Question: Which is an area of Tropical ever green forests?
1. The Western ghats
2. The Eastern ghats
3. The Western Himalayas
4. Madhya Pradesh
Answer: 1
Question: Which country is the leading producer of Uranium?
1. Canada
2. Russia
3. France
4. India
Answer: 1
Question: Which region is most famous for citrus fruits?
1. Deserts
2. Monsoon regions
3. Temperate grasslands
4. Mediterranean regions
Answer: 4
Question: Hail consists of –
1. Granular ice
2. Crystals of ice
3. Water droplets
4. Masses f ice with concentric layers
Answer: 4
Question: Snowfall occurs when –
1. Water droplets freeze as they fall the the ground
2. Rain drops are carried up by updroughts in air
3. Dew points of air is below freezing point
4. Air is highly most and rises due to convection
Answer: 3
Question: Where do the sunrays leave India?
1. Gujarat
2. Pondicherry
3. Goa
4. Andaman
Answer: 1
Question: Which one of the following is a great circle?
1. Tropic of cancer
2. Tropic of capricon
3. Equator
4. Arctic circle
Answer: 3
Question: One Astronomical unit is the average distance between –
1. Earth and the Sun
2. Earth and the Moon
3. Jupiter and the Sun
4. Mars and the Sun
Answer: 1
Question: The eastward continuation of the Brazil current is called –
1. North Atlantic drift
2. South Atlantic drift
3. Counter Equatorial drift
4. West Atlantic drift
Answer: 2
Question: Which country loses highest amount of top soil from its crop lands due to erosion?
1. Brazil
2. U.S.A
3. China
4. India
Answer: 4
Question: There has been an increasing incidence of floods in Northern India in recent years because
1. There has been increase in deforestation in the catchment area
2. The gate of silting of dams has gone up
3. There has been an increase in annual rainfall
4. The ice has been melting faster due to slight increase in atmosphere temperature
Answer: 1
Question: Jodhpur receives less rainfall than Delhi because
1. Arabian Sea runs parallel to Aravali
2. It is on leeward side of the winds
3. Condensation does not take place three
4. All of the above
Answer: 4
Question: Palghat Gap connects Tamil Nadu with
1. Kerala
2. Karnataka
3. Andhra Pradesh
4. Both (A) and (B)
Answer: 1
Question: In India, the longest day occur on
1. April 13
2. October 13
3. June 21
4. March 21
Answer: 3
Question: Great Barrier Reef is situated in
1. Australia
2. Nova scotia
3. North Sea
4. Southern China
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following is the largest irrigation canal in the world?
1. Suez canal
2. Indira Gandhi canal
3. panama canal
4. Sirhind canal
Answer: 2
Question: In India, Where is the largest salt water lake situated?
1. Sambhar
2. Pulikat
3. Chillika
4. Rajasthan
Answer: 1
Question: What percentage of area is the Rajasthan in India?
1. 10.4%
2. 10.6%
3. 10.8%
4. 10.9%
Answer: 4
Question: What is the time difference between India standard Time and Greenwich Meridian?
1. 5 1/2 hours
2. 2 1/2 hours
3. 6 1/2 hours
4. 5 hours
Answer: 1
Question: Which is the closest city to the geographical center of India?
1. Nagpur
2. Delhi
3. Jaipur
4. Pune
Answer: 1

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