Question: Which is not true in case of lentil?
1. Chromosome-14
2. I.P.L.-High yield
3. Seed rate-35-40 kg
4. Quantity of proten in lentil seed-18%
Answer: 2
Question: Which is not a variety of Vegetable Pea?
1. Arkel
2. Azad Pea-3
3. Pant Matar-2
4. Aparna
Answer: 4
Question: How many days old paddy seedling is used for SRI technology?
1. 8-12 days
2. 12-15 days
3. 25-30 days
4. 30-35 days
Answer: 1
Question: How much nursery area is required for transplanting one hectare of paddy crop?
1. 1000 m2
2. 750 m2
3. 500 m2
4. 250-400 m2
Answer: 1
Question: Which variety is not susceptible to insects & disease?
1. Pant Dhan-10
2. Govind
3. Narenda Dhan-2
4. Saket-4
Answer: 4
Question: Which paddy variety is not suitable for upland situation?
1. Narendra Dhan-I
2. Renu
3. Saraju-52
4. Narendra Dhan-118
Answer: 1
Question: Where is the Headquarters (HQuestion:) of F.A.O.?
1. Rome
2. Washington
3. New York
4. Venezuela
Answer: 4
Question: Which is the highest digestible protein fodder in the following?
1. Lucerne
2. Cowpea
3. Clusterbean
4. Berseem
Answer: 4
Question: How much biomass in quintal per hectare is obtained from green manure of the sunnhemp and dhaincha crops?
1. 300-325 quintals
2. 225-275 quntals
3. 200-225 quintals
4. 325-350 quintals
Answer: 1

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