Question: How many Kilometres are represented by 1 degree of latitude?
1. 111 km
2. 321 km
3. 211 km
4. 91 km
Answer: 1
Question: Which one among the following rivers does not flow the Bay of Bengal?
1. Tapti
2. Mahanadi
3. Cauvery
4. Godavari
Answer: 1
Question: Which one among the following cities never get the vertical rays of the Sun all through the year?
1. Srinagar
2. Chennai
3. Mumbai
4. Kolkata
Answer: 1
Question: Climate change resulting in the rise of temperature may benefit which of the countries/regions?
1. Russia and Northern Europe
2. South Africa
3. East Indies islands comprising of Java, Sumatra and Borneo
4. The western coasts of South America
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following statements regarding ozone layer within the atmosphere is/are correct?
1. It absorbs most of the ultraviolet radiation found in the Sun’s rays.
2. Chlorofluorocarbons are serious threat to the ozone layer.
Select the correct answer using the code given below –
1. 1 only
2. 2 only
3. Both 1 and 2
4. Neither 1 nor 2
Answer: 3
Question: When we consider 15 degree meridian on a world map or globe and count them in an eastward direction starting with Greenwich meridian (0 degree), we find that the time of this meridian is-
1. 1 hour fast
2. same as Greenwich
3. 1 hour slow
4. 12 hours fast
Answer: 1
Question: Fire fly gives us cold light by virtue of the phenomenon of –
1. Bioluminescence
2. Fluorescence
3. Phosphorescence
4. Effervescence
Answer: 1
Question: The broken hills famous for zinc and lead are located in –
1. Australia
2. Turkey
3. France
4. Germany
Answer: 1
Question: Kanha National Park belongs to which one among the following biogeographical areas in the world?
1. Tropical Sub-humid Forests
2. Tropical Humid Forests
3. Tropical Dry Forests
4. Tropical Moist Forests
Answer: 1
Question: ‘EI Nino’ associated with the formation of the South West Monsoon of India is-
1. an abnormally warm ocean current
2. a periodic warm air-mass
3. a periodic warm wind
4. a periodic low pressure centre
Answer: 1
Question: The thermal equator is found –
1. at the equator
2. north of the geographical equator
3. south of the geographical equator
4. at the tropic of cancer
Answer: 2
Question: Horse latitudes lie within the atmospheric pressure belts of –
1. Sub-tropical high
2. Polar high
3. Equatorial low
4. Sub-polar low
Answer: 1
Question: The warm and dry winds that blow down the steep valleys in Japan are called –
1. Zonda
2. Yamo
3. Tramontane
4. Santa Ana
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following statements regarding red soils of India is/are correct?
1. The colour of the soil is red due to ferric oxide content.
2. Red soils are rich in lime, humous and potash.
3. They are porous and have friable structure.
Select the correct answer using the code given below-
1. 1 only
2. i and 3 only
3. 2 and 3 only
4. 1, 2 and 3
Answer: 2
Question: Arrange the following oil refineries of India from west to east –
1. Koyali
2. Bongaigaon
3. Mathura
4. Haldia
Select the correct answer using the code given below-
1. 1, 2, 3, 4
2. 1, 3, 4, 2
3. 3, 1, 2, 4
4. 2, 4, 3, 1
Answer: 2
Question: Which one among the following creeks is not associated with the state of Gujarat?
1. Kori creek
2. Godai Creek
3. Kajhar creek
4. Sir creek
Answer: 2
Question: Cape Canaveral, the site from which space shuttles, are launched, is located on the coast of
1. North Carolina
2. South Carolina
3. Florida
4. Virginia
Answer: 3
Question: Which of the following hills are found where the Eastern Ghats and the Western Ghats meet?
1. Anaimalai Hills
2. Cardamon Hills
3. Nilgiri Hills
4. Shevoroy Hills
Answer: 1
Question: An area legally reserved for wild life in its natural surroundings is
1. Social Forests
2. Biosphere Reserve
3. National Park
4. Sanctuary
Answer: 4
Question: The vertical movement of air is termed as
1. air turbulence
2. air current
3. wind
4. air mobility
Answer: 1
Question: Imaginary lines joining places with same temperature are called
1. Isohalines
2. Isohyets
3. Isobars
4. Isotherms
Answer: 4
Question: A natural region has the similarity of
1. climate and occupation
2. soil and drainage
3. climate and natural vegetation
4. economic base and races
Answer: 3

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