Question: The Minimum Support Price for Foodgrains was introduced in the year –
1. 1954
2. 1944
3. 1964
4. 1974
Answer: 3
Question: Soil factors are otherwise known as –
1. Climatic factors
2. Edaphic factors
3. Biotic factors
4. Physiographic factors
Answer: 2
Question: Which of the following is a commercial crop?
1. Cotton
2. Bajra
3. Jowar
4. Paddy
Answer: 1
Question: Triticum aestivum, the common bread wheat is –
1. Tetraploid
2. Hexaploid
3. Haploid
4. Diploid
Answer: 2
Question: Monoculture is a typical characteristics of –
1. Shifting cultivation
2. Subsitence farming
3. Specialized horticulture
4. Commercial grain farming
Answer: 4
Question: Which crop requires water-logging for its cultivation?
1. Tea
2. Coffee
3. Rice
4. Mustard
Answer: 3
Question: Agronomy is a branch of Agriculture that deals with –
1. Breeding of crop plants
2. Principles of field management
3. Principles and practice of crop production
4. Protection of crops from Diseases and Pests
Answer: 3
Question: Plant micronutrient is –
1. Carbon
2. Boron
3. Magnesium
4. Sulphur
Answer: 2
Question: Which gas is released from paddy fields?
1. CO2
2. H2S
3. CH4
4. NH3
Answer: 3
Question: Which two crops of the following are responsible for almost 75% of pulse production in India?
1. Gram and pigeon pea
2. Gram and moong bean
3. Moong bean and lentil
4. Pigeon pea and moong bean
Answer: 1
Question: Fire curing is followed in –
1. Bidi tobacco
2. Hookah tobacco
3. Cheroot tobacco
4. Chewing type tobacco
Answer: 4
Question: Groundnut pegs when developed in the soil from –
1. Tubers
2. Fruits
3. Stems
4. Roots
Answer: 2
Question: In Jute growing areas the usual alternate crop is –
1. Cotton
2. Wheat
3. Sugarcane
4. Rice
Answer: 4
Question: Neelum is a variety of –
1. Grape
2. Papaya
3. Mango
4. Apple
Answer: 3

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