Category | Name |
Commander-in-chief of Free India | General Roy Bucher |
Cosmonaut | Sqn. Ldr. Rakesh Sharma |
Field Marshal | S. H. F. J. Manekshaw |
Indian I.C.S. Officer | Satyendra Nath Tagore |
Indian Member of Viceroy’s Executive Council | Sri S.P. Sinha |
Talkie Film | Alam Ara (1931) |
Test Tube Baby (Documented) | Indira |
Woman Judge in Supreme Court | Mrs. Meera Sahib Fatima Biwi |
Woman Chief Justice of a High Court | Smt. Leela Seth |
Indian Woman to go in space (Now U.S. Citizen) | Kalpana Chawla |
India’s First paperless Newspaper | The News Today (Launched on Jan. 3, 2001) |
India’s First woman Merchant Navy Officer | Sonali Banerjee |
First woman Air Vice-Marshal | P. Bandopadhyaya |
First Indian to be appointed as United Nations Civilian Police Advisor | Ms. Kiran Bedi |
First astronaut of Indian origin to perish aboard U.S. space shuttle in a tragic accident | Dr. Kalpana Chawla (Columbia space shuttle, Feb. I, 2003) |
First woman to be appointed Deputy Governor of Reserve Bank of India | K. J. Udeshi (appointed on June 10, 2003) |
First woman Chairman and Managing Director of NABARD | Mrs. Ranjana Kumar |
First Orissa woman to top I.A.S. | Smt. Roopa Misra (Indian Civil Services Exam., 2003) |
First woman Director General of Police of a State | Kanchan C. Bhattacharya (DGP Uttaranchal) |
First woman to be appointed as the crime branch chief | MeeriJ Borwankar (took over as crime branch chief of Mumbai police) |
First woman to reach the rank of Lt. General in the Indian army | Puneeta Arora (Commandant, Armed Forces Medical College, Pune) |
First woman to become Indian Air Force’s First woman Air Marshal | Air Marshal Padma Bandhopadhyay |
First woman Commissioner of Police of an Indian metro (Chennai Metro Police) | Letika Saran |
First Indian to Ski to the North Pole | Ajeet Bajaj (April 26, 2006) |
First person of Indian origin to win the Miss Great Britain title | Preeti Desai (2006) |
First man in space | Rakesh Sharma |
First Indian Commander – in – Chief of India | General Cariappa |
First Chief of the Army Staff | Gen. Maharaj Rajendra Singhji |
First Indian member of the Viceroy’s executive council | S. P. Sinha |
First Field Marshal of India | S.H.F. Manekshaw |
First Indian Air Chief Marshal | S. Mukherjee |
First Indian Naval Chief | Vice Admiral R. D. Katari |
First judge of International Court of Justice | Dr. Nagendra Singh |
First person to reach Mt. Everest without oxygen | Sherpa Anga Dorjee |
First Chief Election Commissioner | Sukumar Sen |
First Chinese traveller to visit India | Fahein |
First Chief Justice of Supreme Court | Justice Hiralal J. Kania |
Indian Commander-in-Chief of Free India | General Kodandera Madappa Cariappa, 1949 |
Field Marshall | General S. H. F. J. Manekshaw |
Auditor General of India | V. Narahari Rao |
Director of CBI | DP Kohli |
National Security Adviser | Brijesh Mishra |
Governor of RBI | Sir Osborne Smith |
Civil Service | Satendra Nath Tagore |
Woman IAS | Anna Ranjan George, 1950 |
Chief Election Commissioner | Sukumar Sen |
Indian Chairman in International Court | Justice Dr. Nagendra Singh |
Leader of the Indian Antarctica Mission | Dr. Syed Zahuv Quasim |
Chief Justice of Supreme Court | Justice Hiralal J. Kaniya |
Commandeur of the Order of Arts and Letters | Mrinal Sen |
Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letter | Sivaji Ganeshan |
Woman Honours Graduate | Kamini Roy |
Woman Director General of Police | Kanchan C Bhattacharya |
Successful Surgeon who transplanted heart | Dr. P. Venugopal |
Licensed Pilot | J R D Tata |
Woman Air Pilot | Durba Banerjee |
Woman Teacher | Savitribai Phule |
Successful heart transplanted person | Devi Ram (1994) |
President of National Human Rights Commission | Justice Rangnath Mishra |
Person delivered the Lecture in Hindi in U.N.O. | Atal Bihari Bajpai (1977) |
Indian member in British House of Commons | Dada Bhai Naoroji (1892) |
Indian Managing Director of World Bank | Gautam Kazi |
Person, who became High Commission in Great Britain | V. K. Krishna-Menon |
Woman Chief Justice of High Court | Leila Seth, Himachal Pradesh, 1991 |
Indian member of Viceroy Executive Council | Sir. S. P. Sinha |
Chairman of Finance Commission | K. C. Niogi |
Woman Doctorate of Science | Asima Chatterjee (1944) |
Woman IPS | Kiran Bedi |
Woman Supreme Court judge | Kumari Fathima Beevi |
Indian member of American Congress | Deleep Singh |
Editor of Time Magazine | Bobby Ghosh |
Director of CBI becoming Governor | Ashwani Kumar |
Person to reach the North Pole | Squadron Leader Sanjay Thapar |
Person to reach the South Pole | Col Jatinder Kumar Bajaj |
Miss World | Reita Faria in 1966 |
Miss Asia Pacific | Zeenat Aman in 1970 |
Miss Universe | Sushmita Sen in 1994 |
Miss Earth | Nicole Faria in 2010 |
Place to get electricity | Darjeeling in 1897 |
Sound film | Alam Ara (1931) directed by Ardeshir Irani |
Colour film | Kisan Kanya (1937), directed by Moti B. Gidvani |
Chevalier of the Order of Arts and Letters | Sivaji Ganesan |
Test-tube baby | Durga Agarwal, born 1978 |
Newspaper | Hickey’s Bengal Gazette started in 1760 |
First Lady Doctor | Anandibai Joshi |
Satellite | Aryabhata, launched on 19 April 1975 |
District to achieve 100% literacy rate | Ernakulam district, Kerala, 1990 |
First Marshal of Indian Air Force | Arjan Singh |
Fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge | Srinivasa Ramanujan |
Fellow of the Royal Society | Ardaseer Cursetjee |
India’s first man in Space | Rakesh Sharma |
First Indian Commander-in-Chief of India | General Cariappa |
First Chief of Army Staff | Gen. Maharaj Rajendra Singhji |
First Indian Member of the Viceroy’s executive council | S.P.Sinha |
First Field Marshal of India | S.H.F. Manekshaw |
First Indian Air Chief Marshal | S. Mukherjee |
First Indian Naval Chief | Vice Admiral R.D. Katari |
First Judge of International Court of Justice | Dr. Nagendra Singh |
First Chief Justice of Supreme Court | Justice Hirala J. Kania |
First woman judge in Supreme Court | Mrs. Meera Sahib Fatima Bibi |
First woman Ambassador | Miss C.B. Muthamma |
First woman to climb Mount Everest twice | Santosh Yadav |
First woman pilot in Indian Air Force | Harita Kaur Dayal |
First woman Graduates | Kadambini Ganguly and Chandramukhi Basu, 1883 |
First woman Airline Pilot | Durba Banerjee |
First woman Honours Graduate | Kamini Roy, 1886 |
First woman Lawyer | Cornelia Sorabjee |
First woman President of United Nations General Assembly | Mrs Vijaya Laxmi Pandit |
First woman Chairman of Union Public Service Commission | Roze Millian Bethew |
First woman Director General of Police | Kanchan Chaudhary Bhattacharya |
First woman Judge | Anna Chandy (She became judge in a district court in 1937) |
First woman Cheif Justice of High Court | Mrs Leela Seth (Himachal Pradesh High Court) |
First woman Judge in Supreme Court of India | Kumari Justice M. Fathima Beevi |
First woman Lieutenant General | Puneeta Arora |
First woman Air Vice Marshal | P. Bandopadhyaya |
First woman chairperson of Indian Airlines | Sushma Chawla |
First woman IPS officer | Mrs. Kiran Bedi |
First and last Muslim woman ruler of India | Razia Sultan |

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