Question: In India, the irrigation of agricultural land is carried out maximum by
1. Canals
2. Wells
3. Tube wells
4. Thanks
Answer: 1
Question: The latitude is the angular distance of a point on the Earth’s surface, north or south, of the Equator as measured from the :
1. Equator
2. center of the Earth
3. Tropic of Cancer or the Capricorn
4. Poles
Answer: 1
Question: Hot deserts like Sahara, Arabia etc. receive very negligible amount of rainfall. This is because they:
1. do not receive moisture-bearing wind from the oceans.
2. are located on the tropical high pressure belt of the atmosphere.
3. are not on the path of the monsoons.
4. are the most rocky and barren areas of the earth
Answer: 4
Question: Identify from the following states of India through which the Tropic of Cancer passes and arrange them from east to west: 1. Gujarat 2. West Bengal 3. Uttar Pradesh 4. Jharkhand 5. Madhya Pradesh 6. Bihar 7. Chhattisgarh select the correct answer using the code given below:
1. 2-5-7-4-1
2. 2-4-7-5-1
3. 3-2-6-7-5
4. 3-7-4-6-2
Answer: 2
Question: Which one among the following is not a reason for practising tank irrigation in the Peninsular India?
1. The undulating relief and hard rocks
2. Most of the rivers of Peninsular India are perennial
3. Little percolation of rain water due to impervious rock structure
4. There are many streams which become torrential during rainy season
Answer: 2
Question: Consider the following statements: 1. The Himalayan vegetation varies according to both altitude and climatic conditions 2. There are mainly two types of tropical forests that are found in the Himalayas–the tropical rain forests and the tropical deciduous forests. which of the statements given above is/are correct?
1. both 1 and 2
2. 1 only
3. 2 only
4. neither 1 nor 2
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following statements regarding the Deccan Traps is/are correct? 1. Intense volcanic activity in the form of fissure eruption took place towards the end of Cretaceous period 2. The volcanic lava spread out in horizontal sheets 3. The regur soil found here is rich in nitrogen select the correct answer using the code given below
1. 1 only
2. 1 and 2 only
3. 1, 2 and 3
4. 3 only
Answer: 2
Question: If the Earth’s axis were perpendicular to the plane of its orbit, which one among the following would not have happened?
1. No change of seasons will take place
2. The North Pole will always lie in dark
3. Days and nights would be equal throughouttheyear
4. The Sun will be perpendicular to the Equator
Answer: 1
Question: Why the summer monsoon winds blow from south-western direction in the northern hemisphere?
1. the low pressure conditions in northwest India
2. the general direction of wind from the Indian Ocean is South-western
3. the presence of the doldrums around the Equator
4. due to the effect of Coriolis force
Answer: 1
Question: No trees are found in Tundra biome near polar region of northern hemisphere. This is due to:
1. frozen ice beneath the surface soil (permafrost) restricts root growth.
2. snowfall inhibits plant respiration.
3. less wind movement and inadequate sunlight.
4. low temperature which restricts development of reproductive organs
Answer: 1
Question: The Narmada river Peninsular plateau flows westward with a remarkably straight channel. It is because the:
1. river flows through the trough of a rift valley inclined westward.
2. slope gradient in this part controls the river channel pattern
3. river carries a huge amount of water which has created a straight channel course
4. river forms the boundary between the Central Highlands and the Deccan Plateau.
Answer: 1
Question: What is the general direction of cyclones formed in the Bay of Bengal?
1. West to east
2. East to west
3. West to south
4. North to south
Answer: 2
Question: The exceptionally high and low tides that occur at the time of the new moon or the full moon when the sun, the Moon and the Earth are approximately aligned is called:
1. fall
2. spring
3. neap
4. diurnal
Answer: 2
Question: Jet steams are usually found in the :
1. Ozonosphere
2. Mesosphere
3. tropopause
4. Ionosphere
Answer: 1

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