Question: Which hill station is called as the ‘Queen of the Satpuras’
1. Pachmarhi
2. Nilgiri
3. Mahenderagiri
4. Cardamom
Answer: 1
Question: The country where drip irrigation is efficiently used is
1. India
2. Israel
3. Sri Lanka
4. England
Answer: 2
Question: Ice glacier’s melting is a common phenomenon linked to the rise in seawater level. The glaciers are predominantly present in
1. Greenland
2. Antarctica
3. Himalayas
4. Arctic
Answer: 1
Question: In which State of India is the largest river island Majuli?
1. Assam
2. Manipur
3. Odisha
4. Madhya Pradesh
Answer: 1
Question: The largest fresh water lake, ‘Lake Superior’ is located in –
1. Canada
2. Russia
3. Tanzania
4. Argentina
Answer: 1
Question: The acid rain destroys vegetations because it contains –
1. Sulphuric acid
2. Ozone
3. Carbon monoxide
4. Nitric acid
Answer: 1
Question: Red soil its commonly found in the States of –
1. Punjab and Rajasthan
2. Himachal Pradesh and Haryana
3. Rajasthan and Himachal Pradesh
4. Tamil Nadu and Andhra Pradesh
Answer: 4
Question: What is the time taken by the Earth to complete one rotation on its imaginary axis?
1. 24 hr 37 min 23 sec
2. 24 hr
3. 23 hr 56 min 4 sec
4. 23 hr 52 min
Answer: 3
Question: In which atmospheric layer is the ozone layer situated?
1. Troposphere
2. Stratosphere
3. Mesosphere
4. Ionosphere
Answer: 2
Question: Karera Sanctuary is situated at –
1. Shivpuri
2. Mandsaur
3. Damoh
4. Tikamgarh
Answer: 1
Question: River Narmada flows down from Amarkantak Hills to the sea. What is the name of the area where it meets the sea?
1. Gulf of Kutch
2. Gulf of Khambat
3. Gulf of Mannar
4. Bay of Bengal
Answer: 2
Question: The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through –
1. India
2. Egypt
3. Mexico
4. Iran
Answer: 2
Question: Which country in Europe is called the ‘Land of Midnight Sun’?
1. Norway
2. Finland
3. Iceland
4. Sweden
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following is a tribal group of Africa?
1. Eskimos
2. Ainu
3. Fula
4. None of these
Answer: 4
Question: When an aeroplane is flying at a great height, the sky appears black to its passengers. Why?
1. The dust particles and droplets of water present in the atmosphere absorb the light and do not follow it to reach the eyes of the passengers
2. The atmosphere is very rare at great heights and so the scattering of lights is negligible
3. The light is so polarized that no part of it is able to reach the eyes of the passengers
4. None of the above
Answer: 2
Question: Quite often, deltas are formed at river mouths. What is the reason for formation of delta?
1. The flow of the river slows down considerably by the time it meets the sea. Hence, the sand and pieces of rocks carried by the river fall off at its mouth and collect in the form of a delta.
2. The tide in the sea stops the river from flowing into the sea the sand and pieces of rocks carried along by the river current fall off and form a delta
3. Salts are present in seawater. When the river meets the sea, the sand and rock particles suspended in the river water get precipitated and they settle down at the bottom to form a delta
4. None of the above
Answer: 1
Question: The great river Mekong does not run through –
1. China
2. malaysia
3. Laos
4. Cambodia
Answer: 2
Question: Which of the following parks/areas habitats is recognised as the world’s Largest Marine Sanctuary?
1. Hawaiian Islands
2. Great Barrier Reef
3. Sunderbans
4. Yellowstone National Park
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following states DOES NOT have any tiger reserve?
1. Kerala
2. West Bengal
3. Uttarakhand
4. Jammu and Kashmir
Answer: 4
Question: Which of the following is a warm current of the Pacific Ocean?
1. Oyashio Current
2. Kuroshio Current
3. Humboldt Current
4. Californian Current
Answer: 2
Question: Which of the following is NOT correct about the Western Ghats?
1. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.
2. It is one of the eight “hottest hotspot” of biological diversity in the world.
3. The Western Ghats span six States of India.
4. 5 out of 18 Biosphere Reserves of India fall within the western Ghats.
Answer: 4
Question: The Silent Valley National Park, located in the Nilgiri Hills, falls in which district of Kerala?
1. Kottayam
2. Idukki
3. Palakkad
4. Wayanad
Answer: 3
Question: The Great Dividing Mountain Range is located in-
1. South America
2. Europe
3. East America
4. South Central Asia
Answer: 3
Question: The time taken by light to reach from Sun to Earth is –
1. 8 min 16.6 sec
2. 9 min 16.6 sec
3. 10 min 16.6 sec
4. 11 min 16.6 sec
Answer: 1
Question: Which city is located on the banks of Gomti river?
1. New Delhi
2. Lucknow
3. Amritsar
4. Chandigarh
Answer: 2
Question: Which one of the following rivers is not a tributary of the Indus?
1. Jhelum
2. Yamuna
3. Ravi
4. Chenab
Answer: 2
Question: Rihand River Valley Project is in which State?
1. Bihar
2. Madhya Pradesh
3. Uttar Pradesh
4. Rajasthan
Answer: 3
Question: The largest producer of sugarcane in India is –
1. Haryana
2. Tamil Nadu
3. Jammu and Kashmir
4. Uttar Pradesh
Answer: 4
Question: The Capital of Jammu and Kashmir is –
1. Shimla
2. Delhi
3. Srinagar
4. Chandigarh
Answer: 3
Question: Which country is separated from Indian by the Radcliffe Line?
1. China
2. Afghanistan
3. Pakistan
4. Nepal
Answer: 3
Question: Chandigarh is the capital of which two states?
1. Punjab and Himachal Pradesh
2. Punjab and Uttar Pradesh
3. Himachal Pradesh and Uttar Pradesh
4. Punjab and Haryanan
Answer: 4
Question: Emus are natural inhabitants of –
1. Australia
2. Germany
3. Greenland
4. England
Answer: 1
Question: Which port city is called the ‘Queen of the Arabian Sea’?
1. Kandla
2. Kochi
3. Mumbai
4. Marmagao
Answer: 2
Question: Which among the following is a river port?
1. Mumbai
2. Kolkata
3. Cochin
4. Visakhapatnam
Answer: 2
Question: Which mountain pass connects Himachal Pradesh to Ladakh?
1. Nathu La Pass
2. Zojila Pass
3. Rohtang Pass
4. Khyber Pass
Answer: 3
Question: The Northern Plains of India is covered by –
1. Red Soil
2. Black Soil
3. Laterite Soil
4. Alluvial Soil
Answer: 4
Question: Which variety of coal contains recognisable traces of the original plant material?
1. Anthracite
2. Lignite
3. Peat
4. Bitumen
Answer: 3
Question: Generally, the soil of the northern plains of India is formed by
1. Degradation
2. Aggradation
3. Weathering in situ
4. Erosion
Answer: 2
Question: ___ is the southernmost tip of republic of India.
1. Cape Comorin
2. Indira Point
3. Point Calimere
4. Kovalam
Answer: 2
Question: The soils which originate under tall-grass prairie vegetation are called
1. Black soils
2. Chestnut soils
3. Chernozem soils
4. Terra rosa soils
Answer: 3
Question: “Climate is extreme, rainfall is scanty, and the people used to nomadic hoarders”. For which region is this statement correct?
1. African Savanna
2. Central Asian Steppes
3. Siberian Tundra
4. North American Prairies
Answer: 2
Question: Which one of the following is the highest gravity dam in the world?
1. Beas Dam
2. Nangal Dam
3. Bhakara Dam
4. Hirakud Dam
Answer: 3
Question: The term ‘Isoneph’ indicates the lines of equal
1. Cloudiness
2. Salinity
3. Rainfall
4. Pressure
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following pairs is incorrect?
1. Isohytes – Humidity
2. Isobars – Pressure
3. Isohels – Sunshine
4. Isotherms – Temperature
Answer: 1
Question: Which is the world’s largest desert?
1. Sahara
2. Gobi
3. Thar
4. Takala Makan
Answer: 1
Question: An astronomical unit is related to –
1. the distance between the Sun and the Earth
2. the distance between the Moon and the Earth
3. the distance between the Sun and the Moon
4. None of the above
Answer: 1
Question: The Planet nearest to the Sun is –
1. Venus
2. Mercury
3. Pluto
4. Jupiter
Answer: 2
Question: Which state has the traditional dress of men known as “Sola or Fotua” and “Eri Chaddar”?
1. Assam
2. Tripura
3. Nagaland
4. Meghalaya
Answer: 1
Question: Which one of the following has the highest share in power generation in India?
1. Hydro power
2. Thermal power
3. Nuclear power
4. All the above with equal share
Answer: 2
Question: Heavy Water Project (Talcher) and Fertilizer Plant (Paradeep) are famous enterprises of –
1. Odisha
2. Tamil Nadu
3. Andhra Pradesh
4. Kerala
Answer: 1

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