Question: The lowest air Pressure in the month of June in Rajasthan is Probable in the district of-
1. Bundi
2. Baran
3. Jaisalmer
4. Rasamand
Answer: 3
Question: ‘Chhappan ‘ basin is inthe district of-
1. Alwar
2. Banswara
3. Pali
4. Tonk
Answer: 2
Question: An approximate area of Rajasthan covered Under Western desert is-
1. More than 60%
2. Less than 30%
3. 40%
4. 50%
Answer: 1
Question: The district having North-South elongation in Rajasthan is-
1. Jhalawar
2. Bhilwara
3. Chittogarh
4. Jhunjhunu
Answer: 3
Question: The district through which 70 degree E longtitude Passes is-
1. Jodhpur
2. Jaiselmer
3. Dholpur
4. Nagpur
Answer: 2
Question: Kapili is a tributary river of-
1. Gandak
2. Kosi
3. Ganga
4. Brahmaputra
Answer: 4
Question: Winter rainfall in Tamil Nadu is mostly on account of-
1. Western Disturbances
2. South-west monsoon
3. North-east monsoon
4. South-east monsoon
Answer: 3
Question: The name of the coast of Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh is-
1. Coromandel
2. Malabar
3. Northern Circar
4. Konkan
Answer: 1
Question: Of the following , the maximum prosperity of minerals is in-
1. Karnataka
2. Kerala
3. Maharashtra
4. Tamil Nadu
Answer: 1
Question: The Resource in which chhota Nagpur Plateau is properous, is-
1. Skilled labour
2. Mineral
3. Hydroelectricity
4. Fertile soil
Answer: 2
Question: Of the following the current statement is-
1. India lies in the middle of western hemisphere
2. Caspian sea is an open sea
3. Rajasthan is a cool temperate desert
4. North and South pole are antipodal to each other
Answer: 4
Question: The mineral Which has earned Fame to chile is-
1. Gold
2. Manganese
3. Nitrate
4. Mineral oil
Answer: 3
Question: Baku is famous for the mining of –
1. gold
2. Iron ore
3. Mineral ore
4. Zinc
Answer: 3
Question: The Island of which Kalimantan ia a part,is-
1. Honshu
2. Borneo
3. Cuba
4. Madagascar(Malgasy)
Answer: 2
Question: Celebes Sea is in-
1. Central America
2. South-East Asia
3. Arctic Ocean
4. North Sea
Answer: 2
Question: The area which is the ‘Store House is the Minerals’ in South America is-
1. Brazilian Plateau
2. Bolivian Plateau
3. Patagonia
4. Orinoco Basin
Answer: 1
Question: ‘Mocha’ coffee is grown in-
1. Iraq
2. Brazil
3. Argentina
4. Yemen
Answer: 4

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