Question: Which of the following is a land-locked sea?
1. Red Sea
2. North Sea
3. Timor Sea
4. Aral Sea
Answer: 4
Question: Shivasamudram Falls is found in the course of river
1. Cauvery
2. Mahanadi
3. Krishna
4. Godavari
Answer: 1
Question: Troposphere is the hottest part of the atmosphere because
1. it is closest to the sun
2. heat is generated in it
3. it is heated by the Earth’s surface
4. there are charged articles in it
Answer: 3
Question: The outermost layer of the Sun is called
1. Corona
2. Lithosphere
3. Photosphere
4. Chromosphere
Answer: 1
Question: For what is the Manas sanctuary in Assam known?
1. Elephants
2. Bears
3. Tigers
4. Birds
Answer: 1
Question: Mana Pass is located in –
1. Uttar Pradesh
2. Uttarakhand
3. Jammu-Kashmir
4. Himachal Pradesh
Answer: 2
Question: Moon is a –
1. Star
2. Satellite
3. Planet
4. Meteorite
Answer: 2
Question: Which one of the following is the unit of measure of the thickness of the ozone layer of the atmosphere?
1. Dobson
2. Knot
3. Poise
4. Maxwell
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following is grown mainly on mountain slopes?
1. Tea
2. Paddy
3. Ground nut
4. Potato
Answer: 1
Question: Black soil is not very suitable for the growth of
1. Ground nut
2. Cotton
3. Wheat
4. Potato
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following is the normal period of “Kharif Crop”?
1. May to October
2. July to December
3. March to June
4. None of these
Answer: 4
Question: Where is Copacabana Beach located?
1. Valletta
2. Buenos Aires
3. Hawaiian Islands
4. Rio de Janeiro
Answer: 4
Question: Which of the following is the smallest ocean of the world?
1. Indian
2. Atlantic
3. Pacific
4. Arctic
Answer: 4
Question: Which of the following states has the largest reserve of copper ore?
1. Bihar
2. Karnataka
3. Rajasthan
4. Jharkhand
Answer: 3
Question: The Earth’s magnetic field is due to –
1. currents circulating inside the core
2. presence of a huge magnet at its centre
3. moving charges outside is space
4. None of the above
Answer: 1
Question: The tail of a comet always points-
1. Towards the Sun
2. Towards North-East
3. Towards South-East
4. Away from the Sun
Answer: 4
Question: Which was the principal plant used in Green Revolution?
1. Japonica Rice
2. Indian Rice
3. Mexican Wheat
4. Emmer wheat
Answer: 3
Question: Which tribe of Uttarakhand practices transhumance?
1. Tharu
2. Moksa
3. Raji
4. Bhotia
Answer: 4
Question: On which river is Jog falls- the biggest waterfall of India?
1. Sherawati
2. Cauvery
3. Godawari
4. Narmada
Answer: 1
Question: In India which one of the following is not a natural harbour?
1. Chennai
2. Cochin
3. Mumbai
4. Vishakhapatnam
Answer: 1
Question: Where is the ‘Black Pagoda’?
1. Madurai
2. Konark
3. Khajuraho
4. None of these
Answer: 2
Question: The second largest Island (next to Greenland) of the world is-
1. Borneo
2. Malagasy
3. Sumatra
4. New Guinea
Answer: 4
Question: The largest part of our hydrosphere is –
1. Atlantic ocean
2. Indian ocean
3. Pacific ocean
4. Antarctica ocean
Answer: 3
Question: The ozone is situated in-
1. Troposphere
2. Stratosphere
3. Mesosphere
4. Exosphere
Answer: 2
Question: Which one of the following Indian Island lies in between India and Srilanka?
1. Elephanta
2. Nicobar
3. Rameshwaram
4. Salsette
Answer: 3
Question: Which one of the following areas of India does not come under the zone of high seismic intensity?
1. Kachchh
2. Karnataka Plateau
3. Uttarakhand
4. Himachal Pradesh
Answer: 2
Question: Which one of these is not included in the geographical group of countries known as OCEANIA?
1. Melanesia
2. Indonesia
3. Australia
4. Micronesia
Answer: 2
Question: Which of the following countries is the largest producer/ exporter of castor-oilseeds?
1. China
2. France
3. Japan
4. India
Answer: 4
Question: The total length of Earths’s equator is about-
1. 40,000 km
2. 6,400 km
3. 12,800 km
4. 5,000 km
Answer: 1
Question: Jaina HIll is located in which of the following Indian State?
1. Karnataka
2. Tamil Nadu
3. Kerala
4. Andhra Pradesh
Answer: 2
Question: South Pacific island nation Samoa, positioned to the east of the International Date Line, on May 2011 decided to forego a day and shift of the time zone on its west. The reason for this shifting is to
1. facilitate trade with Australia and New Zealand
2. facilitate smooth internal administration throughout the country
3. attain political stability in the country
4. promote tourism industry in the country
Answer: 1
Question: Which one among the following is not an important factor of climate of an area?
1. Longitude
2. Latitude
3. Altitude
4. Distance from the sea
Answer: 1

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