This GK General Knowledge quiz covers SSC question answer like: Consider the following statements:
1. To execute an arbitrage deal, one has to simultaneously enter into deals in two markets where the price differential exists
2. There are Mutual funds, which can help in arbitrage for the investors
Which among the above statements is / are correct? Nizamuddin Junaidi was the Wazir ofWhich one of the following pairs is correctly matched? The ruler of Kushan dynasty, Kanishka was the follower of__? Who among the following was regarded by Mahatma Gandhi as his ‘Political Guru’? The first-ever Indian Railways Human Resources Round Table Conference has started in which city? Who among the following was the founder of Calcutta? Consider the following features of Government of India act 1935:
1. provision for Federation of India
2. Compulsory accession to Federation of India
3. Partial Reorganization of provinces
Which among the above features hold correct ? India has signed a historical agreement with which country to promote cooperation in the field of archives? Consider the following nationalists—
1. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
2. Gopalkrishna Gokhle
3. Bipin Chandra Pal
4. Lala Lajpat Rai
Who among these were referred to as militant nationalist of the freedom movements ? GK quiz set 602 – general knowledge easy quiz to save your money and help you get better marks in compeptitive exam. Multiple choice questions general knowledge test with answers.
Question 1.

Consider the following statements:
1. To execute an arbitrage deal, one has to simultaneously enter into deals in two markets where the price differential exists
2. There are Mutual funds, which can help in arbitrage for the investors
Which among the above statements is / are correct?

  1. Only 1 is correct
  2. Only 2 is correct
  3. Both 1 and 2 are correct
  4. Neither 1 nor 2 is correct

Correct answer is option C i.e. Both 1 and 2 are correct

Arbitrage is an investment strategy aimed at capturing the price differential between two or more markets to earn a risk-free profit. To execute an arbitrage deal, one has to simultaneously enter into deals in two markets where the price differential exists. The second statement is correct and Mutual funds come to the rescue of those who intend to take the arbitrage route but lack the expertise. The schemes here aim to make risk-free profits, by capturing the price differentials across markets arising out of the inefficiencies of the markets.

Question 2.
Nizamuddin Junaidi was the Wazir of
  1. Muizzuddin Ghori
  2. Qutubuddin Aibak
  3. Iltutmish
  4. Balban

Correct answer is option C
Question 3.
Which one of the following pairs is correctly matched?
  1. Battle of Buxar : Mir Jafar Vs Clive
  2. Battle of Wandiwash : French Vs East India Company
  3. Battle of Chilianwala : Dalhousie Vs Marathas
  4. Battle of Kharda : Nizam Vs East India compnay

Correct answer is option B
Question 4.
The ruler of Kushan dynasty, Kanishka was the follower of__?
  1. Jainism
  2. Hinayanism
  3. Hindusim
  4. Mahayanism

Correct answer is option D i.e. Mahayanism
Kanishka was the follower of Mahayanism or the new theory of Buddhism. Mahayana means the Greater Vehicle. It refers to the path of the Bodhisattva seeking complete enlightenment for the benefit of all sentient beings, also called Bodhisattva Vehicle.
Question 5.
Who among the following was regarded by Mahatma Gandhi as his ‘Political Guru’?
  1. Dadadbhai Naoroji
  2. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
  3. Pheroz Shah Mehta
  4. Gopal Krishan Gokhle

Correct answer is option D
Question 6.
The first-ever Indian Railways Human Resources Round Table Conference has started in which city?
  1. New Delhi
  2. Chennai
  3. Pune
  4. Kochi

Correct answer is option A i.e. New Delhi
The Union Minister of Railways Suresh Prabhakar Prabhu has inaugurated the first-ever Indian Railways Human Resources Round Table Conference in New Delhi on June 10, 2017. The aim of the Conference is to improve the productivity of the human resources through inter-change of ideas with various stakeholders and HR practitioners and academics. There are 3-themes of the conference viz. Stakeholders Expectations from HR, The Future of Work – HR Role and Creativity Within Constraints.
Question 7.
Who among the following was the founder of Calcutta?
  1. Charles Ayar
  2. Job Charnock
  3. Garold Angiyar
  4. William Novris

Correct answer is option B
Question 8.

Consider the following features of Government of India act 1935:
1. provision for Federation of India
2. Compulsory accession to Federation of India
3. Partial Reorganization of provinces
Which among the above features hold correct ?

  1. 1 only
  2. 1 and 2
  3. 2 and 3
  4. 1 and 3

Correct answer is option D i.e. 1 and 3

accession to this federation was voluntary

Question 9.
India has signed a historical agreement with which country to promote cooperation in the field of archives?
  1. South Africa
  2. Portugal
  3. China
  4. Nepal

Correct answer is option B i.e. Portugal
India has recently signed a historical agreement with Portugal to promote cooperation in the field of archives in Lisbon, Portugal. As a part of the cooperation, the Torre do Tombo (National Archives of Portugal) has handed over digital copies of 62 volumes of the collection known as ‘Moncoes do Reino’ (Monsoon correspondence) to the National Archives of India (NAI). These volumes serve as the most important primary source for the study of the Portuguese expansion in Asia and their trade rivalries with the Arabs and European powers as well as their relations with neighboring Kings in South Asia and East Asia.
Question 10.
Consider the following nationalists—
1. Bal Gangadhar Tilak
2. Gopalkrishna Gokhle
3. Bipin Chandra Pal
4. Lala Lajpat Rai
Who among these were referred to as militant nationalist of the freedom movements ?
  1. 1, 2 and 3
  2. 2 and 4
  3. 1, 3 and 4
  4. 1, 2, 3 and 4

Correct answer is option C