Question: What is the average temperature of cow and buffalo?
1. -98.4°F
2. 100°F
3. 101.5°F
4. 102°F
Answer: 3
Question: How many days can the Aonla be kept in salt solution?
1. 15 days
2. 30 days
3. 60 days
4. 75 days
Answer: 4
Question: At the time of Apple fruit setting what is the minimum temperature required?
1. 10°C
2. 4.5°C – 5.5°C
3. 8°C – 10°C
4. 2°C – 3°C
Answer: 3
Question: Which variety of Papaya gives maximum Papain?
1. Pusa Delicious
2. Pusa Majesty
3. Pusa Gaint
4. Pusa Dwarf
Answer: 3
Question: How much cloves of garlic is required for one hectare?
1. 400 kg
2. 500 kg
3. 600 kg
4. 300 kg
Answer: 1
Question: In which state of India is the area of Coffee maximum?
1. Kerala
2. Andhra Pradesh
3. Karnataka
4. Tamil Nadu
Answer: 3
Question: Potato tuber growth is stopped at what temperature?
1. 40°C – 42°C
2. 30°C – 32°C
3. 35°C – 37°C
4. 38° – 40°C
Answer: 2
Question: Which is not prepared from patato?
1. Farina and Alcohol
2. Paper
3. Wine
4. Acetic acid
Answer: 2
Question: Varieties of Miscavi and Pusa Visal are of which crop?
1. Cotton
2. Jute
3. Oat
4. Berseem
Answer: 4
Question: Seed treatment of which crop is done by Captan or Cerasan @ 5 gm/kg seed?
1. Cotton
2. Jute
3. Safflower
4. Mondua
Answer: 1

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