Question: the term which of the following is a major rubber producing State in India?
1. Kerala
2. Assam
3. West Bengal
4. Orissa
Answer: 1
Question: When the Sun reaches its maximum distance from the equator, it is known as
1. Salstice
2. Eclipse
3. Equinox
4. Sidereal Day
Answer: 1
Question: When a ship crosses the International Date Line From West to East,
1. It Loses one Day
2. It gains one Day
3. It Loses half-a-Day
4. It gains half-a-Day
Answer: 1
Question: High Altitude Research Laboratory is situated in
1. Srinagar
2. Gulmarg
3. Laddakh
4. Pehlgam
Answer: 2
Question: Nashik is situated on the bank of the river
1. Krishna
2. Cauvery
3. Godavari
4. Narmada
Answer: 3
Question: At the Equator, the duration of a day is
1. 10 hrs
2. 12 hrs
3. 14 hrs
4. 16 hrs
Answer: 2
Question: Which of the following passes through India?
1. Tropic of Capricorn
2. Tropic of Cancer
3. Equator
4. 0 degree Longtitude
Answer: 2
Question: Teak and Sal are the Principal trees in the forests known as
1. Tropical moist evergreen
2. Dry Deciduous
3. Tropical moist Deciduous
4. Dry Evergreen
Answer: 3
Question: Suez Navigation Canal links up Mediterranean sea with the
1. Atlantic Ocean
2. Pacific Ocean
3. North Sea
4. Red Sea
Answer: 4
Question: To a perpendicular to the plane of ecliptic, the Earth’s axis of rotation makes an angle of 23.5°. Had this angle been 0°, which one among the following would result?
1. the length of day and night would have been the same all over the earth
2. all of these
3. three would have been no seasons
4. the length of day and night would have been the same throughout the year
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following statements is/are correct? 1. In comparison to the Jupiter, planet Earth displays eclipses more frequently 2. On mars only partial solar eclipses are possible select the correct answer using the code given below:
1. 1 only
2. both 1 and 2
3. 2 only
4. neither 1 nor 2
Answer: 2
Question: Consider the following statements about comets: 1. Most comets have elongated elliptical orbits that take them close to the sun for a part of their orbit, and then out into the further reaches of the solar system for the remainder. 2. If a comet is travelling fast enough, it may leave the solar system. which of the statements given above is/are correct?
1. both 1 and 2
2. 1 only
3. 2 only
4. neither 1 nor 2
Answer: 1
Question: Which one among the following statements is not correct?
1. In progressive waves, the amplitude may be constant and neighboring points are out of phase with each other
2. In air or other gases, a progressive anti node occurs at a displacement node and a progressive node occurs at a displacement anti node
3. Longitudinal wave can be polarized while transverse wave cannot be polarized
4. Transverse wave can be polarized while longitudinal wave cannot be polarized
Answer: 3

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