This GK General Knowledge quiz covers SSC question answer like: The people of the Indus Valley Civilization usually built their houses of— In 1956 during the Reorganization of the Indian States, the state of Hyderabad was split up between ? Which Indian NGO has won the 2017 UNDP Equator Prize for sustainable farming model? The unicameral parliament of which country is known as Knesset? The name by which Ashoka is generally reffered to in his inscription isWhich state has topped the 2017 Public Affairs Index (PAI) in governance? ‘Daskumar Charitam’ was composed by— In whose viceroyalty, the white mutiny took place? The date April 6, 1930 is known in Indian History for____Which IIT institute has successfully developed an implantable bioartificial pancreas? GK quiz set 985 – gk question answer quiz test general knowledge to help you score better in general awareness section. Quiz for SSC, banking, UPSC, IAS, PSC, and other center and state level exams.
Question 1.
The people of the Indus Valley Civilization usually built their houses of—
  1. pucca bricks
  2. stone
  3. wood
  4. all of these

Correct answer is option A
Question 2.

In 1956 during the Reorganization of the Indian States, the state of Hyderabad was split up between ?

  1. Andhra Pradesh and Maharastra
  2. Andhra Pradesh and Karnataka
  3. Andhra Pradesh, Maharastra and Karnataka
  4. Andhra Pradesh, Maharastra, Goa and Karnataka

Correct answer is option C i.e. Andhra Pradesh, Maharastra and Karnataka
Question 3.
Which Indian NGO has won the 2017 UNDP Equator Prize for sustainable farming model?
  1. Save Life Foundation (SLF)
  2. Akanksha Public Charitable Trust (APCT)
  3. Child Rights and You (CRY)
  4. Swayam Shikshan Prayog (SSP)

Correct answer is option D i.e. Swayam Shikshan Prayog (SSP)
Swayam Shikshan Prayog (SSP), a Pune-based NGO, has won the 2017 United Nations Development Programme (UNDP)’s Equator Prize for its women led climate resilient agro-ecological farming model and innovative solutions in climate resilient farming in the Marathwada region of India. The SSP is one of the 15 winners of Equator Prize 2017 by UNDP. The SSP has empowered 72,000 women in the drought-prone state of Maharashtra to act as agricultural decision-makers, improving their health, food security, and economic well-being.
Question 4.
The unicameral parliament of which country is known as Knesset?
  1. Finland
  2. Israel
  3. Turkey
  4. Lebanon

Correct answer is option B i.e. Israel
Knesset is the unicameral national legislature of Israel. As the legislative branch of the Israeli government, the Knesset passes all laws, elects the President and Prime Minister, approves the cabinet, and supervises the work of the government. In addition, the Knesset elects the State Comptroller. It also has the power to waive the immunity of its members, remove the President and the State Comptroller from office, dissolve the government in a constructive vote of no confidence, and to dissolve itself and call new elections. The Prime Minister may dissolve the Knesset. The Knesset is located in Givat Ram, Jerusalem.
Question 5.
The name by which Ashoka is generally reffered to in his inscription is
  1. Dharmakirti
  2. Priyadarshi
  3. Dharmadeva
  4. Chakravarti

Correct answer is option B
Question 6.
Which state has topped the 2017 Public Affairs Index (PAI) in governance?
  1. Kerala
  2. Gujarat
  3. Karnataka
  4. Maharashtra

Correct answer is option A i.e. Kerala
Kerala has topped the 2017 Public Affairs Index (PAI) in governance indicators, followed by Tamil Nadu, Gujarat, Karnataka and Maharashtra. The report was based on a wide range of themes such as essential infrastructure, support to human development, social protection, women and children, crime, law and order, delivery of justice, environment, transparency and accountability, fiscal management and economic freedom. The purpose of the PAI is to rank the states of India objectively in the field of governance based on various focus subjects and indicators and is an initiative of the Public Affairs Committee (PAC).
Question 7.
‘Daskumar Charitam’ was composed by—
  1. Surdas
  2. Dandin
  3. Tulsidas
  4. Kalidas

Correct answer is option B
Question 8.
In whose viceroyalty, the white mutiny took place?
  1. Lord Curzon
  2. Lord Minto
  3. Lord Hardinge
  4. Lord Ripon

Correct answer is option D
Question 9.
The date April 6, 1930 is known in Indian History for____
  1. Dandi March by Mahatma Gandhi
  2. First Round Table Conference
  3. Gandhi-Irwin Pact
  4. Jallianwala Bagh Massacre

Correct answer is option A
Question 10.

Which IIT institute has successfully developed an implantable bioartificial pancreas?

  1. IIT Guwahati
  2. IIT Bombay
  3. IIT Indore
  4. IIT Delhi

Correct answer is option A i.e. IIT Guwahati

The researchers at the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Guwahati have successfully created an implantable bioartificial pancreas model grown within a 3D silk scaffold. The bioartificial pancreas, which encapsulates insulin-producing cells, is capable of naturally producing insulin in a sustained manner. If successful in animal and human trials, it can be used for treating people with type 1 diabetes. The silk scaffold was found to be biocompatible (not toxic to living tissue) as it did not trigger any immune reaction or cause any adverse reaction when implanted. In Type 1 diabetes, the pancreas produces little or no insulin. Insulin is a hormone needed to allow sugar (glucose) to enter cells to produce energy. The results were published in the
journal ACS Biomaterials Science and Engineering.