Question: The malaria parasite responsible for malignant malaria is –
1. Plasmodium malariae
2. Plasmodium falciparum
3. Plasmodium vivax
4. Plasmodium ovale
Answer: 2
Question: Hypothermia occurs due to loss of excessive heat from body due to sudden low body temperature in:
1. Snake
2. Frogs
3. Human beings
4. Lizards
Answer: 3
Question: The hormone used as an oral contraceptive is:
1. Aldesterone
2. Cortisone
3. Progesterone
4. Testosterone
Answer: 3
Question: In dicots the pollen-grains posses:
1. One germ pore
2. Two germ pores
3. Three germ pores
4. Four germ pores
Answer: 3
Question: DPT vaccine is administered to prevent disease like:
1. Diphtheria, Pertussis and Typhoid
2. Diphtheria, Pertussis and Tetanus
3. Dengue, Pertussis and Typhoid
4. Dengue, Polio and Tetanus
Answer: 2
Question: Blood is a –
1. Reproductive tissue
2. Connective tissue
3. Epithelial tissue
4. Muscular tissue
Answer: 2
Question: Pick out the correct match:
1. Egg yolk – Protein and Fat
2. Fleshy food – Calcium and Protein
3. Fish – Starch and Vitamin
4. Milk – Fibre and Mineral
Answer: 1
Question: Blood group was discovered by –
1. Alexander Fleming
2. William Harvey
3. Landsteiner
4. Pavlov
Answer: 3
Question: Which of the following is an endemic species?
1. Nicobar pigeon
2. Horn bill
3. Indian Rhino
4. Pink-head duck
Answer: 1
Question: Activity of an enzyme can be modulated by change of
1. pH
2. Light
3. Humidity
4. Rainfall
Answer: 1
Question: Jaundice is a disease which affects
1. Heart
2. Liver
3. Spleen
4. Gall bladder
Answer: 2