This GK General Knowledge quiz covers SSC question answer like: Indravati Hydro Electric Project belongs to which state? Who among the following was not member of Moti Lal Nehru Committee? Kirti Nidhi Bista, who passed away recently, was the former Prime Minister of which country? The foundation of modern education system in India was laid by? The web of the spider is made up of which among the following? At which congress session did Dadabhai Naoroji announce that Swaraj was the goal of India’s political efforts? Hazi Ibrahim Sarhindi is known to be a Persian Writer during the reign of Akbar was translated the following Sanskrit work in Persian? Consider the following statements :
1. The last Mauryan ruler, Brihadratha was assassinated by his commander-in-chief, Pushyamitra Sunga.
2. The last Sunga king, Devabhuti was assassinated by his Brahmana minister Vasudeva Kanva who usurped the throne.
3. The last ruler of the Kanva dynasty was deposed by the Andhras.
Which of these statement is / are correct ? The famous bhakti saint who belonged to the royal family of Mewar wasWhich Congress President negotiated with both Cripps Mission and Lord Wavell? GK quiz set 797 – gk quiz in english with answers to improve your speed for general awareness section so that you can attempt it quickly. Daily practice will improve your skills.
Question 1.

Indravati Hydro Electric Project belongs to which state?

  1. Tamil nadu
  2. Orissa
  3. Karnataka
  4. Andhra Pradesh

Correct answer is option B i.e. Orissa
Question 2.
Who among the following was not member of Moti Lal Nehru Committee?
  1. Subhash Chandra Bose
  2. G.R. Pradhan
  3. Sir Ali Imam
  4. Aurobindo Ghosh

Correct answer is option D
Question 3.

Kirti Nidhi Bista, who passed away recently, was the former Prime Minister of which country?

  1. Myanmar
  2. Malaysia
  3. Indonesia
  4. Nepal

Correct answer is option D i.e. Nepal

Kirti Nidhi Bista (90), the former Prime Minister and veteran politician of Nepal, has passed away on November 11, 2017 in Gyaneshwor, Kathmandu. He served as Prime Minister of Nepal from 1969 to 1970, 1971 to 1973 and 1977 to 1979 and was also the Vice-chair in the government led by then King Gyanendra Shaha.

Question 4.
The foundation of modern education system in India was laid by?
  1. Wood’s Despatch of 1854
  2. The Hunter Commission of 1882
  3. Macaulay’s Minutes of 1835
  4. The Charter Act of 1813

Correct answer is option C
Question 5.

The web of the spider is made up of which among the following?

  1. Carbohydrate Polymers
  2. Proteins
  3. Lipids
  4. Polysaccharides

Correct answer is option B i.e. Proteins

Spiders use their silk to make web. Spider silk is made out of protein.

Question 6.
At which congress session did Dadabhai Naoroji announce that Swaraj was the goal of India’s political efforts?
  1. 1886 Calcutta session
  2. 1893 Lahore session
  3. 1905 Benaras sessions
  4. 1906 Calcutta session

Correct answer is option D
Question 7.

Hazi Ibrahim Sarhindi is known to be a Persian Writer during the reign of Akbar was translated the following Sanskrit work in Persian?

  1. Ramayana
  2. Mahabharata
  3. Atharva Veda
  4. Rigveda

Correct answer is option C i.e. Atharva Veda

Akbar had a committee of scholars with cross lingual expertise. Some of them were Naqeeb Khan, Mulla Abdul Qadir Badayuni, Mulla Sheri and Sultan Haji Thanesari.

  • In that era Mahabharat was translated into Persian and was renamed as Razm Namah (Saga of the Battlefield).
  • Ramayana was translated by Mulla Abdul Qadir Badayuni. Badayuni also took up the task of Singhasan Batisi into Persian , which was later titled Khurd Afza in Persian.
  • Atharva Veda was translated by Haji Ibrahim Sirhindi. Rajataringini by Kalhana was translated by Maulana Shah Mohammad Shahabadi. Panchtantra were rendered into Persian by Mulla Hussain Waiz and it was called Anwar-i-Suhaili.
  • Panchatantra was also translated in Persian by Maulana Husain Faizi and its translated name was Yar-i-Danish.
  • Abul Fazal, Vazeer of Akbar and author of Akbarnama had translated Panchatantra in persian as Anvar-i-Saadat.
Question 8.
Consider the following statements :
1. The last Mauryan ruler, Brihadratha was assassinated by his commander-in-chief, Pushyamitra Sunga.
2. The last Sunga king, Devabhuti was assassinated by his Brahmana minister Vasudeva Kanva who usurped the throne.
3. The last ruler of the Kanva dynasty was deposed by the Andhras.
Which of these statement is / are correct ?
  1. 1 and 2
  2. Only 2
  3. Only 3
  4. 1, 2 and 3

Correct answer is option D
Question 9.
The famous bhakti saint who belonged to the royal family of Mewar was
  1. Chaitanya
  2. Andal
  3. Meerabai
  4. Ramabai

Correct answer is option C
Question 10.
Which Congress President negotiated with both Cripps Mission and Lord Wavell?
  1. Abul Kalam Azad
  2. Jawahar Lal Nehru
  3. J.B. Kripalani
  4. Rajagopalchari

Correct answer is option A