Question: This is one of the best ‘poultry feed stuff’ and having good source of animal protein as it contains 34-55 percent protein-
1. Groundnut Cake
2. Fishmeal
3. Soyabean-meal
4. Linseed-meal
Answer: 2
Question: Which one of the following Indian breeds of sheep , you will suggest meat and carpet wool production?
1. Deccani
2. Nellore
3. Gaddi
4. Mandya
Answer: 4
Question: Under the head ‘Informatics in Agriculture’ which institute has developed Grape Expert System, Cabbage Pest Expert System?
1. National Institute of Agriculture Extension Management(MANAGE), Hyderbad
2. Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR), Banglore
3. Indian Agriculture Research Institute(IARI), New Delhi
4. Centre for Informetics Research and Advancement , Kerala(AGREX)
Answer: 2
Question: The ‘Eri’ Silkworm (Philosamia recini)which feeds on common castor-plant, is mainly raised in which of the following states, for producing eri-silk?
1. West Bengal
2. Bihar
3. Orissa
4. Himachal Pradesh
Answer: 1
Question: The Jawahar, Amber are considered as important and good varieties of maize used for-
1. Fodder
2. Quality Protein Maize
3. Orrisa
4. Pop-Corn
Answer: 2
Question: Which one of the following Rice varieties you will recommend for growing in saline areas of Haryana State?
1. Panvet-1
2. CSR 30
3. CST 7-1
4. HKR 126
Answer: 4
Question: Which of the Following states developed ‘Uzavaar Sandies’- an innovative model in agricultural marketing which involved direct sale of farm produce to the consumers?
1. Andhra Pradesh
2. Tamil Nadu
3. karnataka
4. UttaraKhand
Answer: 2
Question: Which seeding and fertilizer application equipments is developed by CCSHAU, Hisar centre?
1. Ridge Seeder
2. Two-row bullock-drawn FESPO plough
3. Tractor drawn planter
4. Malviya seed-cum fertilizer drill
Answer: 3
Question: The Shoot and fruit borers, jassids, spider mites and leaf rollers are the major pests of which of the following vegetable crops?
1. Tomato
2. Okra or Bhindi
3. Cucumber
4. Peas
Answer: 2
Question: The Larvae of which of the following Pests of Sorghum crop, cut growing points and cause dead-hearts ti the plant?
1. Aphids
2. Termites
3. Cutworms
4. Stem-Borer
Answer: 4

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