Question: Abnormal level of cholesterol is associated with –
1. Hardening of arteries
2. Hardening of veins
3. Kidney stones formation
4. Liver cirrhosis
Answer: 1
Question: The rotation of crops is essential for –
1. Increasing protein content in plants
2. Getting different crops
3. Increasing soil fertility
4. Maintaining soil moisture
Answer: 3
Question: Influenza is caused by a –
1. Virus
2. Fungus
3. Algae
4. Bacterium
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following actions is related with evaporation of sweat?
1. Exothermic Action
2. Endothermic Action
3. Chemical Action
4. Salty Reaction
Answer: 2
Question: The study related to the plants being used as vegetable is called –
1. Flori-culture
2. Pomology
3. Horticulture
4. Olericulture
Answer: 4
Question: Engyme is a –
1. Vitamin
2. Bacterium
3. Bio-catalyst
4. Virus
Answer: 3
Question: Which of the following is not an infectious disease?
2. Chicken-pox
3. Mumps
4. Herpes Simplex
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following is not a genetic disorder?
1. Down-syndrome
2. Haemophilia
3. Irritable Bowi Syndrome (IBS)
4. Sickle cell Anaemia
Answer: 3
Question: Which of the following is of organic origin?
1. Coral
2. Emerald
3. Ruby
4. Topaz
Answer: 1
Question: In surgery, what is arthoplasty?
1. Open heart surgery
2. Hip-joint replacement
3. Kidney transplant
4. Blood Transfusion
Answer: 2
Question: ‘Biosphere Reserve Project’ is aimed at protecting
1. Cattle population
2. Human beings from pollution
3. Flora and Fauna
4. Environment
Answer: 3