Question: What is the average annual production of European variety of honeybee colony?
1. 14 kg
2. 16 kg
3. 10 kg
4. 8 kg
Answer: 3
Question: How much seed per hectare is needed for Berseem?
1. 18-22 kg
2. 25-30 kg
3. 30-35 kg
4. 15-20 kg
Answer: 2
Question: Which is a variety of Oat?
1. K-12
2. Naveen
3. LD-491
4. Kent
Answer: 4
Question: How much kg of sugarcane seed is required for sowing one hectare?
1. 7000-7500 kg
2. 5500-6000 kg
3. 8000-8500 kg
4. 5200-5500 kg
Answer: 1
Question: Which of the following is not matched?
1. Varuna -Irrigated or unirrigated condition
2. Vardan -Unirrigated condition
3. Narendra-85 -Saline soil
4. K-88 -Black grain
Answer: 4
Question: Which disease is not related to Bajra?
1. Green Ear
2. Ergot
3. Wilt
4. Rust
Answer: 3
Question: Which is not the symptom of Khaira disease?
1. Dark grey colour spots on leaves
2. Adverse effect on root growth
3. More diseases stop the crop growth
4. Stem of plants turn and fall down
Answer: 1
Question: In case of availability of two irrigations for wheat, at which critical stage crop should be irrigated?
1. Tillering and Flowering
2. Crown Root Initiation and Milking stage
3. Crown Root Initiation and Flowering
4. Late joint and Dough stage
Answer: 3
Question: What is the suitable Rabi maize variety?
1. Sharadmani
2. Azad Uttam
3. Naveen
4. Ganga -5
Answer: 1

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