Question: Whiptail is a disorder of cauliflower due to deficiency of –
1. Zinc
2. Boron
3. Potassium
4. Molybdenum
Answer: 4
Question: The colour of tomato is due to the presence of–
1. Carotene
2. Lycopin
3. Anthocyanin
4. Xanthomonas
Answer: 2
Question: Mastitis is a disease of which organ?
1. Uternus
2. Heart
3. Udder
4. Lung
Answer: 3
Question: Colostrum should be fed to newborn calves for –
1. 1/2 day
2. 1 day
3. 4 day
4. 10 day
Answer: 4
Question: Toda is breed of –
1. Cattle
2. Goat
3. Buffalo
4. Sheep
Answer: 3
Question: Mastitis in animals is due to –
1. Worms
2. Virus and Worms
3. Fungi and dry hand milking
4. Bacteria and Virus
Answer: 4
Question: Asexual reproduction includes –
1. Amphimixis
2. Apomixis
3. Allogamy
4. Autogamy
Answer: 3
Question: In India,gene bank of wheat is located at –
1. Kanpur
2. Ludhiana
3. Karnal
4. IARI, New Delhi
Answer: 3
Question: TPS technique is related to –
1. Tomato
2. Sugarcane
3. Potato
4. All of these
Answer: 3
Question: SRI is a techniqu used in –
1. Maize
2. Groundnut
3. Wheat
4. Rice
Answer: 4
Question: Numbers of agro-climate and ecological zones classified by ICAR respectively are –
1. 15,131
2. 131,8
3. 8,131
4. 21,15
Answer: 1
Question: The Green Revolution has mainly been successful for–
1. Wheat
2. Rice
3. Maize
4. Gram
Answer: 1

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