Question: World’s largest reserve of copper is found in –
1. Chile
2. Mexico
3. Peru
4. Zambia
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following State of India does not have notified Scheduled Tribes?
1. Jammu & Kashmir
2. Haryana
3. Goa
4. Kerala
Answer: 2
Question: Latifundium type of rural settlement are mostly found in –
1. Brazil
2. China
3. France
4. Russia
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following does not belong to the Alpine mountain category?
1. Appennines
2. Tien Shan
3. Taurus
4. Zagros
Answer: 2
Question: Which of the following landorms formed by glacier is different from other?
1. Cirque
2. Horn
3. Drumlin
4. Nunatak
Answer: 3
Question: Lapps tribe inhabit-
1. Ecuador
2. U.S.A
3. Sweden
4. Tanzania
Answer: 3
Question: The Law of Primate City was advanced by –
1. Isaiah Bowwman
2. Carl O. Saur
3. Brian J.L. Berry
4. Mark Jefferson
Answer: 4
Question: The concept of ‘Social Darwinism’ is attributed to –
1. Carl Ritter
2. Friedrich Ratzel
3. G.P. Marsh
4. P. Vidal de La Blache
Answer: 2
Question: Which one of the following botanical gardens is managed by respective State Government?
1. Kodial Kanal
2. Pune
3. Bhopal
4. Howrah
Answer: 2
Question: The river course following the real and basic slope is termed –
1. Subsequent stream
2. Insequent stream
3. Obsequent stream
4. Consequent stream
Answer: 4
Question: Which one of the following countries provides the best example of radial drainage?
1. Australia
2. France
3. Sri Lanka
4. Zaire
Answer: 3
Question: Deep Ecology brings to focus the –
1. Illusion that nature and man are different
2. Illusion that nature and man are two faces of the same coin
3. Nature of deep sea fisheries
4. Characteristics of deep ocean beds
Answer: 2
Question: Which of the following countries are included in Scandinavia?
1. Denmark
2. Iceland
3. Norway
4. Sweden
Select the correct answer from the codes given below-
1. All
2. 1 and 2
3. 3 and 4
4. 1, 2 and 4
Answer: 3
Question: ‘Present is key to the past’ is related to –
1. Law of angular momentum
2. Law of conservation of energy
3. Law of uniformitarianism
4. Principle of terrestrial unity
Answer: 3
Question: Which one of the following SAARC countries has a constitution provision for 70% of its geographical area under forests?
1. Afghanistan
2. Bhutan
3. Maldives
4. Nepal
Answer: 2
Question: The orderly sequence of change in the vegetation of an area over time is described as –
1. Adaptation
2. Mutation
3. Regeneration
4. Succession
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following is the biggest shipping canal in the world?
1. Panama Canal
2. Kiel Canal
3. Suez Canal
4. Soo Canal
Answer: 3
Question: The Bengula current flows along –
1. East coast of South America
2. East coast of South Africa
3. West coast of South Africa
4. West coast of South America
Answer: 3
Question: The scale of a half degree topographical map is-
1. 1: 25,000
2. 1: 50,000
3. 1: 125,000
4. 1: 250,000
Answer: 3
Question: Good example of fiords are found in-
1. Mexico
2. China
3. Norway
4. Brazil
Answer: 3
Question: The spot height method of relief representation is most suitable for –
1. Snowy regions
2. dissected hilly regions
3. sloppy regions
4. plain regions
Answer: 2
Question: The north eastern corner in a climograph denotes –
1. Keen weather
2. Muggy weather
3. Raw weather
4. Scorching weather
Answer: 2
Question: The diagram prepared by Stende geers method is used to represent-
1. Agricultural population
2. Industrial Population
3. Non-working population
4. Rural-urban population
Answer: 4
Question: The Tropic of Cancer does not pass through
1. Nepal
2. Bangladesh
3. China
4. Myanmar
Answer: 1
Question: India is the largest producer and consumer of
1. Tea
2. Coffee
3. Sugar
4. Paddy
Answer: 1

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