decrease in temperature with decreasing elevation
4. Increase in temperature with decreasing elevation
Answer: 1
Question: What is the point of origin of an earthquake called?
1. Quake centre
2. Epicentre
3. Seismic focus
4. Tectonic point
Answer: 3
Question: The increase in the chloroflurocarbon in the atmosphere is associated with-
1. Ozone depletion
2. Sea level rise
3. Aquatic life depletion
4. Intense sonic pollution
Answer: 1
Question: What is recorded with the help of a hydrograph?
1. Wind velocity
2. Vapour retention
3. Relative humidity
4. Water discharge
Answer: 3
Question: In which of the following the direction of flow of streams is controlled by rock structure?
1. Consequent
2. Subsequent
3. Insequent
4. Obsequent
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following terms does not indicate similar processes?
1. Diastrophism
2. Folding
3. Exfoliation
4. Warping
Answer: 3
Question: Pediplains and inselbergs are features of the old stage of which cycle of erosion?
1. Glacial
2. Karst
3. Arid
4. Marine
Answer: 3
Question: Which one of the following forces is responsible for syncline formation?
1. Crustal faulting
2. Crustal rifting
3. Crustal compression
4. Crustal Sinking
Answer: 3
Question: Anantapur district in Andhra Pradesh is famous for
1. Copper
2. Zinc
3. Mica
4. Gold
Answer: 4
Question: The cost that belongs to Kerala is known as
1. Konkan Coast
2. Malabar Coast
3. Coromandel Coast
4. Canara Coast
Answer: 2
Question: Which one of the following rivers forms an estuary?
1. Narmada
2. Kaveri
3. Krishna
4. Mahanadi
Answer: 1
Question: The imaginary lines joining places of same height at equal intervals are
1. Hachures
2. Contours
3. Spot-heights
4. Isomers
Answer: 2
Question: Which one of the following longitudes determines the Indian Standard Time?
1. 85.5° E
2. 86.5° E
3. 84.5° E
4. 82.5° E
Answer: 4

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