This GK General Knowledge quiz covers SSC question answer like: “Amoghvarsha” belonged to which dynasty of kings? Which of the Brahamana says’wife is half her husband’? Which digital campaign has launched for 2017 International Day of Sports for Development and Peace (IDSDP)? Among the following foreign travellers who was the first to visit India? Which country to host 2017 G7 Interior Ministers summit on security issues? Who destroyed the Empire of Chalukyas of Badami? Who has been chosen for the prestigious 2017 Harivarasanam award? The court language of Mughals was-The Ganga-Brahmaputra river delta in India and Bangladesh which is one of the most fertile regions in the world is a_ _ ___? Arrange the following in chronological order?
1. Partition of Bengal
2. Chauri-Chaura Incident,
3. First Round Table Conference
Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the above? GK quiz set 192 – gk general knowledge question and answers to help you get a better job by cracking the exam. Objective general knowledge for SSC.
Question 1.

“Amoghvarsha” belonged to which dynasty of kings?

  1. Satavahana
  2. Rastrakuta
  3. Pallava
  4. Hoyasala

Correct answer is option B i.e. Rastrakuta
Question 2.
Which of the Brahamana says’wife is half her husband’?
  1. Satapatha Brahamana
  2. Aitareya Brahamana
  3. Gopatha Brahamana
  4. Taittiriya Brahmana

Correct answer is option A i.e. Satapatha Brahamana
The Satapatha Brahamana states that the wife is half her husband and completes him.
Question 3.
Which digital campaign has launched for 2017 International Day of Sports for Development and Peace (IDSDP)?
  1. #PlayForPeace
  2. #PlayForSustainableDevelopmentGoals
  3. #WePlayTogether
  4. #EndViolence

Correct answer is option C i.e. #WePlayTogether
The United Nations (UN)’s International Day of Sports for Development and Peace (IDSDP) is observed every year on April 6 to recognize the power of sport in promoting peace and its ability to inspire. This year (2017), the United Nations Office on Sport for Development and Peace (UNOSDP) launched the digital campaign #WePlayTogether to encourage organizations and individuals who support or carry out sport for development and peace activities to partake in the commemoration of the IDSDP.
Question 4.
Among the following foreign travellers who was the first to visit India?
  1. Bernier
  2. Ibn Batuta
  3. Abdur Rajjak
  4. Vasco-da-Gama

Correct answer is option B
Question 5.

Which country to host 2017 G7 Interior Ministers summit on security issues?

  1. Germany
  2. Canada
  3. Italy
  4. Japan

Correct answer is option C i.e. Italy

Italy will host a summit of G7 Interior Ministers centered on security issues, which is scheduled to be held in October 2017. The meeting is being organised at the request of Italy’s G-7 partners- Canada, France, Germany, the United Kingdom, Japan and the United States. Currently, Italy holds the rotating helm of the G-7 industrialised nations.

Question 6.
Who destroyed the Empire of Chalukyas of Badami?
  1. Cholas
  2. Pallavas
  3. Pandyas
  4. Rashtrakutas

Correct answer is option D
Question 7.

Who has been chosen for the prestigious 2017 Harivarasanam award?

  1. S P Balasubramanyam
  2. M Jayachandran
  3. K S Chitra
  4. K J Yesudas

Correct answer is option C i.e. K S Chitra

Veteran singer K S Chitra has been selected for the prestigious 2017 Harivarasanam award, instituted by the Kerala government. Chitra has been selected for the award in recognition of her contribution to propagate the spirit of secularism, equanimity and universal brotherhood. The award carrying a cash prize of Rs one lakh, citation and plaque would be presented to the veteran playback singer at a function at Sabarimala Sannidhanam on January 14, 2018.

Question 8.
The court language of Mughals was-
  1. Arabic
  2. Hindi
  3. Persian
  4. Urdu

Correct answer is option C
Question 9.

The Ganga-Brahmaputra river delta in India and Bangladesh which is one of the most fertile regions in the world is a____________?

  1. River dominated Delta
  2. Tide Dominated Delta
  3. Wave Dominated Delta
  4. None of the above

Correct answer is option B i.e. Tide Dominated Delta
Question 10.
Arrange the following in chronological order?
1. Partition of Bengal
2. Chauri-Chaura Incident,
3. First Round Table Conference
Which one of the following is the correct sequence of the above?
  1. 1-2-3,
  2. 3-2-1,
  3. 1-3-2,
  4. 2-1-3

Correct answer is option A