Question: Which one of the pathogens is monocylic?
1. Ustilago
2. Alternaria
3. Phytophthora
4. Puccinia
Answer: 1
Question: Caenocytic mycellium is found in –
1. Mastigomycotina
2. Deuteromycotina
3. Ascomycotina
4. None of these
Answer: 3
Question: Penicillin acts on-
1. Cell wall
2. RNA
3. Cell membrane
4. None of these
Answer: 1
Question: Blue colour tag is issued for –
1. Foundation seed
2. Certified seed
3. Nucleus seed
4. Foundation seed
Answer: 2
Question: Generally, cereals are deficient in –
1. Protein
2. Tryptophan
3. Methionine
4. Lysine
Answer: 1
Question: The book ‘Mutation Research’ is written by –
1. Muller
2. Stadler
3. Nilsson-Enle
4. Auerbach
Answer: 1
Question: Each anther has how many pollen sacs?
1. Four
2. Two
3. One
4. Three
Answer: 2
Question: Rice and wheat has how many stamens?
1. 3,3
2. 6,3
3. 3,6
4. 6,6
Answer: 1
Question: The chemical, which attracts opposite sex insects of a species, is known as –
1. Hormones
2. Allomones
3. Kairomones
4. Pheromones
Answer: 4
Question: Damaging satge of potato tuber month is –
1. Adult
2. Pupa
3. Larva
4. All of these
Answer: 3
Question: Piercing and sucking type mouth-parts are present in the insect –
1. Hemiptera
2. Orthoptera
3. Lepidoptera
4. Isoptera
Answer: 1
Question: Classification of insects and rules of their nomenclature comes under the branch –
1. Morphology
2. Taxonomy
3. Ecology
4. Physiology
Answer: 2
Question: Beetles belong to order–
1. Lepidoptera
2. Isoptera
3. Coleoptera
4. Diptera
Answer: 3
Question: Bacteriophage virus is the–
1. Bacterial virus
2. Fungal Virus
3. Algal virus
4. Protozoal virus
Answer: 1
Question: Micro-organism,which can grow at higher temperature, is called
1. Thermophils
2. Mesophils
3. Phycrophils
4. None of these
Answer: 1
Question: Who has first time seen the micro-organism?
1. Robert Koch
2. John Tyndall
3. Antonie van Leeuwenhoek
4. Louis Pasteur
Answer: 4

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