Question: Blood is a –
1. Reproductive tissue
2. Connective tissue
3. Epithelial tissue
4. Muscular tissue
Answer: 2
Question: Pick out the correct match –
1. Egg Yolk – Protein and Fat
2. Fleshy foods – Calcium and Protein
3. Fish – Starch and Vitamin
4. Milk – Fibre and Mineral
Answer: 1
Question: Evolutionary principles have been used for classification of animals and plants. According to this, HUMANS come under which class?
1. Mammalia
2. Arthropoda
3. Aves
4. Amphibian
Answer: 1
Question: Deforestation has an alarming effect on
1. Increase in gazing area
2. Sunlight
3. Weed control
4. Soil erosion
Answer: 4
Question: Enzyme ptyalin is produced by
1. Gastric Gland
2. Islets of Langerhans
3. Liver
4. Salivary Glands
Answer: 4
Question: Enzymes are basically
1. Fats
2. Carbohydrates
3. Proteins
4. Vitamins
Answer: 3
Question: Which one of the following is the smallest gland in the body?
1. Adrenal
2. Thyroid
3. Pancreas
4. Pituitary
Answer: 2
Question: The number of amino acids, known so far, is
1. 12
2. 22
3. 32
4. 42
Answer: 2
Question: Plants are killed in winter by frost
1. Because of desiccation and mechanical damage to the tissue
2. Because no photosynthesis takes place at such low temperature
3. Because respiration ceases at such low temperature
4. Because there is no transpiration
Answer: 1
Question: When the right ventricle in the human heart contracts, the blood moves to –
1. Aorta
2. Brain
3. Lungs
4. Pulmonary arteries
Answer: 4
Question: Who among the following is associated with the theory of inheritance of acquired characteristics?
1. Charles Darwin
2. Lamarck
3. Spencer
4. De Vries
Answer: 2
Question: Antigene are a
1. Carbohydrates
2. Fat
3. Hormone
4. Protein
Answer: 4
Question: Energy flow in an ecosystem is –
1. Cyclic
2. Multidirectional
3. Sequential
4. Unidirectional
Answer: 4
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