Question: The density of population in an area is measured by the number of
1. Persons
2. Children
3. Families
4. Houses
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following is not a Rabi crop in India?
1. Wheat
2. Barley
3. Rapeseed
4. Jute
Answer: 4
Question: Which Country is the largest producer Timber?
1. United States
2. Brazil
3. Nigeria
4. Sweden
Answer: 3
Question: The Largest Tribal Community in india is
1. Bhills
2. Gonds
3. Santhals
4. Tharus
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following is called a “Red Planet”?
1. Pluto
2. Venus
3. Jupitar
4. Mars
Answer: 4
Question: Which one of the following is the first National Park established in India?
1. Bandipur
2. Corbett
3. Velavadar
4. Periyar
Answer: 2
Question: Which one of the following is the oldest mountain range in India?
1. Himalayas
2. Aravalli
3. Satpura
4. Nilgiri
Answer: 2
Question: The city of Rome is situated on the bank of
1. Vistula
2. Avon
3. Rhine
4. Tiber
Answer: 4
Question: Which star is nearest to the Earth?
1. Alpha Centauri
2. Proxima Centauri
3. Barnard’s Star
4. Wolf359
Answer: 2
Question: `Satish Dhawan Space Centre’ is located at-
1. Vishakhapatnam
2. Goa
3. Shri Hari Kota
4. Chennai
Answer: 3
Question: Silent valley is situated in-
1. Uttarakhand
2. Kerala
3. Arunachal
4. Jammu and Kashmir
Answer: 2
Question: In which of the following districts India’s largest mica belt is found?
1. Balaghat and Chhindwara
2. Udaipur, Ajmer and Alwar
3. Hazaribagh, Gaya and Monghyr
4. Salem and Dharmapuri
Answer: 3
Question: The Thermometer suitable to measure 2000° C temperature is-
1. total thermometer
2. gas thermometer
3. mercury thermometer
4. vapour pressure thermometer
Answer: 1
Question: It is 12 noon at Greenwich. What will be the time at a place situated at 55$dG east longitude?
1. 8.40 am
2. 3.20 pm
3. 5.00 am
4. 12.00 midnight
Answer: 2
Question: The Sunlight takes …… minutes to reach the earth.
1. 8.3
2. 7.3
3. 9.4
4. Less than 5 minutes
Answer: 1
Question: The saltiest sea is
1. Arabian Sea
2. Mediterranean Sea
3. Red Sea
4. Dead Sea
Answer: 4
Question: Seychelles is located in the
1. Pacific Ocean
2. Indian Ocean
3. Atlantic Ocean
4. Mediterranean Sea
Answer: 2
Question: The Kalahari Desert is in
1. South-West Africa
2. North Africa
3. North-West Asia
4. North-West Mexico
Answer: 1
Question: Where is the Sahara Desert?
1. South Africa
2. North Africa
3. Europe
4. Asia
Answer: 2
Question: The mass of the moon in comparison to the earth is
1. 1/4
2. 1/80
3. 1/100
4. None of these
Answer: 2
Question: Rome is situated on the banks of the river
1. Vistula
2. Avon
3. Rhime
4. Tiber
Answer: 4
Question: Monsoon is caused by the
1. Seasonal reversal of winds
2. Revolution of earth
3. Movement of clouds
4. Rise in temperature
Answer: 1
Question: Ranthambore is a wildlife sanctuary in India. In which State it is located and what it is famous for?
1. Gujarat-Lions
2. Rajasthan-Black buck
3. Rajasthan-Tigers
4. Gujarat-Wild ass
Answer: 3
Question: The Earth Rotates on its axis form
1. East to West
2. West to East
3. South to North
4. North to South
Answer: 2
Question: The polar diameter of the earth is shorter than its equatorial diameter by
1. 25 km
2. 80 km
3. 43 km
4. 30 km
Answer: 3

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