Question: Greenwich Mean Time is the local time of
1. 80 degree W longitude
2. 180 degree longitude
3. 80 degree E longitude
4. 0 degree longitude
Answer: 4
Question: Panna diamond mines are located in
1. Bihar
2. Rajasthan
3. Uttar Pradesh
4. Madhya Pradesh
Answer: 4
Question: Which of the following States of India has the longest coastline?
1. Orissa
2. Tamil Nadu
3. Andhra Pradesh
4. Maharashtra
Answer: 3
Question: The wrongly matched pair is
1. Khartoum-Sudan
2. Rotterdam-Australia
3. Warsaw-Poland
4. Dublin-Ireland
Answer: 2
Question: Nagarjun Sagar Project is related to river
1. Periyar
2. Kaveri
3. Godavari
4. Krishna
Answer: 4
Question: Rubber plants are mostly located in
1. West Bengal and Kerala
2. Maharashtra and Kerala
3. Karnataka and Kerala
4. Karnataka and Tamil Nadu
Answer: 3
Question: ‘The Land of the Midnight Sun’ is
1. Norway
2. Italy
3. Belgium
4. Russia
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following planets is smaller than the Earth?
1. Saturn
2. Venus
3. Uranus
4. Neptune
Answer: 2
Question: Hawaiian Islands are located in
1. South Atlantic Ocean
2. North Pacific Ocean
3. North Atlantic Ocean
4. South Pacific Ocean
Answer: 2
Question: Trees with hardwood and dense canopy are generally found in
1. Alpine forests
2. Evergreen forests
3. Tribal forests
4. Deciduous forests
Answer: 2
Question: What is the longitude of a town if its local time is 6 p.m. when Greenwich time is 4 p.m.?
1. 30 degree E
2. 20 degree W
3. 20 degree E
4. 30 degree W
Answer: 1
Question: Black soils in India is associated with
1. Limestone
2. Basalt
3. Granite
4. Sandstone
Answer: 2
Question: Which mineral is found in Zawar mines?
1. Dolomite
2. Mica
3. Zinc
4. Bauxite
Answer: 3
Question: Which one among the following is a primary rock?
1. Igneous
2. Sedimentary
3. Metamorphic
4. None of these
Answer: 1
Question: Which one among the following is the largest temperate desert of the world?
1. Taklamakan desert
2. Iranian desert
3. Patagonian desert
4. Turkmen desert
Answer: 3
Question: Doldrums is a
1. Tropical wind belt
2. Tropical no-wind belt
3. Tropical wind deflection belt
4. Sub-tropical wind belt
Answer: 2
Question: The Gulf of Mannar is situated along the coast of
1. Kerala
2. Karnataka
3. Andhra Pradesh
4. Tamil Nadu
Answer: 4
Question: The river with highest tidal bore in India is
1. Cauvery
2. Krishna
3. Hooghli
4. Mahanadi
Answer: 3
Question: Rain shadow effect is associated with
1. Orographic rainfall
2. Cyclonic rainfall
3. Convectional rainfall
4. Frontal rainfall
Answer: 1
Question: The intensity of insolation depends on
1. Altitude
2. Wind
3. Nature of terrain
4. Latitude
Answer: 4
Question: Which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. Cyclone is a low pressure system.
2. The wind movement is clockwise in the cyclone of northern hemisphere.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
1. 2 Only
2. 1 Only
3. Neither 1 nor 2
4. Both 1 and 2
Answer: 2
Question: Which of the following statements is/are correct?
1. Cyclone is a low pressure system.
2. The wind movement is clockwise in the cyclone of northern hemisphere.
Select the correct answer using the code given below:
1. 2 Only
2. 1 Only
3. Neither 1 nor 2
4. Both 1 and 2
Answer: 2
Question: Which one among the following is a correct sequence of the Indian ports from north to south?
1. Kandla-Haldia-Paradeep-Kochi
2. Haldia-Kandla-Paradeep-Kochi
3. Kochi-Kandla-Haldia-Paradeep
4. Kandla-Haldia-Kochi-Paradeep
Answer: 1
Question: Which one among the following is a correct sequence of the Indian ports from north to south?
1. Kandla-Haldia-Paradeep-Kochi
2. Haldia-Kandla-Paradeep-Kochi
3. Kochi-Kandla-Haldia-Paradeep
4. Kandla-Haldia-Kochi-Paradeep
Answer: 1
Question: Which one among the following is a correct sequence of production of coal in the Indian States in descending order?
1. Jharkhand-Madhya Pradesh-West Bengal-Meghalaya
2. Jharkhand-West Bengal-Meghalaya-Madhya Pradesh
3. West Bengal-Madhya Pradesh-Jharkhand-Meghalaya
4. Madhya Pradesh-Jharkhand-West Bengal-Meghalaya
Answer: 2
Question: The western coasts of India receive very high rainfall in summer mainly due to
1. Tropical location
2. Himalayas
3. Nearness to sea
4. Western Ghats
Answer: 4

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