Kamban translated an epic into Tamil for the first time. Name the epic.
Ans : Ramayana
Which two sports that start with the letter C are no longer in Olympic ?
Ans : Cricket and Croquet
Name the “Land of the Midnight Sun” ?
Ans : Norway
Louvre Museum is located in which city ?
Ans : Paris
Who painted “the Last Supper” ?
Ans : Leonardo da Vinci
Name the book written by Abu’l-Fazal on Akbar’s administration of his kingdom ?
Ans : Ain-i-Akbari
In the game of volleyball, how many players are on each side ?
Ans : 6
Expand the acronym ICRC ?
Ans : International Committee of the Red Cross
Name the visual impaired climber to climb Mt Everest ?
Ans : Erik Weihenmayer
Name the national flower of Japan ?
Ans : Cherry Blossom
This form of folk music speaks of God and is traditionally sung by the boatmen who live along the river. Name it ?
Ans : Bhatiyali
In which part of the plant do we find pollen ?
Ans : Anther
What is the technique of clipping tree into ornamental shapes called ?
Ans : Topiary
Who pioneered the Dalit Buddhist Movement in India ?
Ans : Dr B R Ambedkar
What is that part of the plant that protects the budding flower ?
Ans : Sepal
Who is called the Father of Medicine ?
Ans : Hippocrates
Thymine is another name of which vitamin ?
Ans : Vitamin B
Which kind of combat is unarmed, is an Olympic sport and uses the weight of the opponent to one’s advantage ?
Ans : Judo
On the banks of which river is the city Belgrade located ?
Ans : River Danube
Which animal is called the “Man eater of the tropical seas” ?
Ans : Great White Shark

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